Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2032100-Enraptured
Rated: GC · Other · Adult · #2032100
Jon and Jillian get a push from an unexpected source to gets them to the next level.
Chapter 1
         Jon sat back and stretched. The work week was almost done and tonight he had plans to go out with the guys. Mark, and Paul had been bugging him for months to shake off his fianc leaving him for another man. Well it was time, and that bitch and that ass would not be controlling his future.
         Jon pushed his curly black hair out of his caramel brown eyes. It was getting long, mostly because Sandy hated it long, she also hated when he left his beard trimmed to look like 3 days growth at all times. He liked the look, his face, his hair, Sandy could kiss his ass.
         Getting back to work Jon looked over his spreadsheet one last time. Everything was in order for Monday. It was going to be a big day, the Internet store he worked for was holding a big sale. People thought it was some magic operation, but really behind all the clicking and ordering real people had to handle sending the stuff out. They were working on weeding out the cheaper foreign made products and introducing a market for quality small town American products.
         A knock at the door brought his attention to Jillian standing in his doorway. One of the best perks of the job was his own office. Jillian stood there all of five two. She was amazingly beautiful, and like him had given up dating after a string of failed relationships. Her long red hair was pulled back into a long French braid, most likely done while on the phone with a client. She played with her hair when she was bored.
         "Hey Jon," Jillian started as she leaned against the door frame, "I just want to thank you for all your hard work. We are going to do great on Monday. "
         Jon smiled. "Thanks, I think I have the process down for the stock room, and shipping. I am going to print them out and hand them out before I go. It is a whole new system."
         "What are you doing this weekend, please tell me it isn't obsessing over spreadsheets and order codes." Jillian asked with a twinkle in her eye.
         "No, actually I am going out with the guys, shooting some pool. Most likely down at Jake's Bar." Jon liked Jake; he kept the music low enough to talk, but loud enough to hear it. The pool tables were spaced far enough apart that you were unlikely to bump into the other table, and the pizza was the best in town. He usually ordered from there for his poker nights. Mark and Paul of course were regular guests for that.
         "Oh good, you need some fun. You might see me there, my brother wants to take us out and my father really likes the onion rings." Jillian sighed, looking sad for a moment, just a flash and then smiled again the dimple on her left cheek showing itself. "Speaking of my dad, he says if work is done go ahead home. He does not want anyone to burn out during this restructuring."
         "Oh good, I just need to hand out the procedures and then I am good to go." Jon stood up, he was only five nine, but standing near Jillian made him feel tall.
Jillian stuck out her hand, "Let me, I have to go down there anyway."
Jon agreed handing over the documents. "I learned a long time ago not to argue with the boss's daughter."
"You better believe it, Mister, I hear she is a real bitch when she does not get her way." Jillian laughed again.
Jon felt his jaw clench. Some ass fed her that line as a joke and she claimed it as her own, it took everything in him not to make a big deal over it. He bet she was feisty when mad, nothing wrong with knowing what you wanted and going for it. Instead he forced a smile and turned back to shut down his laptop and pack up his desk.
         "Have a good weekend Jillian." Jon said over his shoulder. Jillian was heading out the door.
         Jillian frowned. Something she said made him angry. Jon rarely got angry unless he felt there was injustice going on. It was a joke amongst some of the staff. He was Superman, and most of the guys she dated were the Joker. Sure she mixed the super hero stories up, but the joke only worked if she did.
         Jon confused her. He was smart and funny, helped the elderly cross the street, he was perfect. She had been infatuated with him for months, but he barely looked at her.
         His office was two down from hers, so she stopped in from time to time when she needed a break. The office in between was used for interviewing and other boring meetings.
         Jillian shook off the encounter and delivered the papers to Fred and George, the heads of the Packing and Shipping departments. Both pleasant men that she had known for years, they both were like the Uncles she never knew she needed.
