Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322598-Hero-from-the-Void-Chapter-1-part-4
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322598
Extera and Anti travel around the town, and they learn something important...
I wake up in the morning, or, I think it's morning. Everything is still too dark for my liking, and I'm still getting used to seeing a lot of colors. I found a nice yellow tee shirt and some tan pants and put them on. I look in the mirror to check my hair, and fix it before heading down to the main room. Anti is already there, sipping some sort of drink.

"Hey, you're up."

"Yeah... I don't like nighttime."

I was so scared last night, waking up to everything being pitch black. for a second I thought I was in nothing, about to be erased from existence. I sat down with him and let him finish his drink. He sets the drink down and says, "So, do you know about secret powers?" I stare for a bit.

"No? what are they?"

"A secret power is something that Voidlings get at a random time once leaving the Void. The power is random, but you also get a secret weakness. this weakness isn't random and corresponds to your power. It's very deadly to you, and acts differently to all Voidlings."

"Have you met other Voidlings?"

"Yes, actually. I have met two others. the first one is the queen of the kingdom we are in, Monstrosia. She's been around for longer than me, about seven years. Then we had another guy, but no one knew what happened to him. He seemingly vanished."

I hold my breath. The chances are low but I feel like one of them is someone I know. I just hope it wasn't the guy who vanished...

"So, let's go out and explore the town. You need to know more if you're staying here."

He and I both go out. It's a bustling day, people are opening their street side shops, some people have shops in buildings, and many people are out shopping and going from one place to another. I'm amazed by how many people are out and about, since we didn't have that many people out in the Void.

People stop and greet Anti, he seems to be famous around here. People ask him questions, some easy, and some so hard I'm not sure most people would even know, but he gets it right.

"You're rather famous around here, Anti."

"I'm a famed scientist, even though I'm only about 18. I've done so much ground breaking things in the past five years people trust me."

I walk with him to a lot of places. we finally end by going to a bar, and we eat lunch. the people behind us are whispering to each other, obviously telling themselves some bizarre story. I'm almost done with my lunch when one of them taps Anti on the shoulder.

"Hey, your Anti, right?"

"Yes, that would be me."

They look at each other nervously before continuing.

"We are from the hero agency, scouting division, and we found something bizarre. we need your help."

Anti and I follow them to a little stone building. Inside is a jail cell and a table. I realize this is a holding base for prisoners. In one holding cell is some crazed person, gone mad. The thing that bothers me is that a black liquid is coming from their eyes, nose, and mouth. they are chanting something about the doom of this world. Anti looks amused.

"This is rather something. give me a minute to collect some samples and such. I'll get to work at my lab and give you an answer on this by tomorrow."

Anti collects some of the liquid, and takes a device and scans their head, all while avoiding the man's arms, flailing at him. We leave and head back home, where Anti goes to a room and gets to work. He samples the liquid and it turns out to be ink. The scan on his head also shows data I can't understand. Anti looks at this data with a worried look.

"It can't be true. I need to go to the study room. Come with me please."

We head to the study room, and It's filled with books, and in the corner is a small desk with two chairs and a lamp. Anti grabs a handful of books, goes to the desk and turns on the lamp, flipping through the books and stopping at random pages.

He gets to a book called "Incarnations and Godlikes" before he stops at one page for the longest time. The book has a Inky looking guy on it, with the name "Shuxle, Ink demon, Godlike of chaos."

"This is as I feared."

"What... What is it?"

Anti looks at me, worry on his face. "The Ink demon Shuxle is planning an invasion to take over the whole world."
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322598-Hero-from-the-Void-Chapter-1-part-4