Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2322287-Hero-From-The-Void-Chapter-1-part-two
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2322287
The second part to the first chapter of my series.
The Days went on for a while. I believe it was ten, happy days with my family. I was walking to the park with them, Bextra looking at the grey wood of a tree, Antera and Artera looking at a painting center, and then me sitting on the bench, enjoying spending time. then we all hear a defending crunch, snapping and cracking of stone, and bangs of tons of stone hitting the ground, shattering. We all know what to do, fear takes over us all. The void is being turned into nothingness, The wall keeping us safe is breaking! ear splitting howls of an almost humane being can be heard, screaming, and panic. we hurry, trying to get the fastest route out of the city, Antera and me are trying to get Artera and Bextra out faster and faster, then all of the sudden, I see Antera vanish before my eyes.

No no no no, NO!

She was chosen to leave the void at this exact time. Artera trips, and I look back far enough to notice what's behind him. The howl of the massive anomaly, it being made of a black substance that can somehow keep a form, but be dangerous. it looks over all of us, then it goes to swipe at Artera with its massive and long arm. Without thinking, I lunge, sweep Artera away, and get slashed in the back by the beast. Pain surges through my back. I can hear my brothers gasp, and I turn to them. "Run! Get out of here, NOW!" They take off, crying but flying as fast as the wind. I turn to the nothie, it's eye made of pure Nothingness dead set on me. It slashes but I dodge. I notice a pool of my silver blood start to form, and my vision is getting fuzzy in the corners, but I keep going. I'll save them... I'll... keep him busy... I fall to my knees, and It swings at me, then the world goes dark.

I'm not dead, and this feeling scares me. I've only heard about it in stories, but right now I'm travelling to another world. I was chosen right at the time I should have died. My bleeding seems to stop, and My vision is going through a tunnel because of the travel, but I manage to stay awake. I fall to my knees as soon as it all stops, my heart is beating rapidly. I look around, and my heart seems to stop. The world is full of so many colors, and so much technology, I can't process a lot of things. Shadows seem as dark as night, edges seem more sharp. My clothes are still pure white, but I noticed that I also seemed to have gained color. Something is moving in the corner of my eye. I jump up, a little woozy. The man is wearing clothes pure white, and some odd colors here and there, like on the pants. He takes some steps towards me, I back up quickly. I don't know who or what this man is, and I don't know if he's friendly. I back up even more, and I notice a door close to me. The man notices what I want to do, and tries to stop me, rushing a little, but I'm faster. I rush to the door, twist what I think is the handle and I'm out. some liquid is falling from the sky, and I rush into the stuff, getting wet but making my way away. The man is still chasing me, Yelling to stop and wait, but I run faster. Then, I trip, Having stepped in a patch of stuff that was wet, and land on something hard, right on my head. The world goes black for yet another time.
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