Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1565147-HEAVENS-GREAT-PRINCE
by Jaiam
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1565147
A Christian poem about CHRIST!
Image of Christ on the way to be crucified.


Can this be the brow,
That bore the crown
Of thorns, for every generation
That has ever been and,
Shall ever be?

All hope, once lost,
Restored again,
By a single act in a garden.
When the condemning fruit
Was placed back upon
That living tree,
By but a single act of obedience,
And with the words “not my will,
But yours be.”

And now, that same brow
Shows unimaginable
Kindness; mercy; love - for me.
Can this be that brow?

Can these be the hands,
That made all things?
And when all was lost,
Then saved all things?
That were strong enough
To bear the weight of all humanity,
And the damnation or salvation
Of the world, and all the lost,
By hanging from a cross.

When, in those very hands,
Lay the power to condemn.
And, rather then to clench
In righteous vengeance,
Stretched out in holy prayer,
Saying “Father, forgive.”
Then, as only a carpenter’s hands can,
Took what once was broken
Beyond all hope, and in an instant,
Made it new - again.
Can these be those hands?

Can these be the feet,
That trod Heaven’s golden streets?
Then, when none other would,
Forsook all joy, all bliss,
All things heavenly,
To tread that street of woe (Via Dolorosa)
And go step, by step, by step to death?
So that I, if following in
Those steps, might live?
All the weight of sin, borne by them, for me.
Can these be those feet?

O these are the hands, the feet, the brow
Of Heaven’s Great PRINCE.
Who, reaching down, would raise me up
To walk with him.
Cleansed of all that I was
To become all that I can.
And all I need do is give love
For love - as HE did so long ago
And still does.

© Copyright 2009 Jaiam (cath4x3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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