Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002745-Holocaust-About-To-Happen
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Adult · #2002745
18+ A dark, longer poem about the conditions in the middle east and how it relates.

-Holocaust About To Happen-
by Keaton Foster

*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

In a distant land
There are men
Born into hatred
Anointed with blood
Tainted by ideological nuances
Few in their vein understand
Fewer believe as they do
They are extreme versions
Of a peace loving religion
Those men, the ones so conflicted
Will be the end of all
That they see as corrupted
Everyone to them is an infidel
Everyone of course but them
The perverse interpretation
Of the words of their
One truest of God
Have left them full of hate
Beyond any form of measure
Hate that resides in the deepest
Darkness of all human kind
They will never wait
They will give their lives
Without fear or question
They will sacrifice it all
In the name of extermination
Of not only themselves
But of those they see
As the enemies of their ways
Which I’m sad to say
Is every other human alive
Bombs fall from the sky
Missiles are shattering lives
Rockets are fired with no aim
Anyone on the other side
Is much deserving of death
Women, children, gentile, and Jew
Muslim, Jihadist, those in between
To all involved its kill or be killed
To all of involved it’s them or us
I’m not saying who is right
I’m not saying who is wrong
I am neither Jew nor gentile
I am neither extremist nor moderate
If anything I am a man lost to God
But found by the idea of something
Much greater then all of us
I am a man with a pen and a page
And plenty of words to say
And a few ways to make sense
Of all that is obviously so tragic
Maybe they’ll listen
Maybe they won’t
I’ll say my peace and then move on
The war they are fighting is not mine
That being said
I fear that someday it could be
And like any survivable soul
Upon these distance shores
I would be prepared to stand
If it came down to it
I would again protect my kind
Thus protect my very own life
For now
Peacefully I must do my part
Writing, expressing, interjecting
Getting these sincere words out
Letting the ideas become heavy with clout
Long ago I was once a soldier
A man of war and action
And with a deeply saddened heart
I must admit that I
On more than a few occasions
Killed those deemed as enemy
When you kill another man
Even at such impersonal distances
Something deep inside you changes
Something that can never return
As you stare down the sights
Of a loaded gun pointed at another
Something about yourself is lost
If the first man I ever killed was hardest
Then all the others after that
I would say were damn near impossible
I was assured it was them or me
It was a matter of kill or be killed
Those holding my reins once said
Trust in your training and leave
Your faith and God out of it
Kill that man because if you don’t
He will come here and kill you
And your fellow brothers in arms
I always did what I was told
I was a committed soldier
I’m now quite sure that if
And when I get to Heaven
I’ll be asked of all that I did
In the name of the survival of my kind
I’m not sure that I have an answer
And I’m not sure that I ever will
Such troubles
Will be between God and I
In that distant land
Maybe those men
Born of such hatred
Anointed with blood
Tainted by ideological nuances
Will have an answer
One that they can live with
And for them one that they
Can certainly die with
Maybe they know more than most
Then again maybe they don’t
I’m just not sure
Holocaust about to happen
Men against men
One kind against another
Humans are such monsters
Oh God the things they can do
I know because I’ve done them
I don’t wish war on anyone
I don’t want to see
What is about to happen
I wish we could have peace
But like those on both sides
I know that we cannot
There is killing to be done
Who is on the right side
Who is on the wrong
I’m not sure that I know
And I’m not sure
That they truly do either
The end result will not be good
For anyone involved
Both directly and indirectly
The end results will be death
The end question will be why
To that I am absolutely sure
That at this point
There is no answer…

Holocaust About To Happen
Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2014.

© Copyright 2014 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002745-Holocaust-About-To-Happen