Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2108370-Silverlight---Work-In-Progress-book
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2108370
None (yet)
Silverlight - W.I.P (Started 05/01/17)
Last Updated
Jan 11th 2017, 11:01 Am

This book was inspired by RWBY, an online show made by RoosterTeeth

Chapter 1 - Just another day
Perspective - Snow Shirayuri
"Hey, wake up!" I sighed, hearing the voice of my sister, and rolled over to hug my pillow. I didn't need to look to know she was pouting. "Don't ignore me, you dummy!" The covers were pulled down, and I felt something soft on my foot. "Ack! You little..." I tried to catch her tail, but she was too fast and already down the hall giggling. Irritated, I swung my feet down, stood up and stretched. In the corner of my eye, I saw a plate with bacon, eggs and toast on my bedside table, next to it a glass of juice. I smiled slightly and took a sip before turning to the mirror. Staring back at me with animal like blue eyes was a young boy with short white hair, a blue streak on the right, with two furry white wolf ears, one on each side of his head, a large white and ice-coloured tail and marks that looked like whiskers on his face. I stared at the mirror for a few seconds before turning away, my smile replaced by a look of disgust. I clicked my tongue in disapproval, and got dressed for the day. I wore my usual outfit - silver coloured camouflage snow boots, dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt, my large white winter jacket and lastly my bracelet. A silver cord with a clip on one end, and a blue snowflake shaped crystal hooked to a metal band on the other. After I was dressed I looked at the mirror one more time. My frown returned, now bringing anger with it. I walked out the door and it slammed shut behind me, the air getting unnaturally colder. Walking down the hallway, I heard glass break as my mirror froze and shattered.
As I put the house keys in my jacket pocket, I froze, and turned my ears to the sound of the twig snapped behind me. I shrugged, making it seem like I'd heard nothing and moved down the steps. I heard someone whispering in the bushes. This time, the air dropped to freezing point and large spikes of ice formed around me, all aiming at where the noise came from. I heard a squeak of surprise as someone fell back and hit the ground. I saw two small figures, both cowering in fear, staring at the spikes. "You should be careful who you spy on, kids." I said, relaxing again. The spikes disappeared, and two young girls emerged from the bushes, shyness written all over their faces. They were both wolf children, like me. The first had knee-length black hair, the edges dyed deep purple, a long, fluffy black tail, black wolf ears and purple eyes. The second, who was hiding behind the bigger girl, looked to be the younger of the two. She had the same ears and tail as the first girl, but unlike her friend, her hair had a white streak down the left and her eyes were a deep green. "W-We weren't spying on you" the first stuttered. "We were hiding from a bully. She always picks on us because of these..." she pointed to her ears and tail. I felt a shiver go down my spine. "I see. Well, I have somewhere to be, so if you'll excuse me. Nice meeting you."

I turned around only to see a more unpleasant sight - three girls standing there with smug faces, the centre one standing forward from the other two. The wolf girls now stood cowering behind me, looking at the newcomers with fear. "Awww, have the little doggies found a master?" she said mockingly. Her friends laughed, and it seemed to (somehow...) boost her ego. I looked at her, my eye twitching a bit, and she seemed to notice. "And who have we here? Another pet lost his way, I think." That struck a nerve... I thought, my eyes narrowing. "Oh, did that piss you off snowball?" she cooed. "Excuse me lil lady, but if you're done being a bitch, then we" I held the hands of the two behind me "have somewhere to be." Her eyes were now laced with poison. She walked up to me and rolled back her sleeve, exposing a flame mark on her arm "Hey, dumbass, you know what that mark means?" At this point she was right up in my face. "It means I can control fire." She held out her other hand and snapped her fingers, sparking a flame to prove her point. I sighed. The flame on her finger instantly froze, as did her arms and legs. She would have screamed in shock if I hadn't put my hand over her mouth. I looked behind her at the other two. They turned and ran, leaving their leader to fend for herself. "Bit of a show-off, are we?" I pulled my jacket and shirt to one side, exposing a snowflake mark on my neck. Under it were four stripes - blue, silver, white and green. Her face went pale and I pulled my hand away. The ice covering her dissipated, and she fell to the ground. "Want my advice, kid? Don't be a show-off. It just makes more trouble than it's worth. Now we have somewhere to be." With that, I stepped around her and motioned for the other two to follow, leaving the girl to sit there and catch her breath.

*Straight into the action, eh? More will be coming when I finish Chapter Two

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