Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2253946-A-Tale-of-Two-Cousins
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2253946
A taboo love springs between to cousins in a summer full of love, fun and secrets...
She was stunning...

My cousin, whom I'd had a crush on for years now, was stood there, waiting for me. We'd agreed to meet up at her house after a few long years of not seeing each other. I'd always thought she was pretty, with her autumn-warm Ginger hair, her cute freckles splashed across her nose, her beautiful blue eyes, she was beautiful. I was 23, and she was 19. Not a massive age gap. We'd been close as kids, fell out a bit as teens, but in the end we got along like a house on fire. I was taller than her, but was a bit on the chubby side. Not fat, just a bit plump.

Having both recently broke up with our partners after years of being together, we'd decided to meet up and have some fun on the town. So that's what I planned to do, after all, she's my cousin, the only fun I can have with her is the innocent kind. And I couldn't risk destroying our friendship over not being able to control the thing between my hips. So I walk up to her.

She spots me and smiles, "Hey Cuz!" she runs up to me and hugs me, we both laugh as we hug. I pull back and we have an awkward split second of silence gazing into each other's eyes.

"Erm.. Hey. Long time no see," I say to break the silence, I look down as innocently as possible, "I like the dress."

"Thank you! I bought it just for today because I haven't see you in ages!"

She bought a dress just for me? I thought. That made me like it even more!

"Well then, best get going. Town isn't gonna wait for us!"

So we went to town. After a while of just wondering about, looking into shops and going to a couple milkshake venders, we end up in a bar. I buy the first round of drinks, she buys the second, I buy the third, and so on. By about 11pm we're both drunk out of our minds.

"You wanna get a taxi home?" I ask weakly, my mind in the gutter.

"Yesh please" she answers, barely able to keep her tongue in her mouth, she didnt take alcohol too well...

After a while of waiting, our Uber pulls up at the bar and we stumble in. I sit down and she gets in next to me. The driver already knows where he's going so I just put my head on the headrest and try not to fall asleep. My cousin, on the other hand, lays her head down on my lap, where I notice and try to resist a boner instantly flaring up. When my cock does grow, luckily it shifts in my pants so it's not obvious to her laying down on my lap. Or at least I hope it did. Either way, she didn't react.

Once on the last few streets to get to her place, her hand moves and she rests her head on it, so her hand is basically high-fiving my boner. I sit still and try not to react, but I just get harder. Then I notice something. Her hand moves slightly forward, then slightly back again. She's feeling me! My eyes go wide and I tap her cheek a few times "Come on, we're almost home, get up."

She does, but I can practically feel her eyes locked onto my crotch. Whether that was her being upset that I'd gotten a boner over her or her liking it, I don't know.

----------------------- The Next Morning ------------------------------

I woke up with a headache, but luckily with a bit of water it went away. I sat down on the sofa that I had slept on. I had brought some stuff to change into, so I was topless with pyjama shorts on. I had morning wood again, great. Then all of a sudden I hear a raspy, pained voice. My cousin.

"Cuzzzz, can you come in here please?"

I get up and put a shirt on, this one baggy enough to cover my crotch, and went in to her room. She was laid in bed with her eyes closed. But I could tell the alcohol had had an effect on her.

"What's up?" I ask

"Can you... C-can you..."

"Can I what? What's wrong?"

"Can you please sleep in my bed with me? I don't feel well and I need a hug but I can't get up just yet"

I stand there in shock. I still had a boner i needed to get rid of, if she hugs me i'm screwed!

"Err... sure." I slowly make my way to the other side of the double bed and get in. She turns over to face me and plants her head in my chest and I slowly rest my arms around her.

"This is nice" She smiles, her eyes still firmly shut, "Thank you"

"No problem" I answer, finding it quite pleasant myself.

We sit in silence for a while, I assume she's asleep, but then she turns over and curls up, almost into a ball.
"Can we spoon please? I love spooning"

"I... er... sure" I knew I was in trouble now. My cock was raging now, pointing basically right where it knew it wanted to go, between the two very obvious ass cheeks in front of me, only covered by panties and super thin shorts, that were wedged quite deep. On further inspection I could actually see where the shorts pressed into her and her pussy lips folded around them. That just made me harder, but slowly I move up to her and wrap my arms around her, me being the big spoon.

After 5 minutes, something happens. She presses her ass gently into my crotch, my cock is wedged between her ass cheeks, only separated by a few bits of thin cloth. And that's when she turns over. Her eyes open, and she just stares at me in the eyes. We stay silent for a bit before I ask "Hey what's up?" and I can barely finish my sentence before she lunges towards me and kisses me deeply, pressing her lips to mine. After a second of shock, I press back, then our tongue's break through and we start making out passionately.

Still kissing each other, she rolls me over and climbs on to me, then she lifts her top off as i wiggle out of mine. Her beautiful tits fall out of her top and bounce in my face. They're big, big enough to comfortably fit one in each hand. She falls back down to me and we kiss. Her tits pressed up against my chest. I can feel her hard nipples on me.

Then she starts rubbing her crotch on mine, grinding her pussy lips over my cock. So I do the smart thing, and I pull down her shorts and panties, and she wriggles out of them, still kissing me. Then she whispers something in my ear...

"Get it out and put it in me" she begs.

Without saying a word, I pull off my shorts, with her still on top of me, and my cock springs upwards and slaps her pussy. Her eyes go wide.

"Be gentle please. I haven't had sex in a couple years and you're so big."

I nod and we kiss again, I grab her firm ass cheeks and lower her down onto my cock. It spreads her pussy lips and slowly enters her as she sits down on me, then all of a sudden she forces herself down onto it and sits on my pelvis. I'm fully inside her. And I can feel the tip of my penis just about touching the limits of her pussy. She squeals in a mix of excitement and pain, then starts to ride me. She bounces up and down, first slowly, then getting faster. After a short while, the sounds of her moaning and the slaps of our bodies colliding to a rhythm echo off of the walls. We stay like this for so long before she falls onto the bed next to me and lifts her legs in the air. I get up and slowly make my way between her legs. On my way up, I kiss and lick at her pussy. As I leave, she presses her hand on my head and shoves my face into her pussy. I lick at it, it tastes amazing. Then I get up, I position my cock at her entrance. I look her in the eyes and ask.
"Are you ready? This is my best position and it might hurt or cause you to scream in pleasure" I smirk at her.

She nods at me nervously and opens her legs more. I press forward... And I let the real fun begin..


Comment and like for Part 2!

Next time I'll go into more detail on how my 2 characters fall into a forbidden love after a couple weeks of guilt because of the mindless hangover sex.

Those who want romance and sex, you've come to the right place.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

NOTE - Both Characters and any future ones in this series are all over 18, and are not based on or are real people. It's just an idea I had.

Thank you for reading
© Copyright 2021 A. Black (morgan.black at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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