Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1523271-flame-watcher
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1523271
sitting high up on a mountain with wonderful memories.
The sun began to crest over the peak of a majestic mountain within view of my living room.Swaddled warmly inside my afghan that my slavic grandmother knitted.I focus my eyes on the wine glass before me setting on the small coblers block I use for a table.Red wine just a hint left sitting at the bottom like a crimson pool I gaze at the color and my eyes focus on red haze,feeling in a trance I stretch to wake up my muscles.Gazzing now about the beautiful cabin that my grandfather built for my slavic Grandmother.It had one bedroom a cozy living area a small eat in kitchen,and thank the heavens it now has a working stand up shower and most of all an inside toilet! I remember a many nights while my Grandfather stood in the doorway holding up a lantern against the stary night while I made my way in haste to the outhouse.Ahhh memories,this cabin is full of wonderous ones.Built in the late thirties by a mountain man on a quest for absolute peace found it way out here.The cabin is in a gully between to mountains and about give or take fifty miles up and through ruggid ridges and raging rivers a path that you can follow if you know it, will lead you to vail colorado.The cabin was stumbled upon by my Grandfather who was an avid hiker.The old gentleman and my Grandfather quickly became friends,and the kind old man upon his death made it very clear in his will that the land and cabin shall be granted to my Grandparents.They used it as a getaway for weeks vacations and eventually stayed here when they retired.They knew a man who would take them by helicopter to reach this far off land of peace and tranquility.Up grades were made to the cabin over the years,and to stand back looking at it with its perfect snowy mountain side setting and the smoke coughing it's way out of the stone chimney,and seeing the warm orange glow of the fire's light radiating threw the windows and its peaked roof and swooped entry door overhang it was so inviting and cozy.Seeing it, your sences were instantly revitalized and upon walking in and seeing the braided oval rug's on the floor and butcher blockes and cobbler tables,spices hung from the rafters with there smells of petals settling comfy in your nose and of course a rocking chair and a beautiful mantel above the fire place made it a mesmorizing place to want to be.Everything carved with love from wood,chairs,tables,shelves,everything you could think of to make it a simple yet pleasurable living cabin.My Grandfather did that whole heartedly and loved every moment.Being here now with there absence gives me a sort of sorrow and peace all at once.I miss there laughter and hugs,but being here in the cabin you could feel the memories and almost here them sizzle with energy still as if they only happened moments ago.My Grandmother would sit holding me for hours staring at the fires orange flames and say how soothing they were to the watcher,while rocking me into a slumber when I was a child.I still remember her scent, a warm loving Grandmother scent and still feel her loving arms wrapped softly but securily around me.My Grandfather would sit in his high back chair and softly string his beautiful violin with music that made your heart slow and your breathing steady as his music lulled you into a slumber.A smile stretches across my face as I reminisce the memories and see the sun fully in it's beauty.The fire is reduced now to crackling embers and my nose is cold.I sit up and walk over to it to add more wood and poke the embers.Quickly it regenerates into a dancing flame again and I have such peace and warm feelings that it makes my body buzz with excitement.Someday when I marry and have children of my own I want so much to tell them the stories and share the love my Grandparent's had for the land and nature,and keep there spirits alive always.Suddenly I hear the helicopter and rush to the door swinging it wide open while still wrapped in my afghan and greet my Grandparent's other memory keepers,my parents with a smile so big and giggles of excitement to realize that love and memories will always be made here."ALWAYS"
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