Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1843790-They-Were-Never-the-Same-Again
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1843790
Arranged marriage separates true love. My mom-in-law wrote it, with stage 4 lung cancer.
Hello, I am submitting this on behalf of my 68 year old mother-in-law, Gladys. She is from Ghana. This is her first short story. She now has stage 4 lung cancer, so reviews would cheer her up. The story is set in a non-Western country that, at least in her younger years, had many arranged marriages. This is still in practice today, though not as much as the 1950's and 60's. Gladys would love your comments and reactions.


As he looked up and waved, he saw tears on Stella's cheeks. "Do not be sad," he consoled her, "this is only for a short time. We will soon be together again."

But Stella had her doubts, for she knows Kwame's being sent to his uncle in Boston in the USA is his mother's way of deftly separating them. She had warned Stella that she has plans for her son, and that does not include her.

"Do not worry, Kwame had told her. "Try and complete your course, at the end of it. We will find a way to handle our future, which only you and I can plan."

Kwame's mother and Stella's parents had lived as neighbors at Swalaba, a suburb of Accra. Relationship between the adults have been cordial, so Kwame and Stella had grown as friends together with other children in the neighborhood, until Kwame competed his university education and Stella celebrated her twenty-forth birthday. At the party which was held for her by her parents, Kwame, who was invited, suddenly realized how beautiful Stella was. He proposed a more in-depth friendship to Stella, and was accepted.

As days turned to months, it was only a matter of time that their engagement would be announced. This action of Kwame's mother so infuriated Stella's parents, that they made Stella marry another, a fine young man who came to seek Stella's hand.

Stella wrote a very emotional letter to Kwame through a sister, imploring him that they should go their separate ways. Each promising to try to be good to their new partners and - if possible - love them, and be happy.

They both agreed, but...

They were never the same again.


Four years and two babies later, Stella who as living at Tdi Airforce Base, came to visit her parents so they coudl get to enjoy their grandchildren. Three weeks before, Kwame's mother had died, so Kwame had come home for the funeral. On hearing of Kweame's mother's death, and he being home, Stella decreed go to the family house to offer her condolences

On seeing Stella, Kwame noticed that she is looking more beautiful then ever.

"OH, Kwame, I m so sorry!" Stella cried on meeting Kwame at the door to his room. Kwame embraced her, and invited her to his room.
"How are you? You look very well and beautiful!," Kwame said. "Motherhood sits well on you."

Stella looked at him, and noticed that unfortunately, she can not say the same for Kwame. He looked much older than he really is. He looked veyr sad, and stressed, which she attribute to his mother's death.

So she said once again, "I am so sorry."

Kwame laid his hand on her arm, and said "Do not think I am wicked or unfeeling, but for someone who had tried and been able to successfully control me all my life, the day I heard of her death felt like independence day.. The girl she forced on me because her parents were her friends, almost gouged my eyes out the first time we had a difference of opinion! I called off the engagement. We did not get married. Since then I have not found anyone I could love like you. I guess I was looking for a Stella in every woman I meet."

Stella smiled, but said, "Seriously, you can' t say that of your mother. She did a lot for you all by herself."

Kwame quickly answered, "Her uncompromising position on every isue une the sun was what sent my father away. No one forced her to be alone. It was her decision."

"Well,' Stella said, "there are many opinionated women around, but their men have not gone away. I guess she was not lucky."

"Okay, let's agree on that," Kwame said, and turned to face Stella. "How are you and how is your husband?"

"He is well, but honestly, both of us are not happy. It seems he married me in obedience to his parents. His mother thought I will make a very helpful and obedient wife. Even though we get on very well, there is no fire between us. So, life has become very monotonous, if you know what I mean. Lately, he has started coming home much later than before, with no reason. It was only by chance that I heard his former girlfriend, the one he had wanted to marry, is back from where she went when she found that they could not get married. I think they still love each other."

"Hmm, tricky situation," she added. Kwame held her hand and asked, "What about you, are you in love with him?" He added, "Please be honest."

Stella took a deep breath and without hesitation, she said, "I have never loved anybody but you, Kwame and you know that."

Kwame joyfully embraced Stella and said, "We must make plans. Your man loves someone else. I, Kwame, cannot live without you. I do not intend to lose you once I know you love me. Have a heart to heart talk with whatever his name is. I m prepared to go with You if need be. I am prepared to offer compensation, if he wants it. I will take care of the children as if they were mine. In fact, I am going to start adoption papers as soon as possible. I hope he agrees to let you go. If he does not, I will show him he can not eat his cake and have it. I will set detectives on him to know what he is doing. If it is true that he is dating his frmer girlfriend, you have the right to set yourself free."

Stella joyfully, and with tears in her eyes, agreed to all of Kwame's plans. they also decided they will not see each other again, until Stella is free. This decision was hard, but knowing what is in store in the future, if all goes well, they joyfully parted, and they were never the same again..


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