Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322362-Hero-from-the-void-Chapter-1-part-3
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322362
Extera is unconscious, and a new person is introduced as a main character...
My name is Anti. I never really needed a last name. I was sitting in my lab, looking at more studies, trying to figure out something, I can't really recall, when a silent buzzer goes off. I leap to the camera system.

This is unusual....

Most people can't even get inside this house if they wanted to. the only reason that alarm goes off is if someone teleports in, or does something else along those lines. The camera shows a kid around my age. his clothing is pure white. He looks humanoid, but he has red eyes with pure black pupils. His hair is a kind of maroon color. He looks scared and lost, and I can tell what he is and where he came from.

I need to make this quick, but to not alarm him... How will I do this?

I walk in the next room and find him there. He moved somewhat fast... I try to get his attention. He turns around, scared out of his mind it looks like. "It's fine, I'm only here to-" He then notices the door and bolts. I chase after him, calling for him. It's raining and rather dangerous in the town right now, If anything were to happen to someone who recently came out of the void, who knows what-

He then falls, landing on his head, out cold.

Or that could happen... I need to get him back quickly.

I rush him back to my house. his clothing, being made of a void material, will only last so long before it deteriorates. I get him cleaned up and put some spare clothes on him. I'm wondering what to say to him for some time... I don't really have visitors, I prefer to be left alone. I decide to at least do him a favor. I get out one of my devices from my lab. It rewires a part of your brain to make any language written or said to be understood as your base language. I use it on him before he wakes up, and also do a few tests. He's about the age of 16. The void fluctuates in time, so I have no way of being sure just how old he actually is. I also detect hints of a power starting to form inside him. I gather what I'm going to say, and he awakes. I get to him as he starts up "Hey hey, It's okay, I'm here to help you. you're safe." he looks at me, still somewhat shocked and scared but understanding of the situation.

"Where... am I? and who are you?"

"I'm anti, a world famous scientist who has studied many things. Your in a universe called Ethiopia. the world your on is Etheria. this is the travel point for any and all dimensions."

He looks around "This is all very new to me..."

"I can help you get some knowledge. bear with me."

I tell him about standard things like colors. I also find it amusing he knows some things about time, because there is almost no way of knowing time in the void. I tell him about the kingdoms of Etheria, and how they're all at war.

"We are in Monstrosia, the monster kingdom. Right now most of the kingdoms are fighting. Monstrosia is fighting with Monoica and Anthalia, the old and human kingdoms. Animia and Futaria are not part of this, while Heltic, the Hell kingdom, has been unusually silent."

He takes everything in for a second. "Why can't everyone just get along?"

I almost laugh at that. That hasn't happened ever since I've been here. "Humans hate monsters. They think they are better than even people with horns, and we've been beaten for so long, we're finally pushing back."

He doesn't seem to understand this, and I don't blame him. living in the void gives you a false sense of security and tranquility. Most people are far enough away you'll never be bothered. I continue to tell him some things, like the Beastmen and Avians, or the Dwellers and Naiads. He takes it all up like a dry sponge.

"It's raining today, so get some rest and I'll take you out tomorrow." I say, getting up. I led him to a room where he could sleep, before I set out back to the lab. I begin to study and learn yet again, taking something to help stay awake.
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