Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320929-Fragile
by Diva
Rated: E · Chapter · Drama · #2320929
Fragile chapter 2
Chapter 2

Have you ever felt the feeling of loneliness? Loneliness, what a simple word but it has a deep meaning. I describe loneliness as a feeling of frustration more than sadness. When you hear the people around you spewing nonsense while you stay quiet bearing all the frustration inside you asking yourself why don't they understand your feelings. You realize how lonely you are. Hearing every word they say is like a knife to your heart and you act strong like you're unbreakable, but is that the truth? You stay in your place for the right moment and then you go to your room heartbroken and shed tears of blood. Inside your room, you have mind fights inside your brain and this is hindering your life. You look around you but you remember there is no one around you. It’s as if they're expecting you to deal with your problems so you can know how to deal with them in the future as there is no one to help you, but is it the only answer? This is what real loneliness is, but you still don’t give up and you go to your parents, siblings, or friends who you consider your safe zone but to your surprise, all of them have the same answer they tell you to suck it up. Humans from the outside seem strong and unbreakable but this is nonsense. Humans are way more fragile than you think they may seem strong at first but no matter how strong they are they always can hit their lowest. This is how it works. This is funny. It's like a drama scene from a movie but it’s just life no matter if you cry or shout but in the end, there is no one to save you. It’s like sinking in the ocean. You try asking for help but there is no one there, only silence…At the end of the day, human frailty is like a game you can never win against no matter what because life is always the winning player and you are always the sore loser in that game.
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