Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668435-You-make-me-so-happy
Rated: · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1668435
A boy sweeps a girl off her feet.
What would it take for him to talk to her again! They used to be such good friends, and by now he probably alread forgot her last name. She even tryed tripping over his foot, being with him in group projects but it never worked! It was never the same. She would dream of the day, he talked to her agin, the day he would sweep her off her feet dancing, the day he told her he loved her. And no matter how many times she would try to tell herself it would never happend, the little happy girl in her kept telling her "just wait, he loves you, HE MUST."And then one day, totally unplanned he hit her face with a peice of pie that he was meaning to throw at his friend. "URG GOD!" she shouted, whiping the food off her face "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID! URG! JUST GET OVER IT!" and she stormed straight out of the cafeteria. and all she heard was him laughing in the backroud, laughing at her. Who was he? What happend to the boy she knew and loved with every drip of soul in her body! His soft green eyes, his swifft red hair. Then she saw all those features in the mirrore in front of her "John? URG! I TOLD YOU TO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" and she went inside a stall to hide from the boy of her dreams. "you're in the girls bathroom, whatever you go to do just do it and leave and die and then dissentegrate into nothingness--" and she was interruappet by a weak voice, that she could barely notices, was his "Okay, I'm sorry that was unsensative of me, please just come out and talk to me?" slowly she opend the door, and steped out with still a few peices of pie in her hairs, and cocinute cream on her face. " we haven't talked in nearly a year" she said looking outt the window avoiding any eye contact that would make her burst into tears "10 months 1 weeek and 6 days and i beleive it was a lunch time so it seem about right" Oh! His sexy canadian accient! Urg she couldn't resist that voice!"it was actually the class after when you asked for my pen" "I'm talking about when the last time you told me how you felt about me" "OH YA!" she said in a sarcastic tone. "that COMPLETLY sliped my mind! PUSSSHHH! that was ONLY the biggest humiliation of my life" "2 minutes" he said completly ignoring everything she said. "oh and what's that?" she asked "the last time you threw pie on my face?, or the most recent time you humiliated me" "the last time i told you i loved you" he said comming closer to her, looking deep in her eyes, even though she was still looking out the window so high on the wall. A sudden shock went through her body, a sudden knote in her stomach tightened, and her heart stopped. He then put something on the counter, she couldn't tell considering she was looking at the corner of her eye, when he went out the door, she found a rose  sitting on the middle on the counter. She walked slowly to pick up the beautiful red rose. Then forgetting everything she knew about roses, she poked herself with a thorn. the blood was as red as the flower and it was comming down her finger slowly. She sucked on it to try to suck out the pain, and then where the rose was put she read the words "blow on it" Confused she blew on the cut and slowly it was blown away. When she finished cleaning herself up she went out the door and found him lieing against the door with a whole other bouquet of diffrent colore roses. Speechless she droped the rose giving her finger another cut. "ouch" she whispered, and on that word he took her finger and started to blow on the cut, and looked straight into her eyes. It's not awkward unless you make it awkward, she thought to herself. Then when he was done he moved his lips up to hers, and she felt as though she was kissing the most gentle cloud in the world, as though he was trying not to hurt her. "I'm sorry" he whispered as he pullled away from her and he looked deep in her confused eyes and said "You make me so happy" and then with no other words he walked back to the cafeteria.
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