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Rated: E · Assignment · Fantasy · #2063431
Required Assignment 29 for NaNo Prep
Trellion's Royal Stables

Alistair led Matrim and Gwen into into the stables. The smell of horses, leather, and soiled hay filled their noses. Two grooms were securing Serenity's bridle to hooks attached to ropes tied to support beams. The white horse tossed her head and vibrated her lips at the sight of Matrim. The saw dust crunched under Matrimâs feet as he jooged forward and rubbed the velvet fur of Serenities nose.

Everyone jolted at the sound of impatient whinnying and kicking coming from the stall of Gwen's horse. The grooms backed away in fear. Alistair took hold of Gwen as she took a step toward the vibrating wooden panels of the door Tempestâs stall.

"It is alright father." Gwen assured, patting Alistair's hand. "He smells me and is excited to see me."

She stepped to the stall door and opened the top half. Tempest snorted and reached his nose out to her. Gwen caught his bridle in both hands and willed him to stop tossing his head. When he stopped his tantrum she opened the lower half of the door and led him out of the stall. The two groom secured a pair of ropes to his bridle and back away when he bared his teeth at them.

âThat is quite enough out of you.â Gwen chastised the stallion. She gave him a gentle smack on his nose and he lowered his head in shame. Gwen moved to his side and slid the round curry comb through his thick coat.

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