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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2323794
Two female vampire hunters are fighting to Dracula, but they know for being blue trap.
In 1889, there was nightest town was in the middle of a peculiar crisis. Dracula was risen from his slumber, and his castle stood tall and menacing on the hill overlooking the village. The townsfolk had gathered in the town square, their whispers filled with fear and uncertainty. Two young women, Ai Madona and Marin Shota, pushed through the throng of people. Ai, with her fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes, was known for her quick wit and sharp tongue. Marin, a gentle soul with a penchant for botany, had a mysterious air about her that often made people feel at ease in her presence.

Soon they are rushing to the graveyard, the setting sun casting long shadows across the uneven ground. The air is thick with tension as they approach the ancient crypt, the source of the disturbing whispers that had plagued the town. The once quiet night is now pierced by the howling of wolves in the distance, adding to the eerie atmosphere that hangs over the cemetery.

"We must hurry," Ai urged, her eyes scanning the horizon as the last sliver of sun disappeared behind the castle. The shadows grew longer, and the whispers grew louder, almost a chant now, echoing through the graveyard.

Then they encountered some any zombies, their decayed limbs reaching out for the warmth of the living. Ai unsheathed her whip, cracking it through the air with a sharp sound that made the undead flinch. "Stay close, Marin," she instructed, her voice steady despite the racing of her heart.

Marin nodded, her hand tightening around the stake she had brought along. She had studied the lore of Dracula's reign and knew that they had to find the source of the disturbance before nightfall. The whispers grew to a crescendo as they reached the crypt's heavy, iron-bound door. It stood ajar, the hinges groaning a silent invitation to the horrors within.

With a deep breath, Ai pushed the door open, revealing a chamber filled with cobwebs and the faint scent of decay. Torches flickered on the walls, casting an eerie glow that danced on the dusty stone floor. The two women stepped inside, their footsteps echoing through the cold, damp space. The whispers grew louder, a cacophony of voices that seemed to come from all around them.

Then, they entered the some nature room, with blue trees towering over them, their leaves glinting with an otherworldly light.

"It's pretty here." Ai murmured, her eyes wide with amazement as they took in the surreal sight of the blue-leafed forest. The trees, though seemingly made of stone, had a soft luminescence that bathed the area in a serene blue glow.

But suddenly, some blue tentacles are shooting out from the ground, wrapping themselves around Ai's ankles. She tries to pull away, but they're too strong. "Marin, watch out!" she cries, her voice tinged with fear.

Marin's eyes widen as she sees the tentacles, and she got wrapped out of her momentary tranquility. "Ai!" she shouts, dropping her stake and sprinting over to her friend. She tries to untangle the grip of the tentacles, her heart pounding in her chest. The ground trembles slightly, and the tentacles tighten their hold.

Then, some blue tentacles are putting in their buttholes, and it's shocking and weird. Also, the blue tentacles are putting to the girls' mouths and they're forced to taste something really sweet and addictive.

It seems the blue tentacles are force feeding with blue juice, their taste buds overwhelmed by the intense sweetness that coats their mouths. Ai and Marin struggle against the slimy embrace, gagging on the thick, viscous liquid that fills their senses.

But Ai and Marin are looking to their bodies are colored blue, starting from their mouths and moving down to their toes. They realize it's not juice, but a strange, potent berry essence that the tentacles are feeding them.

"What is happening to us?" Marin chokes out, her voice muffled by the tentacle in her mouth. The panic in her eyes is clear even in the soft blue light.

Ai spits out the tentacle and gasps for air. "It's... it's changing us!" she says, her voice strained. "We have to get out of here!"

The tentacles seem to sense their panic and begin to pull them deeper into the forest, the sweetness in the air growing stronger. The girls' bodies continue to change, their skin now a vibrant shade of blue that matches the leaves above. Their strength wanes, replaced by a strange, languid feeling that makes it hard to resist the tentacles' embrace.

Then, Marin and Ai are swelling up, their bodies ballooning with the potent berry essence.

