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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1746176
A short, semi erotic tale of a young man who drops incredibly lucky
“Wow I feel refreshed” I think as I see the early morning sun stream in through my window and silently remonstrate myself for not investing in a better blind earlier in the summer. As I slowly stir into life I congratulate myself for remaining strong the night and succumbing to temptation and joining the guys on their usual Friday night jaunt around the local haunts chasing the tale of my small village and start to think what I can do with my weekend now that I have caught up with the work that was threatening to my ruin my time off.

I look around my usually neat bedroom to see that it has become a mess. It had been 6 months since Laura had moved out of it and you could tell that it missed the touch of a woman, I slowly pondered the time we had spent together and came to the conclusion that although we’d had good and bad times it had been a positive experience but I was right to call time on it. Sweet as though Laura was we had shared little in common and what excited her was more likely to send me to sleep than have me having me hanging from the rooftops in excitement.

“ah well c’est la vie” I mutter as I dodge past the growing mountain of clothes and wander across the hall to the shower. Once there I jumped my boxers and let the hot water soak every part of me. I thought about starting my day with a real bang but thought it seemed almost a shame to revert back to self and spend yet another Saturday morning pleasuring myself over women I was never likely to seduce and besides with the yawning chasm in my day there would be plenty of time for that if I became too pent up.

After the shower I quickly throw some clothes on settling on a plain white T shirt and ripped jeans. Giving myself a quick once over whilst attempting to tame my hair I come to the conclusion that joining the gym after splitting with Laura had been a positive step my arms were developing a nice shape and the beer belly i’d gained from spending too many Saturday’s in the pub to avoid having to listen to Laura’s problems and grievances had gone to be replaced with a nice washboard.

“well I’m no Brad Pitt but I’ll pass” I say as I wink at myself.

My next dilemma was whether or not to have breakfast. Despite the endorsements of every nutrionist saying it was the most important meal of the day ringing in my ears I decide against getting the grill out and instead grab my keys and head out of the door. The early morning beams that had originally woke me up had now been replaced by a very bright and warm early summer morning and I was glad I had treated myself to a nice pair of sunglasses a couple of weeks before. I clicked the lock on my little sports car and hopped in. Quickly flicking through my CD collection to find something to suit my mood I settled on Kings of Leons “only by the night” as been a decent choice for easy listening and not having to concentrate too hard on what the lyrics and tone of the song meant (another annoying habit i’d picked up from Laura)

The short drive into the town was uneventful and I soon pulled into the only free car park in town and praised my good luck at finding a space that didn’t require me to work up a sweat to get to where I wanted to be.

I head to the local shop and pick up the paper planning to have a quick read and see if there was any decent horses racing that afternoon. Once i’d paid I planned my next move whether to go to the cafe and grab a sandwich and drink the worst coffee known to man or grab a take away from the coffee shop and see if I could sneak that into the cafe without catching the eagle eye of the miserable woman who worked there. Since I was enjoying a good start to my day then I figured I would take my chance so made the short walk to the coffee shop. Whilst in the queue I unfolded my paper and began to flick through the paper stifling a giggle at the ridiculous things that people will do to become or remain famous. I was that in depth that as I felt my phone slipping out of my pocket I wasn’t paying attention and quickly swivelled round and bumped straight in an extremely cute woman who was stood behind me.

“I am so sorry I was in a world of my own” as I watched the contents of her handbag fly up in the air and scatter all over the floor. I quickly ran around picking them up and trying to look as though I wasn’t interested in what I was picking up.

“well that was awfully good of you.........”

“Dan” I mumble as you open your handbag and allow me to pour the offending items back into your bag.

“Well mumbler Dan I am Sky”

Quickly realising that you were been nice and friendly despite the strange start to our meeting I offer to further compensate you by buying you your coffee which you happily accept on the condition that we stay in the cafe to become acquainted whilst we drink them.

Once served and sat down you ask me a few general questions like how come she hasn’t seen me round town, what I do for work just idle chit chat. As it has been so long since I had been in the sole company of a lady and especially one that graced the eye so pleasantly I found myself basking in the attention of my new found companion.

