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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323654
Work in progress

I finally came to the decision of what outfit to wear, I swear
I have tried on every single piece of clothing I own until I
was finally satisfied with an outfit. I did pull the clothing
out that I was intending on wearing but when I put it on I was
not comfortable with the way I looked. So, I am glad that I
decided to get up and start getting ready when I did,
otherwise I still would be throwing clothing around my
I realize that I wasted an awful lot of time doing just that,
and it is now 11:15, and I am getting very nervous. My palms
are all sweaty and I keep on going to look at my reflection in
the mirror. Brandi has been following my every move, I know
she is probably starving by now and wants me to stop fucking
around and feed her already. I finally say to her, “let’s go
girl, mommy will feed you now.” She is more than ready as she
goes running in front of me to the kitchen and is there
waiting as I get her food and feed her. I give her 2 cans
instead of one, that way I know that she will be set for the
day, just in case I get home later than what I intend.
I just wish I knew what this man had planned for us, I might
be a little more relaxed if I knew, but then again, I think
maybe I wouldn’t, I might be even more nervous. I hate this, I
hate the whole first date thing. I hate being worried about
saying the wrong thing, doing something stupid or just having
the person think what an idiot I asked out on a date. I catch
myself pacing back and forth, talking to myself trying to calm
myself down, he is just a guy for God’s sake it isn’t like you
were never out on a date with one before.
Ok I look at the clock and it is now 11:55, he will be here to
pick me up in five minutes, I think with a huge sigh. I can
do this, I go into the bathroom and go over my reflection
again, pushing a piece of hair here, and apply a little more
lip gloss to my lips. I believe I licked all the gloss that I
previously applied off my lips in an action of my nervousness.

I hear a knock at my door, as Brandi jumps off the counter and
makes a bee line for my bedroom. Oh my God he is here, well
of course I think to myself what was I expecting, he is
picking you up. I go to the front door and take a deep breath
as I open the door to see the stunning Warren Davenport
standing there with a dozen pink roses. He greets me with
that gorgeous smile of his, “Hi Sophie, these are for you.” I
am shocked I never got flowers from a guy, let alone on the
first date.
I smile and can feel my face flush as I say, “Hi Warren, thank
you so much. You really didn’t need to do that.” As I take
the flowers he has extended out to me I invite him in and tell
him to make himself comfortable as I take the flowers into the
kitchen to put into water. I am looking for something to put
them into, I have no vases, like I said I never received
flowers before. So, I find a pitcher in my cabinet and fill
that with water to place the gorgeous roses into. It looks
kind of dumb, but it will have to do for now, I guess I will
have to invest in a vase just in case I ever get flowers
I begin to tell him that I must find a place to put them so
that the mischievous Brandi doesn’t find them. I am not sure
how she will react to flowers. I tell him about the cat my
mom had and how he loved to eat flowers. I guess the cat
thought it was grass or something but went bonkers for
flowers. So, I don’t risk letting these gorgeous roses within
reach for Brandi.
He is talking to me about different things and asks me where
Brandi is, and I tell him that she is a scared cat when it
comes to strangers. But she warms up quickly to people and
that he may not get to meet her today, but that maybe the next
time he is here she may decide to make a debut. I explain
that when he knocked she ran into my bedroom and is probably
safely hidden under my bed, not to mention all the clothing
that I have tossed all over in there.

I am so nervous, I can’t believe it, “I wasn’t sure about what
to wear today, because I didn’t know what you had planned. I
was glad to see that you were dressed casually when I opened
the door. You don’t know how afraid I was at being
underdressed. I was going to give you a call and get a hint
so that I would dress accordingly but decided I didn’t want to
ruin your surprise.”
He laughs at me and says, “I would have been sure to tell you
if you would have had to dress formally. We will have to make
a stop back here though later to get changed, for the plans I
have this evening.” As he says that I feel my head turn his
way and feel my eyes bulging out of my head. As he is looking
at me and chuckling. I believe he is reading into what my
expression means as he says, “no worries Sophie, I think you
will enjoy the day that I have planned for us.” He continues
with, “I know I am looking forward to spending today with
God this guy is amazing, he is too perfect this is not going
to turn out well. I already know that, I am setting myself up
for disaster, disaster of myself. I laugh and respond, “I am
sure I will enjoy today also, I am looking forward to getting
to know Mr. Davenport better.”
He tells me that he won’t be too happy if I continue to call
him Mr. Davenport all day, because that is his father. We
both chuckle as we head out the door for our first date,
hopefully just the first of many more to come.
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