         Dad, despite running a successful online store decided to support American made products. Some of the stuff would be seasonal, some would be flash sales. Everyone would be paid fairly for the product, and while prices would go up on the site, they thought this would be a good fresh idea. Of course he chose to eat at the local bar, instead of a chain restaurant with fancier food.
         Jillian caught herself daydreaming about Jon in jeans, snug as he bent over to shoot pool. In her daydream he was shirtless and his back muscles begged for her hands on them. Oh God, she needed to get back to dating and she needed to get Jon's butt out of her imagination.
         "Hello princess," Jillian heard, and she jumped.
         "Dad, you scared me. I was thinking about something." Jillian knew she was blushing. Her Dad was a good man. Dating was permitted at work, but only if it stayed out of work. To date they had only lost one or two workers to bad breakups.
         "Jon? Did you invite him out tonight? Phil said you should." Harry, her nosey father asked. Everyone knew she had a huge crush on the guy.
         "No I started to, but he has plans, I did not want him to feel obligated to cancel them. He left a little while ago." Jillian sighed and started taking her hair down out of the braid, when had she even put it up?
         "Well, that is too bad. I am going to head out myself. Don't forget Jake is holding a table for us, but only if we are on time." Harry gave a mocking scowl.
         "Dad, I have not been late for months. Besides I have it in with the Boss, and he said as long as I catch up on my work at the end of the day it is ok. They call it flexible hours these days."
They both laughed. Jillian was good at her job, mostly calming down customers with complaints. It did not really matter what time she started, or finished, as long as every complaint was met with an apology and a solution. They had a twenty four hour a day first response team, her job was to contact those that the first team could not help.
"See you later dad. Oh are we dressing up or bar cloths?"
"I am in the mood to wear jeans and drink beer." Harry winked.
Jillian laughed, her dad owned two pairs of jeans. Both were only worn to Jakes. He hated beer, but once or twice a year gave it a solid try to finish one. Her dad was just a khaki and polo shirt kind of guy, but she loved that he tried.

Chapter 2
Jon was sitting at the bar talking with Jake. Jillian and her family were still sitting over at a table in the corner laughing. Harry was nursing a beer; he looked like he was drinking poison. His guess was Harry ordered whatever was on tap. It was barely drinkable; oh people liked it, usually those that did not care about the taste. Harry would do better with an imported or microbrew. Something that tasted like people cared enough to make sure it was not swill.
Finally gathering the nerve Jon ordered two of a local brew that had a hint of maple and fall spices and walked over to the table. There was a chair open between Jillian and Harry. "Mind if I join you?"
Harry was quick to invite him to stay. "What happened to your plans?"
"The guys got distracted and ran off; I was not ready to leave. Jillian mentioned you were coming." Jon was surprised his boss knew he had plans. "I thought I would have you try this new microbrew in the area. You might like it better than what you have."
He opened the bottle and handing it to Harry. Harry took a drink and nodded. "This is beer?"
Jon laughed, "Ale I believe, but it is local and made with love."
Jon looked around the table. The siblings looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Dad has a thing about fitting in with his men; he has been trying to like beer since I was a child. He has never finished one." Jillian explained.
Jon laughed and opened his bottle. It was a good brew. This was his third. He was at about his limit for the night. He took a drink and took in Jillian's cloths. She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt. Both fit her perfectly. She had walked by a couple times that night and he got distracted by her perfect rear as she passed.
"Hey Phil, remember that project I had for you at home?" Jon heard Harry ask.
"Oh yeah, we should get that done." Phil responded.
"Jilly, you will be ok with Jon right? Jon, walk her home like a gentleman." Harry ordered.
"Sure thing boss." Jon responded a little confused. Had his boss just played wingman and set him up with his daughter?
Both Jon and Jillian lived within a couple blocks of the bar. He had been to her house a few times for work events. Never had he walked her home at night after being at the bar.