The tentacles, now thicker and more insistent, lift them off the ground, their legs kicking in futile protest. The blueberries from which the essence is drawn seem to pulse with a dark energy, and the girls feel themselves expanding, their clothes stretching tight around their inflating forms.

"MMMMPPRRHHH!!" Ai's muffled screams filled the air as her body grew larger by the second, the blue berry essence filling her like a balloon. Marin's eyes grew wide with horror as she watched her friend's transformation, feeling her own body succumb to the same fate.

The tentacles, now covered in a sticky, sugary residue, continued to feed the potent essence into their mouths, the sweetness becoming almost unbearable. Their cheeks bulged, and their eyes watered from the sheer intensity of the flavor. Their bodies are now spherical and naked, their clothes torn away by the force of their expansion.

Marin's thoughts raced as she felt herself growing larger, the essence coursing through her veins like a river of sweet fire. Her skin stretched taut, the blue color deepening to a midnight hue as she grew to an enormous size. The tentacles wrapped around them like a cocoon, their tips glowing with an eerie light that matched their skin.

Then, the tentacles are stopped growing them, leaving them both suspended in the air, their bodies taut and round like giant blueberries.

The chamber grew quiet, the whispers subsiding to an uneasy silence. Ai and Marin hung in the air, their inflated bodies glistening with the sticky residue of the berry essence. They looked at each other, their eyes wide with shock and confusion, their breaths coming in short, panicked gasps.

"We... we have to get out of here," Ai managed to say, her voice strained against the pressure of her swollen body.

Soon, they notice that the tentacles are retreating back into the ground, leaving them floating in the air, still filled to the brim with the potent berry essence.

With the tentacles gone, Ai and Marin slowly descend to the ground, their inflated bodies bobbing gently. They touch the floor with a soft squish, their legs wobbly beneath them. They look at each other, the gravity of their situation setting in. "What have we become?" Marin whispers, her eyes filled with a mix of terror and awe.

Ai tries to stand upright but can't. Her body is too round, too heavy. "We're... we're like the berries," she says, her voice trembling. "We need to find a way to get back to normal."

"I think for that." Marina says, "But first, we need to get out of here."

Then, Ai looked at Marina's butt. It seems that Ai felt her own love. "There's gonna be to fight Dracula? Ai, you are okay for-!" Marin cut off as she saw the determination in Ai's eyes.

Ai got blushed in embrassment. "Ai..." Marin began, but she was cut off by Ai kissing her with her lips against Marin's, her tongue pushing into her mouth, tasting the sweetness of the berry essence still lingering there. The kiss was passionate and urgent, a declaration of love in the face of the unknown.

Marin melted into the embrace, her fear momentarily forgotten. Their breasts, now swollen to the size of beach balls, pressed against each other, the softness of their inflated bodies contrasting with the harsh reality of their situation.

"I was like a pervert." Ai says, breaking away from the kiss and blushing even more deeply. Then, she sucking Marin's big naked breast.

Marin gasps, a mix of shock and pleasure, but before she can protest, Ai's mouth is full of her, suckling hard. The berry essence inside her seems to respond to the sensation, sending waves of sweetness through her body. Marin's knees buckle, and she falls back into Ai's arms, which are surprisingly strong despite her inflated state.

"Are you.....dating to me??" Marin stuttered, her voice muffled by Ai's relentless suckling.

Ai pulled away, her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of blue. "I... I don't know what came over me. I just... I love you, Marin," she admitted, her eyes filled with sincerity.

Marin's heart raced, and she could feel the warmth spreading through her body. "I love you too, Ai," she murmured, her voice filled with relief and acceptance.

Their passion grew, and their bodies, still inflated and sticky with berry essence, began to move against each other. Ai's hands roamed over Marin's curvy form, exploring every inch of her newfound size. The sensation was overwhelming, the sweetness of the berries mixing with the heat of their desire.

