Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1571956-my-dairy
Rated: · Documentary · Other · #1571956
it' s the docs to record my day routin.
June 16th ,2009

I get the url from google, after a briefly glancing ,i registed here and become to be a member here.
I just attend to write sth for my day routin, so today is the first 。
I wish i will no bring trouble to other else, I usually make all kinds of mistake in working, including living.
After a long training , I think i should do some practice in writing ,so here is the beging.
best regard for everyone here, god bless u,^_^,and may god belss me too.

As usually , the clock woken me up at 6:30 am. After a simple washing, I begin to read English, the reading last
about a hour. During the time ,i drink some water. It must be good to my healthy ,as i was known.

Our team will provide a new version to the boss tomorrow, today will be busy ,I wonder on way to company.
I'm working in a online electronic game company .To be frankly , I always regard it as a pest to the world, it do anything
good to the social other than making the children to kill their valueless time.Now that we should provide a version to t
he boss, so all the cases due to me should be commit before returning. Damn it , because a collegue just left, my cases
steadily accumulates, It seems i will never be able to finish all of them
after returnning home ,I'm exhausted, the sun will be rise the same through I have not finish all my job.I think I shoud
lead a better life tomorrow!
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