They gathered their stuff and head for the door. As they walked together Jillian was frowning. "I am so sorry, your house is first, I can make it from there."
"I would not dream of it." Jon laughed. "What is wrong?"
"I am just embarrassed; they put you on the spot." Jillian admitted.
"Oh poor me, I have to walk a beautiful woman home." Jon laughed.
Jillian stopped. "Don't tease; this is your house right?"
Jon stopped and looked, "Yes, what do you mean don't tease? You are stunning. Both Mark and Paul left because they were trying to hook me up with someone and I stared at you all night."
Jillian looked down at the ground, both of them still. She looked up at him and went to turn, before she could start walking again it started raining. Being October it was a cold rain.
"Come inside, I promise not to bite." Jon insisted.
Jon was glad he had cleaned up earlier. His guest room was even clean. It was usually full of things he wanted to deal with later when he had time.
Jillian was hard to read as she looked around. Someone had hurt her, and for whatever reason she believed it.
"Do you want anything? I have beer, soda, water and coffee." Jon asked.
"No nothing." She was over looking at his CD collection. It was out of date; most of his music lived on his smartphone and was played during his daily workout routine.
"What is wrong Jillian?" Jon asked more insistent.
"I am sorry, Dad had asked that you meet us at the bar, but you had plans so I did not ask. He is meddling." Jillian said to the wall.
Jon turned her around and lifted her chin. "I can handle myself Jillian, if I was put out by the request I would have called you a cab."
Jon found himself looking into the prettiest blue eyes. Slowly he lowered his head and claimed her lips with his. He heard her sigh as she kissed him back. They both seemed to lose themselves in the kiss, neither one pressing the other for more.
Jon finally pulled away, "I am sorry, that was wonderful."
Jillian frowned. "I don't want a relationship."
"I am sorry?" Jon was taken aback.
"They don't work, but..." Jillian started.
"Jillian if you don't want this to go any further I have a guest room or we can call a cab." Jon tried to hide his disappointment.
"That is not what I am saying. I just want to know if we could be um, casual." Jillian asked.
"Oh, and what would that look like?" Jon frowned.
"You know, just tonight?" Jillian blushed.
Jon tried not to laugh as she asked him for a one night stand. He should be a gentleman and say no, but he decided to go along with it.
He sat on the arm of the couch and pulled her close. "Ok I am fine with the terms, but I plan on making my only night a good one."
"You won't regret this tomorrow?" Jillian asked.
"Never." Jon growled as he claimed her lips again. He kissed her long and slow, his plan was to make this last. If she wanted a quickie she came to the wrong house. By morning she would be satisfied and happy.
Jillian responded to his kissing by trying to take off his shirt. "No you get your terms at my speed," He declared.
He leaned over and nibbled on her ear and she shivered. She did not resist as his hand went up her shirt and cupped her breast. She felt perfect. Her breast was just large enough to fill his hand. A moan let him know that he was doing well.
He got on his knees and kissed Jillian's stomach, lifting her shirt over her head, and tossed it to the couch. Her nipples strained against her bra. Jon reminded himself slow and steady. With one swift motion he had her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, there was no harm in being comfortable while he slowly made love to her.
Jillian gasped as she felt her self being lifted in the air and carried to the back bedroom. Jon was wonderful, no commitment, no fear that she will screw up yet another relationship, and she still got the cake. When Jon laid her on the bed, she reached to help undo her pants.
"I told you, my speed, soon." Jon said as he stopped her.
Jillian gasped as her bra was taken off and Jon started to tease one of her nipples with his tongue. He was so gentle that she wanted to cry. She arched her body, she ached for more. The only response she got was a chuckle and his lips back on hers.
When Jon pulled away he took off his shirt she noted his chest hair. It was dark and heavy enough to notice, masculine. When he returned to kiss her, his hands wandered down to her jeans. She felt him unzip them and undo the button. She was glad she went with the traditional fly and not the button down ones.
