Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2324103-I-Cant-Die-Yet-----Chapter-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Emotional · #2324103
The story of a girl who seeks out on an adventure to find her true love!- but as a slave?!
HELLLOO~~ I'm Akame Akiyama. A 16-year-old girl with the best life you can think of. I have a loving mother and father and I have the greatest friends! I have a great school with great teachers too! My school is so nice to me, and everyone around me loves me! But....no one has never actually said it. I've never received a" I love you" from anyone before. Not even my parents have told me that. But I guess requesting just a sentence is pretty selfish. So I'll enjoy my life to the fullest! " Hi! Hello! Heya! How'reya!" I greeted all of my friends while walking through the hall in school. I went to class and was welcomed with a warm smile. I sat down and had class. I had a delicious lunch made by my loving mother. I had good and lovely friends. Everything is perfect! I love my life. I was walking back home and everyone greeted me. I walked by a store and saw a man breaking up with his girlfriend and when he looked like he was about to hit her I came in and stopped him. "Hey! You can't just hit a girl!" I told the guy to back off but he just smiled. Before I knew it I got slapped! "This is all because of you *itch!" said the girl who slapped me in tears. The guy pushed her and called a slut then proposed to me! I was so confused so I ran out of the store to my house.

"Mum!" I was calling her from every angle of the house but she wasn't there! I called out to Dad but I didn't see him anywhere. I ran to the basement when I heard noises and saw Mum and Dad talking. "Mum!" I asked her where she's been and she just smiled and said that she and Dad were talking. I told them about the slapping incident when we settled in the sitting room. I asked them why other people have it hard and why I have it so easy. They just kept quiet and just smiled. They were always smiling and were never mad. I asked them about and they still kept smiling in silence. Then I went ahead to land the bomb. " Mum, Dad.. you guys have never said that you love me. Why is th---"

"Just shut up!!!" I was shocked. "How dare you! After forcing us to pretend to love you, you come with your selfish ass to ask us that question?!!" "Honey.... Remember what we're getting in exchange. I agree with you. We can't keep on having this trash in our lives." I was speechless. I started apologizing. I didn't want this life to end. "P-Please! I'm so sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry-" "Shut up!" My dad pushed me to the ground. Let's just kill her now. We were planning to do it later anyway."

What? My head was spinning. I stood up to run away but my legs gave out. I didn't want the realization to hit me. " Hey! Why are you running? This was fated for you anyway!" I tried my best to stand up and run. My mom was chasing me and I fell downstairs, hitting my head really hard. I stood up will all the strength I had, still refusing to cry I ran as fast as I could to the door and as ran across the road, I realized something- Dad wasn't there.

*TTHHHUUDD!!!!!*The car hit me and I was sent flying. I felt myself in mid-air, feeling a mixture of comfiness and pain. As I hit the ground, I didn't feel anything but sleepiness. But I knew what came after that, so I tried my best to stay conscious, but the more I tried the more pain and mixed emotions flew into me. I saw someone... It was my best friend, Jasie! I tried to call out her name, " Jasseehhh.." But more pain came after that. "EEEWWW!!!" Huh? "She's finally gone but this is disgusting!" I saw my friends look at me in disgust as they left complaining about why they became my friends in the first place.

I heard my father and mother jumping for joy and laughing as they celebrated. " We finally have the money babe!" "76 FRICKIN billion dollars!!!" Billions? Dollars? Questions were slapping my brain all the way to the centre as I saw blurry people walk past me. I saw my Grandma walk up to me. I thought that my precious Grandma would at least, take my side at the very end. " I hate you. You disgust me. How wish my Grandson had married another woman, he wouldn't have died."


What? Then that means Dad's not my real Dad?! Then what money were they talking about? Was it an inheritance? Why did my Grandma say that? "I hate you." As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I cried. Through the pain from the crash and betrayal..." I hate you". That was what made me cry. How wish I at least had found actual love in my life. There was nothing else to conclude from this incident--- I was never loved. I wish I could just have had a second chance...

My final moments were people kicking sand at my body. As I closed my eyes filled with tears, I wished one last time. " How wish I had a second chance...."


" Man... Aphrodite hated this girl. OI! " Huh? Where am I? "I'm calling ya!" Me? Wait! I can't speak! And I'm naked! I covered my body but there wasn't much to cover. I've lost all my racks. Both front and back. Where am I ?! I waved since I couldn't but I was floating! " Don't worry, since you have now my attention... This is complicated." Huh? " APHRODITE!!!" Just then a HOT female person came out. She was so pretty and she was... VOLUPTIOUS!!!

I-I-I-I mean just look at them, and look at me! As I was mumbling, I looked up and saw " WTF" written all over their faces. " You know we can hear your thoughts...right?" Now " Embarrassed" was written all over my face. " Human." I looked at her and was shocked because she was giving me the most disgusting look in the grand theft auto. " Hades... Why did you bring you bring me here?" She was giving the most bombastic-iest side eye ever! Does she hate me? "Yes, I do." That was quick. Just then I remembered the death stuff and got pretty sad. "Aphrodite." The dude came out of the shadows, and holy! Was .he. hot

If I'm here that means that about to go to the afterlife. "Exactly...." He was scribbling something on paper and then showed it to me. " But, you're not going to go." Huh?

Sign here

He even spelled my name wrong! Wait- That's not it! Cursed? Wish? "Exactly. Aphrodite, I think you can explain." " TCH. " "*sigh..* Her phoenix chose you over her when you were born, and so she cursed you out of anger in that moment to never find love and always have misfortune and death. But now I know that, and she can't break the curse, she'll have to grant you any wish you want." ANY? "Don't go demanding things because I owe you." Ummm... What I wish for..-- AHA!

I wish that I reincarnate, keep my memories, and keep on until I find my true love.

" What?" You cursed me for something I didn't choose to happen. This should be easy for you shouldn't it? You ruined my life and made me feel unimaginable pain so you have to take responsibility right? Aren't you a goddess? Because your pet me chose me over you, you took out your anger on a child. Don't you think that's a bit childish? "Enough. She'll grant your wish. Stop talking... It wasn't just a pet, so don't pry." OH MY GOD! What did I just say to a goddess? No, even if she was human, that was too much! I'm so sorry-- " It's okay. I agree with you. Your wish shall be granted, but I can't remove the curse so you'll have to rely on yourself to do most of the job. "

Thank you so much! I felt a tingle in my stomach and I felt sleepy. I just floated trying to stay awake, but sleep beat me. I woke up in a lab and saw I was in a whole different place. I looked around and I was on a desk with different papers on it. I saw the papers had doctory stuff on them. Information immediately flew into my head. I saw a glass of water and it looked like I drank it before I slept. I wanted to take another sip, but then I instantly threw it on the ground. It was poisoned. It looks like the owner of the body drank it and then died. But why? I looked in a mirror and I thanked all the Gods in heaven.

I had boobs! Oh yeah! These babies were soft and big! But my shoulders hurt.. *creak* Who there? I looked and saw a surprised guy, looking at me in awe. Looks like he was the one that planned it. Hey. " Y-Yes!" You know what you did, right? "I-I-i'm so sorry! Please don---" I won't anyone. On one condition. "..." I want you to share some tea with me. And tell me everything you know.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2324103-I-Cant-Die-Yet-----Chapter-1