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Rated: E · Poetry · Contest Entry · #1863089
Contest entry for Hawk's Vocabulary Contest
The gauntlet has been thrown, to wed and sanctify,
But you have met your match sir, as Philomath be I.
I bow before the masters and gobble Molière,
So we shall see who feints and weeps in risible despair.

I’ll ne’er allow effluvium to foul ambrosial dreams,
Or render ambisinister the harmony of schemes.
But rather we shall here embark upon a worthy quest,
To wrest the daedal rhapsodist apart from all the rest

We shall not waiver or comply, when verdant lies the path,
Our deepest desideratum near, éclat within our grasp
But truth be told my goal is clear, intent to dulcify,
Leave vagrant imbroglio ways instead to unify.

My sojourn here is gift enough, the pupil to your muse,
Ineluctable philosophy, a Hermes to your Zeus
The novice here with baited breath in distant apogee,
Reclines supine, in deep regard alas loquaciously  

I tremble in the presence, and fear the Hawk’s elide,
For liberties I’ve taken, verisimilitude aside.
Lest I carom in tearful jest, please take this as it came,
Preemptory marksmanship, within a simple game

Tis not pecuniary meant, that here I did embark,
But rather in esteem I came before our patriarch.
It may appear anomalous or aberrant at least,
As Pieces' child I wandered, to relish March’s feast.

Alas my dilatory ways, sweet morsels did I miss,
As early month’s duet gave way to March’s fateful kiss.
I cannot help but wonder still, what rapture I might find,
To marry “all” the challenges, in twenty-eight small lines

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