Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1998657-I-Am-My-Shadow
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #1998657
I Am My Shadow, by Lucius Vincent

I am my Shadow

The silent passenger to every appointment

Forced to follow my alter ego

Forced to conceal my alignment

Not given room to express my thoughts

But when I close the door to my room,

I can finally ditch the mask of the dull, "just-right" shade of gray

Free of the social landscape I consider my tomb,

I delve into the cybernetic landscape I call my home

I no longer have to conceal my feelings

I no longer have to force a smile

I no longer have to hold my tongue

Here, my feelings, my face, and my tongue are free

Unrestrained by fear of social consequences

Although some misuse this freedom and insult freely,

We should not restrain it to limit the few

As this freedom is essential for the growth of the minds of the many

The growth of the minds then leads to harmony

With those who have also grown their mind

Someday, I hope that all will have done so,

And that all will recognize this growth as normal,

As opposed to taboo

For on this day, I shall be able to be more than my shadow

For on this day, I shall finally wear my true face without fear

© Copyright 2014 Lucius Vincent (vanagandr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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