When his hand slid down between her and her pants Jillian almost forgot to breath. Just a finger touching her clit, light pressure in circles stole her breath and she arched toward him eager for more. Where did this man learn to do this Jillian pondered as she lost all ability to care. He stopped kissing her and pulled down her pants and underwear leaving them on a heap on the floor.
Jillian let out a cry as Jon pulled her to the edge of the bed and he lowered himself to the floor between her legs. She moaned as she felt him kissing his way up her leg, a gasp of shock escaped when he reached out with his tongue and licked her clit. Nothing with him was hurried; He licked her clit in the same leisurely pattern he had used with his fingers.
The buildup was agonizing. Every nerve in her body cried out for release. Jon licked, swirling, as she begged for the torment to end. When at last Jillian's body tensed up and stars swam in her eyes Jon kissed his way up to her breasts and nibbled at both of her nipples. The orgasm had left her nerves tingling with excitement.
When Jon stood up finally he walked to his nightstand and opened a drawer next to his bed. "I have some condoms here." He explained.
Jillian watched as his pants hit the floor, she was slightly disappointed that he removed them herself; her fingers itched to touch him. Jon was beautiful, he obviously worked out, though he was not too muscular. When he finally climbed back on his bed the foil packet stayed in his hand his hard erection pressed into her leg as he lowered his face back to hers. He tasted like her, she thought as his lips dominated her own. If Jon was a drug, she was hooked.
         When the kiss ended Jillian looked down at his erection, it was all she wanted, she reached for him and found her hands held above her head. Jon smiled, "Still my turn."
         Jillian watched as he rolled the condom on. Her hands still held by one hand. She did not fight him. When at last he slid his body over hers and began sliding into her Jillian arched to meet him. He was not going to be rushed.
         Jon took his time in, one, two, and three, out, one, two, and three. Jillian moaned, Jon grunted. She watched his face as he concentrated on setting the pace.
         When Jillian lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist, she thought for sure he was going to crack; instead he pulled them so they were on his shoulders. He kept time until once again he changed position.
         Jillian found herself on top. She wanted to show him how she wanted it, and realized she wanted nothing more than to keep the pace he had set. Slowly she felt the warmth spread. Jon's sex sounds turned her on more. On top she felt herself start to orgasm once again, it was powerful and she felt it throughout her entire body. She gasped as she leaned down to kiss Jon as they both climaxed together. Sweaty and tired she collapsed on top of him.
Chapter 3.
         Jon smiled as he held Jillian in his arms. Hopefully all the talk of a one night stand would be done with. She fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. She fit right along his side. It was not that late, maybe midnight. It was still raining out; he laughed and wondered if Harry had known when the rain would start.
         People had been telling him for months there was someone right under his nose that was attracted to him. He figured they were crazy. He was glad he was wrong. A sigh caught his attention and then Jillian rolled to her other side. He pulled her back toward him. Her lovely naked backside brushed up against his naked front side, he scolded himself as his dick twitched with desire. Let the woman sleep.
Jon nuzzled her neck and settled down. It had been a long time since anyone had been in his bed, his body wanted more, but wanted Jillian to sleep. Soon he found himself falling asleep. First one blink, then two and his dreams took him to morning.
Chapter 3
         Jon woke to someone wiggling to escape. It took a minute to process the night before, and her tight bottom wiggling against him was not helping. She was pulling out of his arms. "I am sorry, please..." A groan escaped as his dick once again jumped. Her bottom rubbed against it, and her breasts pushed against his arms. Try as he might he could not get his limbs to cooperate. Fog rolled around his head. "Please give me a moment, stop wiggling." He grunted when she kept wiggling.
         Jon finally could not take any more. He found himself lifting Jillian's leg and entered her from the side. "This is what you get for wiggling."
         Jillian was warm and ready. This time he was not going for lasting, he was going out of need. He felt himself slide in and out. She cried out as he reached around and rubbed her clit. He needed a better angle her breasts, no her whole body was facing the wrong way.