All too soon we’d finished our coffee’s and I realised that I hadn’t plotted my next move. Thinking fast I concocted a story that I was supposed to be meeting a friend for a few drinks shortly but I had been let down and therefore didn’t have any plans.

“Are you asking me to join you Dan, because if you are then you are doing a shoddy job of it but yes I would be delighted to accept”

I explained that I hadn’t exactly been on fire in the dating department recently and that I was hardly a pro at the best of times to which you just laugh and say with the most gorgeous glint in your eye “ well play your cards right Dan and you might get a little luckier than you imagined”

I could only manage what I hoped was a happy go lucky wink and allowed you to walk out of the coffee shop. This gave me the chance to catch a sneaky look at your rear end and I certainly liked what I saw. I can only guess you may have guessed my intentions as you certainly had a wiggle as you walked that I have never seen a normal lady do.

Once outside I offer you my arm which you happily take and walk cosily together towards a bar to have a drink. Whilst we’re walking there are a couple of breaks in conversation, not awkward silences but a bit of time to reflect on the days events. I come to the conclusion that someone up there is smiling on me today and promise myself that if today pans out that I will make decent sized contribution to charity when I next get the chance.

“something puzzling you Dan?”

You break me out of my thoughts with your question and I pause thinking how to answer you. I decide honesty tends to be the best policy and besides I have nothing to hide so I explain that it’s been 6 months of singledom with me and despite been relatively happy with my life I could do with a bit of companionship but I didn’t want want to make a fool of myself.

“oh is that all I thought it was something serious!!”

Your words put me at ease and I figure that I will just see how things pan out rather than worrying where this was going. We get to the bar and I ask you what you would like to drink but your having none of that and insist on buying the 1st drinks since I was such a gentleman over the coffee’s and picking your belongings up. I happily accept your offer and order myself a pint.

The hours quickly slip by as we have drink after drink and by the time evening comes we’re both a bit worse for wear. You quickly knock back your drink and say right Dan it’s time for me to head home, however I am going to break a rule I set a long time ago and invite you to join me, as if to prove how much you want me to come you come really close and lay the softest kiss on my lips. Your taste is so intoxicating and I immediately feel something stir within me that hadn’t been present in the last 6 months. I try to respond and kiss you back but you put a finger between our lips and say come to mine and there is plenty of time for that.

I call the taxi and to my relief they have a spare car and we only have to wait 5 minutes but my god those 5 fingers dragged. I passed the time by trying to imagine what was going to happen when we got back to your apartment but that only caused me to be more aroused. You seemed to guess what I was doing as you whisper quietly in my ear that what will be will be. I start to think that maybe I am in a dream and that I would awake in a minute as I had never found myself in such a position and definitely with such an amazing woman.

Once we’re in the cab you seem to have a sudden change of heart and unbuckle your seatbealt and move to straddle me. As soon as your on top you let out a little giggle.

“My my someone either has a large phone or is very pleased to see me”

I declare I haven’t wanted someone so bad since I saw Brittney Spears kissing Madonna 5 years ago at the MTV music awards. You laugh and say you hope you live up to expectation.

Once we’re out of the taxi I pay the guy and you walk up to the door and unlock it. Once inside you declare you need to slip into something more comfortable and direct me to the fridge where there should be some beers. I grab one and unbottle it and wonder what you have in store for me as I sit down in your chrome effect living room. I think about slipping myself into something a bit more comfortable but think it might be deemed a bit forward for you to see me in all my glory just yet. I hear you pitter from the bathroom and try to make myself look as though I am totally at ease but inside my mind is racing.

Once you step inside though, everything I was thinking went to mush and I just sat there and stared. You came into the room in the most gorgeous simple red bra and French knickers but what was most amazing about what your lack of clothing was the stockings you had chosen to finish off your outfit. You smile demurely as you step fully into the room and declare innocently

“Dan you seem to be somewhat over dressed for the occasion. Let me help you with that.”