And then, Marin sucking Ai's vagina with her mouth hard. The blue berry essence inside them seemed to amplify their senses, making every touch, every kiss, every caress feel more intense than ever before. Ai's moans filled the chamber, echoing off the stone walls as Marin's tongue danced around her sensitive folds.

"Marin....I'm going to...to..." Ai's voice trailed off as she felt an intense climax building within her. Her body quivered with pleasure, the blue berry essence inside her pulsating in time with her racing heart.

"So am I-Mmprh!" Marin's words were muffled as Ai's body began to convulse around her face, the blue berry essence within her swirling and pulsing with every wave of pleasure. Her tongue continued to flick and tease, savoring the sweetness that seemed to meld with Ai's own flavor.

Their passion grew more urgent, as they cummed together in the strange blue light of the chamber. Their inflated bodies trembled with the intensity of their shared climax, the sweetness of the berry essence seeming to peak along with their pleasure.

As they lay there, gasping for breath. "Ai...I realized you love me with my big butt." Marin said with a shy smile, her cheeks still flushed from their intimate encounter.

Ai chuckled, "I always have, but now it's...it's just...wow." She leaned in and kissed Marin again, their blue-tinted lips meeting in a gentle embrace. "I learned a blueberry inflation spell that I wanted to show you," Marin confessed, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "But I never imagined it would turn us into this."

They both looked down at their bodies, still massive and round from the potent berry essence. "Well, it's definitely something new," Ai said, her voice filled with both amusement and concern. They had to figure out how to reverse the spell before the town was overrun by monsters.

Which their girls' luck, their bodies turned back into normal figure size.

As they kissed, Ai felt the berry essence inside her begin to dissipate, her body slowly shrinking back to its normal size. The pressure around her waist and chest eased, and she took a deep, grateful breath as her clothes fell back into place. Marin pulled away, looking just as surprised as Ai felt.

"What's happening?" Marin whispered, her hands moving over her now-normal body.

"It seems the spell is wearing off," Ai said, her own voice filled with wonder. They both looked around the chamber, now bathed in the soft light of the returning dawn. The blue trees had lost their luminescence, and the air no longer hummed with the strange whispers. Their skin are back into a natural color.

Marin picked up her discarded stake and helped Ai to her feet. "We can't let Dracula know we're here," she said, her voice firm with resolve. "We need to find any clothes that aren't ruined and get back to the village."

They searched the chamber, finding their torn and useless garments scattered around them. They managed to piece together some semblance of modesty, the fabric clinging to their sticky skin. As they made their way out of the room, the whispers grew fainter, the tentacles nowhere to be seen.

Just then, they wear a new clothes that they found hidden in the corner of the chamber, which somehow fit their normal sizes perfectly. Ai took a moment to appreciate the fine craftsmanship, her mind racing with questions about who could have left them here.

"We need to be careful," Marin warned, her eyes scanning the crypt. "Dracula's minions could be anywhere."

Ai nodded, her grip tightening on her whip. "We stick together, and we'll make it through this," she said with a confidence that didn't quite match the tremble in her voice.

Soon they going to the any rooms, fighting any monsters. They encountered a group of skeletons, their bones clattering as they shambled towards the two young women. Ai cracked her whip, the sound echoing through the crypt. "Stay behind me," she told Marin, her voice steady.

Marin nodded, her hand tight on her stake. As the skeletons approached, Ai swung her whip, knocking the first one aside with a satisfying crunch. The second skeleton swiped at her with a bony hand, but she dodged and countered with a swift kick to its ribcage, sending it flying into a wall.

Their newfound agility was surprising, almost as if the berry essence had imbued them with some sort of power. They fought in tandem, their movements fluid and precise. Ai's whip danced through the air, wrapping around the ankles of their undead foes and tripping them up, while Marin's stake found its mark time and time again, sending them crumbling to the ground.

The skeletons were relentless, but the girls were fueled by adrenaline and the strange berry power that still lingered within them. Each victory brought a grim satisfaction, but also a sense of dread as they knew that the real threat lay ahead.