         Jon pulled out and flipped her over, he wanted to see her. Again he drove himself into her she matched him stroke for stroke. Finding some self-control he slowed the pace. He trembled as his body objected to being controlled. He lowered his body so his chest was pressed up against her breasts. Her nipples teased his.
         "Don't stop." Jillian cried her head now buried in his shoulder. He felt her bite it as she tried to urge him to go faster. Her nails dug at his bottom, and he lost all control again.          Their bodies sweaty and hot melted together as they both found release together. Jon found it hard to breathe as his orgasm rocked his body. Jillian bucked halting, her body pulsating around him. And then he collapsed on top of her.
         Jon had never felt anything like it. His body was limp and fatigued. He felt her heat against his now relaxed dick. He pressed his face into her shoulder and kissed the side of Jillian's neck. She tasted salty and the room smelled like sex. He knew he should move, but he did not want to. Just another minute, and then he would let her up.
Jillian was stunned, if she knew that trying to get up to use the bathroom would bring that much passion, she would have tried it sooner, except now she was pinned once again under him. "Jon, please I promise, we have more sleeping to do, but I have to go to the bathroom."
         Jon groaned as he rolled off her. His weight gone was both a relief and a burden. She quickly went in and realized they had not used a condom. The poor man was going to figure that out soon. "Jon, I have an IUD, we are fine, she said as she came out of the bathroom. She had taken his tee shirt off a hook in the bathroom and it swayed against her hips."
         Jon looked relieved. "I am so sorry. I just acted, I should have been more careful." Carefully she climbed up on the bed where he was now sitting. "I am clean, I swear, I was tested after..." Jon looked so miserable.
         "You are sorry for what, me not listening? You told me to stop wiggling, you were mostly asleep. It was, wow." Jillian laughed.
         "You were clear, one night." Jon looked her in the eyes.
         "Well it is 3 am, and the night is not over." Jillian laughed as she lunged to grab a condom. "I guess we have to do it over with the proper equipment."
         Jillian leaned down and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her mouth claimed his dick. It was not yet hard, but it jumped as her tongue moved against it. It did not take long for her to get him ready. Her tongue circled the head as careful as he had. The salty sweet cum on it assaulted her tongue, but she did not stop until Jon begged for release as she had the night before.
         Jillian rolled the condom over his now hard dick and took the lead. He remained sitting with his back against the wall as she climbed on top. She wrapped her arms and legs around them. Her face pressed into his neck. The position had him deep in her, and it did not take much motion to make her body sing. Jon's hands massaged her bottom and back pulling her closer. She pressed herself into him, he felt like an anchor as once again she felt the world exploding; her last thought as colors burst through her was how wrong she was. One night was not enough.
         Together they slid down into the bed. Her body was draped over Jon's side, her leg was thrown over his, her breasts pressed against his side. His hand wrapped around her back and leisurely stroked her arm. Jillian curled her hand over his chest hair and sighed. She felt at peace, satisfied as she felt herself slipping to oblivion.
         It felt like she just closed her eyes when Jillian blinked them open. The sun was shining. The bed felt empty. She was confused. Her phone was ringing. "Hello." She said into the phone.
         "Hello kiddo, just making sure you got home ok." Jillian blinked again, morning brain, she gave some thought to dehydration. Don't athletes use Gatorade for that?
         "Hi Dad, no I am with Jon." Jillian said and then snapped awake. "Crap."
         "Do I need to have a talk with that boy?" Harry laughed. "It was all I needed to know, have a good weekend."
         Jillian grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. No relationship. How hard was that? There is no way her dad would let this drop. He had been rooting for Jon for months. Crap he probably had a wedding planner on retainer.
         Lost in thought she stayed in bed, her eyes closed but thinking. Jillian jumped when Jon asked if she wanted some eggs.