You come over and gently tug my t shirt over my head to expose my chest then playfully tug at my jeans. Your skilful hands soon have the buttons undone and before I know I am sat on your sofa wearing nothing but my boxers.

You take a step back and cast an admiring glance over my naked torso.

“Well I have outdone myself here haven’t I Dan”

“Believe me I am thinking the exact shame Sky but it almost seems a shame to have you unwrapped already, I would have loved to have you out”

“Yes but if you had then you wouldn’t have had the fun of seeing me walk in the room now come here and show you how much you want me!!”

I walk over to you and hoist you up so your legs are wrapped around mine and start to kiss your neck. I want to go at 100 mph but something tells me that wouldn’t go down well with you so I start slowly letting your perfume engulf me. I Start to bite your ear whispering what I want to do and feeling you start to breathe a bit heavier. You ask me to put you down and as I do you lead me to the sofa and ask me to sit down and take my boxers off. My cock springs into life as it’s freed and you sit and smile at it. I ask what you have in mind and you say as you lick your lips.

“Dan my dear I am going to give you a blowjob, now just sit and relax and let me take my time, I so enjoy giving head and that looks the perfect size to me”

I sit down on the sofa and part my legs to allow you to get between them and watch as you go to work on my rock hard piece. It’s always amazed me watching a girl giving head but you looked like you were born to do it. You wrap your right hand around the base of my cock and let your mouth take long slow sucks up and down my shaft. All too soon I feel the sensation of my balls becoming tighter and I know I won’t last much longer and our night will be over before it’s even started.

“having difficulties there sweetie” you smile up at me and I can’t help but smile back.

Once i’d regained my composure I promised you it was my turn to have a little fun with you and I expertly whipped off your bra and allowed myself a quick look at your boobs. They are a perfect size and sit pertly on your chest. Your nipples are a lovely rosy pink and they look like they would fit perfectly in my mouth but plenty of time for that later. You shimmy out of your knickers and ask where I would like you to be. I motion that been in the same position as me would be great.

You settle down and look at me as I get in position. I contemplate what to do and think I will start by gently using my tongue to glide up and down the inside of your thighs purposefully missing your pussy which is glistening with desire and has the smell of raw sex coming from it. You start to slowly moan as my tongue reaches up round your stomach and I start to make a beeline for your perfect shaven pussy. I use my fingers to part you and let my tongue find your clit. It feels hard in my mouth as I start by working my way round the edge of it varying the pressure and timing to increase the pleasure.

You breathing starts to get really heavy and your breasts are heaving on your chest as you gasp that you need me inside you.

I pull myself up and wrap my arms around you and allow my cock to slip inside you. It fits like a glove and I start to grind against you taking really long slow thrusts so you can feel my full size filling your tight wet hole. You start to kiss me deeply and I return as we both gasp for breath. Our bodies are so perfectly entwined, your curves meet my toned body at every opportunity.

You roll me over so your on top and begin to ride me like there is no tomorrow. Our bodies make a right angle as your sat upright and I am laid down and now I get the perfect view of your body as it bounces up and down on top of me your head thrown back in ecstasy.

You encourage me to sit and wrap your legs round me so we can kiss while you rock back and forth making love to my rock hard cock. I hold you tight as you get quicker and quicker gasping that your about to cum but it’s not time yet and I beg you to slow down you moan that it feels too good but I wont let you cum not yet.

We separate ourselves for a minute and you beg to have me back inside you, your insatiable and I am only too keen to help, my cock is wet with your juices which you bend over and naughtily lick then come up so I can taste you. You stand astride the couch and your ass looks so inviting that I grab your hips and take you from behind. The force of my entry takes you by surprise and you gasp then start to respond by forcing yourself back on me urging your soaking pussy to take as much of me as you can.

I reach my hand round and start teasing your clit making small circles around it as your strokes get quicker. I feel your pussy start to spasm and I know you are close to cumming so I pick up the pack and slam my cock in and out as fast as I can. You give 1 last scream as your whole body starts to shake and I empty my load deep inside you.

© Copyright 2011 Dan Aspin (danleeds at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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