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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Fantasy · #2061807
Required Assignment 14 for NaNo Prep
Full Name: Matrim Hallowfang
Meaning of Name: Matrim was the name of his Maternal Grandfather who is now diseased. Halowfang is the family name of the royal family of Trellion.
Nickname: Mat
Birth Date: Pisces 27, 57
Astrological Sign and Details: Pisces
Birth Place: Trellion Palace
Age: 16
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Wavy and sits just below his collar
Shape and Features of Face: Round with a roman nose and oval shaped eyes
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Light tan
Scars or Distinguishing Marks: None
Build or Body Type: Lean and muscular
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140lbs
Speech Patterns: Gentle and Charming
Gestures: Casual
Weakness: Young beautiful women

Family and Childhood
Mother: Diana Hallowfang
Father: Jarrod Hallowfang
Mother's Occupation: Queen of Trellion
Father's Occupation: King of Trellion
Family Finances: Comfortable luxury
Other Close Family: An uncle who is King of Adoren
Best Friend: Gwen Maneherder
Other Friends: Taurus Longhorn, Cortan and Biarric Stonemason
Pets: A white mare named Serenity
Home Life During Childhood: Raised by his father and the Royal Magus, Morgan Terrashaper. Became very close to Morgan's daughter Gwen Maneherder.
Town or City Name(s): Trellion
Details of Town(s) or City(s): A prosperous city full of trade, taverns, and a port for ships.
What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like: A large wooden kingsize bed sits in the center of the room on top of a square blue woolen rug. The bed linens, comforter, and bed curtains are made of thick blue linen. On the wall across from a bed sits a large dark wood wardrobe. A full length mirror stands beside the wardrobe. A square dark, wooden table surrounded by four dark wooden chairs. The seats and backs are apolstered in blue that matches his bed linens. The table stands before a floor to ceiling window, which makes up the east wall. Outside the window is a balcony overlooking the palace garden. A writing desk sits along the wall opposite the window. A portrait of Matrim riding Serenity at a full gallop hangs above the writing desk.
Favorite Toy or Game: Chess
Schooling: Matrim learned reading, writing, mathematics, history, and socioeconomics of Trellion from the Royal Librarian Quill Inkwell.

Favorite Subject: History
Popular or Loner: Popular
Important Experiences or Events:

Shortly before the first anniversary of his birth his mother dies of an illness. His father gives him to the Royal Magus, who has recently had a baby of her own, to raise.

First anniversary of his birth he is named the Crowned Prince of Trellion.

Fifth anniversary of his birth Matrim is moved out of Gwen's nursery and given a bed chamber and sitting room of his own.

During his ninth year the Master of Arms and Horses begins training him in the use of a sword and riding a horse.

Tenth anniversary of his birth King Jarrod gives Matrim a horse of his own.

Thirteenth anniversary of his birth his father gives him a sword of his own, which is the twin of his sword. Matrim also loses his virginity to his servant Lilian. The day after he gives Gwen her first kiss.

Fifteenth anniversary of his birth his father announces his betrothal to Lady Brianne Starmane of Adoren.

Winter Solstice of the same year Lady Brianne moves into the palace.

Sixteenth anniversary of his birth Matrim disappears with Gwen.

Culture: Trellion
Religion and beliefs: Believes in the Great Spirit of Creation

Your Character's Character
Bad Habits: Flirting; teasing: mischievous
Good Habits: Organized; punctual; good hygiene
Best Characteristic: Intelligent
Worst Characteristic: Spoiled
Worst Memory: His father refusing to change the law so he and Gwen can be together
Best Memory: The time he spent with Gwen at the Elemental Coast during her year of seclusion.
Proud of: His skill with a sword
Embarrassed by: Public nudity
Strong Points: Willing to learn; Eloquent speaker; Diplomatic
Temperament: Commanding
Attitude: Entitled
Fears: Responsibility
Secrets: Knowledge of a passage connecting his bed chamber to Gwen's
Regrets: Not trying harder to convince Gwen to remain with him on the Elemental Coast to avoid his betrothal.
Feels Vulnerable When: His superiority is challenged
Pet Peeves: Gwen's friendliness toward Taurus
Conflicts: He wants to be heir to his father's throne but he also wants to be with Gwen
Motivation: Getting what he wants
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Convincing Gwen to be his lover
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Becoming King and having Gwen as his Queen
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Exercise Routine: Working through the sword forms he has learned and sparring with others
Day or Night Person: Day Person
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist

Likes and Styles
Music: Upbeat songs full of innuendos
Books: Non-fiction; History, science, biographies
Foods: Spicy
Drinks: Sweet nectar and wines
Animals: Dragons
Color: Blue
Clothing: Linen breeches and shirts
Games: Any that allow him to kiss, pinch, and tickle a girl
Greatest Want: Gwen
Greatest Need: A way to have Gwen without giving up his claim to his father's throne.

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now
Home: Trellion Palace
Household furnishings: Opulent
Favorite Possession: The sword his father gave him on the thirteenth anniversary of his birth
Most Cherished Possession: A pewter pendant on a silver chain with the symbol of Pisces engraved on it; a gift from Gwen on the thirteenth anniversary of his birth.
Married Before: No
Significant Other Before: No
Children: None
Relationship with Family: Close
Career: Crowned Prince of Trellion
Dream Career: King of Trellion
Dream Life: Ruling Trellion with Gwen as his Queen
Love Life: Carries on a secret affair with Gwen until his betrothed is moved into the palace.
Sexual Turn Ons: Knowing his partner is enjoying herself
Sexual Turn Offs: Inactive or unwilling partner
Hobbies: Practicing with his sword; horseback riding; reading
Guilty Pleasure: Indulging in a woman's charms
Talents or Skills: Sword play and horseback riding
Intelligence Level: Average
Finances: Well off
Greatest Strength: His mind
Greatest Weakness: Desire

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