         "Hey, your dad just called something about kicking my ass if you got hurt." Jon laughed as Jillian felt herself blush.
         "I am so sorry, he called and I answered and then I realized what I said. He knew what would happen if he called this early." Jillian was mortified. She waited for Jon to tell her how stupid she was. Instead he leaned down and kissed her.
         "Eat your eggs. We have to work in just less than forty eight hours, and now I have to make sure you stay unharmed." Jon laughed.
         "You are enjoying this." Jillian accused.
         "What? Me enjoy a naked woman in my bed eating one of the few things I can cook well? Yes." Jon admitted. That is when Jillian realized he was fully dressed.
         "What's wrong?"
         "Nothing, I have to run a quick errand. Take your time, take a shower. Look through drawers, whatever. I have nothing to hide, except that drawer over there has a crap load of condoms. I will be gone less than an hour. Please don't go." Jon leaned down and kissed her long and slow and hard. "Please."
          Jillian realized right then she had no intention of leaving. "I won't."

Chapter 4
         Jon finished running some money to the boy he mentored. He had a chance to go on a hike with some friends but needed new boots. Seth was a good kid; he deserved a pair of hiking boots. The next weekend Seth would rake his yard to pay him back. Jon hated to rake, it evened out.
         On the way back to his house Jon stopped off and signed for some flowers, not for today, for Tuesday. No relationship his ass. Less than an hour after he left he found her still in his bed. She was showered and wrapped up in his robe. She had found the remote for the tv on the wall and was watching a commercial for a brand new blender.
         Jon smiled, "I need a new blender how many easy payments?"
         "Who knows, I was daydreaming. The noise helped me stay awake." Jillian admitted.
         "Anything good?" Jon asked finding it suddenly hard to concentrate. Jillian had untied the front of the robe and had her legs spread in front of her. Her finger dipped down between her legs and she started playing with her clit. A moan escaped his lips and his dick protested the bindings of his jeans.
                   Before Jon could stop himself he was on the bed kissing her, he could not move fast enough to undo his pants and left them on but down around his knees. She was a witch, and he was her willing captor. He felt a condom being rolled on his already painful erection as he slid it in her.
         "Look at me Jillian." Jon moaned as he began moving in and out. Jon looked down at her face as he held her to him and turned them over. She arched her back as she rode him. Her nipples felt hard under the palms of his hands as he reached up to touch her. It did not take that long for them both to climax again. Their bodies seemed in sync as Jon roared in satisfaction.
Jillian tried to move. It was dinner time. She was spent. Her shower long since worked off. They tried to shower together at lunch time, but that ended with sex. The lunch ended with sex. The nap ended with sex. Now if she did not get out of this house she would have to stay another night.
         Jon was lying with his arm around her, she could tell he was awake, but like her was too tired to move. She wondered if he was also as ready to go again. Jon gasped when she put her hand on his dick.
"I am afraid he is willing, but the rest of me is on strike." Jon admitted.
Jillian laughed and slid on top of him. She felt him hard inside her and laid down so their chests were pressed together. Jillian did not stay still, nor did she move much. "Can you feel my pulse? I can feel yours" That was when Jon finally took her how she wanted, hard and fast and without apology.
Once again Jillian found herself blinking awake. The sun was up. Jon was still sleeping. Oh God, it was Sunday. She slipped out of the bed and started getting dressed. Everything hurt in a good way. She had to get home. So much to do, and if Jon woke up she would never leave. They would have to call for an ambulance to get her out of the house. All she wanted was round... oh for the love of god she lost count.
Quietly she made it down the hallway and out the door. She walked to her slightly smaller apartment and climbed back in a bed, where she slept until the phone woke her up.
Jon woke up to an empty house. He looked around and found all her stuff gone, a note on the pillow. Thank you is all it said. What kind of bullshit was that? Thank you my ass he thought.

© Copyright 2015 Queen Hope Theirin (vmatheson78 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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