They pushed deeper into the crypt, the air growing colder and the whispers more insistent. The corridors twisted and turned, leading them to a grand chamber with a throne at its center. Upon the throne sat a figure shrouded in darkness, the only indication of its presence the glowing red eyes that pierced the gloom.

"Dracula," Ai murmured, her voice a mix of dread and determination.

Marin gripped her stake tighter, her heart pounding in her chest. "We have to end this," she whispered.

The figure on the throne remained still, the only sound the hiss of its breath, like a serpent waiting to strike. The whispers grew louder, seemingly coming from the very stones of the chamber.

"We're not going to let you win," Ai called out, her voice echoing through the vast space. She took a step forward, her whip crackling like a bolt of lightning in the darkness.

The figure on the throne began to rise, the shadows parting to reveal the vampire lord in all his monstrous glory. His eyes narrowed, and a malicious smile spread across his face. "You think you can defeat me?" he sneered. "Mortals, always so predictable."

Ai and Marin exchanged a quick glance, their resolve unwavering. "We have the power of the god," Ai shouted back, her voice filled with conviction.

Dracula chuckled, a sound that sent chills down their spines. "The god? How quaint. But even gods can't save you from me."

He spread his arms wide, and from the shadows emerged an onslaught of bats, swarming towards them with teeth bared and wings beating furiously. Ai and Marin braced themselves, their hearts racing as the creatures closed in. Instinctively, Ai's whip lashed out, sending a wave of electricity through the air that disintegrated the leading edge of the bat swarm. The stench of burnt fur filled the chamber, and the remaining bats recoiled, shrieking in pain.

Marin stepped up beside her, her eyes never leaving Dracula. "We've come too far to back down now," she murmured, her voice steady.

The vampire's smile grew wider. "Very well," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Let's see what this 'power of the god' truly is."

With a dramatic flourish, he lifted his hand, and the walls of the chamber began to rumble. The floor split open, revealing a pit of writhing, shadowy tendrils that reached out for the girls. They leaped back, their eyes wide with fear and excitement.

Ai's whip snaked out, cutting through the tendrils like a hot knife through butter. They retreated with a hiss, only to be replaced by a new wave of monsters: goblins, zombies, and giant spiders that scuttled across the floor, their eyes gleaming with hunger.

Marin and Ai fought some monsters one by one, soon Ai pulled her whip, finishing the Dracula out of his heart, "It's over!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the chamber.

"Nooo, how could this be?" Dracula's roar of disbelief filled the chamber as he stumbled backward, clutching at the smoking hole in his chest. The once powerful vampire looked frail and weak, the light in his eyes fading.

Marin stepped forward, her stake still at the ready. "Your reign of terror ends here," she said, her voice firm.

Ai's eyes searched the room, the adrenaline still pumping through her veins. The whispers had ceased, and the crypt grew eerily quiet, save for the distant echo of their footsteps and the fading moans of the defeated monsters.

Dracula's form began to waver, his body dissolving into a cloud of dark mist. "You pay for this!" He roared, his voice now distant and strained. The mist swirled around them, thick and choking, as the vampire lord made one last desperate attempt to escape.

Ai's eyes narrowed, her whip crackling with energy. "Not so fast," she growled, and she lashed out, the tip of the whip piercing the center of the misty form. Electricity arced through the mist, and Dracula let out a piercing scream. The mist grew denser, coalescing around the whip, trying to pull it away from Ai's grasp.

Marin saw her chance and dashed forward, driving her stake through the heart of the mist. There was a deafening boom, and the entire chamber was bathed in a blinding light. When the light faded, Dracula was gone, his throne crumbling into dust.

Panting, they stared at the spot where he had been, their muscles tense and ready for another attack. But the crypt remained still, the air now devoid of the malevolent presence that had filled it moments ago. The whispers had ceased, leaving only the quiet sound of their own breathing.

"Is it... over?" Marin asked, her voice tentative.

Ai nodded, her grip on the whip slowly loosening. "It's over," she confirmed, a note of disbelief in her voice. "We did it."

