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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2321510
The smoke dragons attack on them. The way that they have experienced their response.
                   Marissa looked at the face of Sir Grey as he looked into her blue eyes. He saw pain there that was within her. That was a festering wound in her heart. She clutched her hands together, her nails tore into her flesh as she tried to calm her fear.

         Sir Grey lumbered to his feet after seeing Queen Marissa walk toward him, she was wobbling as if she was drunk as she moved toward him. Sir Grey gently lowered the soldier's head to the floor, tears still spilled from his eyes. Sir Grey reached out to grab Marissa, he drew her up in his arms. She lowered herself into his arms.

She was weeping openly. She was asking, "Why?"Sir Grey knew she was not asking for anyone to answer her question, she was really asking herself, why? No one else.

Sir Grey felt that they were in danger, from what he did not know. They still had to have their eyes open, The things that appeared here he did not truly know the answer to this quandary that was before them. Where had the. smoke dragon come from. Why did they encounter two of them in less than a heart beat. He was scared of what would appear here. Perhaps they should have killed the dragon and destroyed where it came from. That might have worked. They were not sure of what was going on.

         Sir Grey remembered, something he had heard long ago. It had came from the very lips of his King. He spoke to Sri Grey, "There will be a staff that I will have in my hands. when a young mage will summon a dragon with his power the dragon will have enough power to kill many of his soldiers. Another dragon would appear within their own castle. This dragon would pose a threat to the Queen.. If we don;t move to destroy the staff, it will reappear.

Sir Grey knew why the dragons were here. The king had been attacked by the dragon thanks to his not destroying the staff. Sir Grey was upset by this having had happened. He was afraid of what they are facing presently. He did not know for sure if the dragons are done for. He worried about would happen next

         Queen Marissa looked into his eyes as the nightmare swallowed her whole. She was afraid of what they have been facing. She whimpered, her voice cracked and broke. She was supposed to be strong, strong if this was what she was supposed to not be afraid of. She was not made of stone, she had cracked and broke. Under this massive from that weighed upon her mind and back. She clutched her hands together as she lay her head upon Sir Grey's breastplate, he stroked her head as he tried to sooth her pain and calm her nerves.
Her eyes were wide with horror.

         The priests looked about the room, he saw the pants and jacket that the bishop had wore on the floor with a puddle of blood and bones. The priest's maw hung open. He smelled the air, he recognized this as being decay. Also a putrid scent filled the air, his stomach spoke of fear and the decay made his eyes water. He asked,"What happened?"

         "Two smoke dragons appeared here?"

         The preist felt a chill crawl up his back, he shivered, Rubbed his hands together to warm them. He looked about trying to find the passageway for a dragon to fly or walk in through. The passageway was no where where a dragon could have come in here. The dragon would have to be very young to be here. Unless they were summoned here. If someone was to do this, they would have to be very young to have enough power to summon one here. There were only two ways a dragon could have been here, one was to fly in or the other summon it. There were only a dew possible ways fpr a dragon to be summoned, one was a youth or deamon or devil to summon it here.

         The scent suggested it was a deamon or devil that summoned it. The priest was concerned, what happened he pondered as he looked at the soldiers there and Queen as well as Sir Grey everyone here was worried as they should be.


         The people in the community were afraid, they did not know what had          happened? The people looked at the royal building, where the guards had run into the building to protect the Queen. They were fearful of what would happen next. The fear they were feeling was palatable.

         The hallways were clear of people at the moment, the majority were there watching the queen;s room. The queen felt as if she was under their watch. She was angry, how could the guards simply let this woman. If that was what she would call her. Be allowed to see the queen, didn't they recognize that she poised a threat to me. How could they allow that... that inside the castle. Much less my chamber .
How dare they do this? Didn't they realize this person dabbled in black magic.

         There was no way, that she should have been allowed with in the castle's walls. I do not dabble with this form of magic. She stepped out into the hallway with her escort of guards. They looked nervous, sweat glistened from their heads and appendages. Their eyes darted above in search of a threat. They surrounded the queen as they moved down the hallway.

         The queen arrived before the door to the royal building, She looked at the guards there, they seemed to not have been concerned with what had happened here. They looked amused, until they saw the queen arrive at the door. They looked at her, their eyes were wide.
Their hands fidgeted, the one nearst her said, "What is wrong my queen?"

         She glared at him, she drove her forefinger into his breastplate. She said,"Do you know who had met me in my chamber." Her face was a grimace, she slammed him in the face with her fist.

         "Should I know? How would I know this?" the guard who she was directing her anger at said. His hand slowly arrived on his pommel. He drew back to avoid her next fist from arriving on him.

         "That woman. She dabbles in the dark arts. She had waked into my room."

         "Who was in your room?" another guard asked as he stared at her, he was listening at least. The queen thought. The blood drain from his face. His eyes were huge. He slowly opened his hand, and closed it again.

         "Shouldn't you have stopped her from arriving in my room?" she declared.

         "No. The other woman who was occupying your room enjoyed seeing her and the others who she liked to see. We knew that they dabbled in the dark arts were accepted here, by her." this guard said.

         "Why would you allow these people inside my kingdom. Wouldn't my husband object to this happening? Surely he would," the queen asked as she looked at the guard, her face grew white, she felt the fear gnawing at her guts. trembling as she thought about this.

         The guard there stepped away from her, he felt the wrath that she was feeling towards him. He looked away from her. closed his hand about his swords pommel.

         "How could you've allow this to happen. You know we believe in the Gods don't you." she snarled.

         "Yes, your highness." Bera said,


         Olivia walked into the street to see if he would come out. So,she could find out what he was doing hunting them also to kill him. She stepped into another bar, how out of teh corner of her eye she could see the building where he was.

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