Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2122548-WHAT-THE-STARS-SPOKE-TO-ABRAHAM
Rated: E · Poetry · Educational · #2122548
you'll figure it out (& the Bible may direct you if you seek in humility)
"What the Stars Told Abraham"

Beloved, we wish you are right in what you write -
We are sworn to the truth of a rather high standard
El-ohim, in Triunity, spoke: "Let there be light!"
El-Shaddai, the Mighty One, gave Father Abram his reward

And just as Jesus told Nicodemus: You must be born again -
Abram had to become Abraham, Father of multitudes, first!
And Sarai the strong became Sarah, "Princess," of His nation
But Hagar had been used to rush the impatience of the flesh

In Abraham’s 99th year, God unleashed never-failing faith -
When Abraham did look up and beyond the stars:
The light of His celestial throne chased away doubt and night,
Yes, LORD, you shared eschatology with this patriarch of ours

He saw Jesus, the Lamb, pure in power and love, on God’s right -
He saw resurrection, without fear for his own flesh, and Isaac’s!
He loved obedience from thenceforth, taking delight
In God’s Law, in His Statutes, in the WORD, eternal Christ

When you look at the stars, beloved, on any night:
Think also of Father Abraham and the Covenant ...
It became real to him when he first loved the stars, the never-ending light -
and foresaw perfect judgment
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