They looked at each other, the gravity of what they had just accomplished sinking in. The two lesbian vampire hunters had faced the legendary Dracula and emerged victorious. Their bond had been tested and had grown stronger through their shared trials.

Exhausted but triumphant, they made their way out of the crypt, the weight of their victory heavy on their shoulders. The moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the graveyard. They stepped into the night, the cool air a stark contrast to the stifling heat of the crypt.

"What now?" Marin wondered aloud as they walked away from the castle.

Ai looked at her, a small smile playing on her lips. "Now, we are ready for our blueberry transformation."

Marin giggled, as she uses her blueberry inflation spell at themselves, their bodies began to swell and distort, the fabric of their newfound clothes got ripped out. They watched in amazement as their forms grew rounder, softer, and bluer, their skin taking on the shade of the berries that had given them their power.

"This is...unexpected," Ai said, her voice strained as she felt her body stretch and change.

Marin's laughter grew louder, her cheeks flushing with excitement. "It's incredible!" she exclaimed, her hands tracing the new curves that had formed.

The transformation was not painful, but it was certainly disorienting. They had to lean against each other for support as they grew larger and larger, their feet lifting off the ground. The sensation was unlike anything they had ever felt before, a strange mix of euphoria and disbelief.

As they stopped growing, their bodies are now spherical and naked, their faces the only human features left visible. They bobbed slightly in the air, their new forms supported by the buoyant berry essence that filled them. They giggled nervously, the reality of their transformation setting in.

Then Ai and Marin are kissed each other, their lips brushing against the soft, plump berry flesh that now covered their faces. The sensation was oddly comforting, a reminder of the intimate bond they had formed during their ordeal. They pulled away, their eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation.

"Yeah, will you let me, Ai? Will you kiss me? Will you become mine? Will you marry me?" Marin blurted out, her eyes wide with hope and love.

Ai's heart skipped a beat. She had never thought about marriage before, but as she looked into Marin's eager face, she knew she didn't want to let her go. "Yes," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Yes, I'll marry you."

Their kiss grew more passionate, their plump berry forms pressing against each other. They could feel the warmth of their love, as well as the warmth of their transformed bodies. The berry essence pulsed within them, and their passion grew, the desire to be one consuming them entirely.

"Now, we are married somehow." Marin said with a laugh, her voice filled with joy and a hint of nerves.

Ai nodded, her blueberry form quivering with excitement. "Somehow, yes," she replied, a smile spreading across her plump berry face.

Marin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "We should celebrate," she suggested, her voice a low purr.

Ai's cheeks grew even redder, and she nodded eagerly. They had defeated Dracula and discovered a new aspect of themselves. The berry essence that had transformed them still hummed with power, and they could feel it coursing through their veins, making them feel alive in a way they never had before.

Soon, the next day. "Ai, you are pregnant!" Marin's voice was a mix of shock and excitement as she looked at the glowing berry-shaped protrusion on Ai's stomach.

"What?" Ai's eyes widened as she placed a hand on her belly, feeling the gentle warmth and movement beneath her skin. "How is this possible?"

Marin's smile grew as she took Ai's hand in her own. "I don't know, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the berries. Maybe they've given us mor harvest."

Ai's mind raced with questions and excitement. "A berry baby," she murmured, her hand moving to cover the small bulge. The thought was both thrilling and terrifying, but she knew she wasn't alone. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.

Then, Ai was already gave birth to a baby blueberry girl, her eyes wide with wonder as she looked down at the tiny berry-shaped creature in her arms. The baby giggled, her plump cheeks dimpling, and Marin's heart swelled with love. They had named her Azul Mei, a blend of their names and a nod to the berries that had brought them together.

Three naked blueberry girls, now a family, they looked at each other with wonder and love. The bond they shared was stronger than any they had ever known, and the little berry-child in their arms was a testament to their bravery and the strange magic that had transformed them. A new family, a new life for Ai and Marin, filled with uncertainty and excitement.
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