Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1434395-God-is-good-guy
by Jacob
Rated: E · Article · None · #1434395
God is a good guy...
God is a good guy...
Everything looks so furious even the nature has turned against us... maybe they too have learnt the lesson " Man is the most dangerous animal alive ".We claim we've conquered all boundaries of science & we proudly call ourselves the most intelligent of all creatures .

While galloping our way to cyberspace we've left behind many morals in the name of modernism . Even the word ' Love ' has lost its sanctity . Now its just a game for Two . We've even blemished most heavenly moments " Marriage " ... Now its just a license for getting divorced after some years ,months , or maybe weeks or maybe days or maybe even hours for some people like Britney Spears ( lets just say she is blinded by fame ).I think its high time to redefine Love .

" Love is a divine emotion & it's the only thing in this world that blind can see, Deaf can hear & dumb can speak ". Like all the beautiful things in this world that we've destroyed; Love too will be becoming History one day. May be they'll still remain as long as directors wish not to wind up soap operas.

Have you ever wondered where our world is heading to......is the Judgement day near or are we inviting it . Today the biggest threat that we are facing is terrorism .The word terrorist brings to our minds a feeling of hatred , anger & fear. Have you ever thought how these terrorists came to our world . Did some aliens dropped them here ? or Did God created them as such ? Like all other bad things in this world Terrorists too were created by man. There was a time when one half of the planet rejoiced in luxury while the other half suffered in misery & darkness of poverty . Their hearts were blinded by darkness , they even forgot how to smile , they made their hearts hard as rock ... finally they emerged into a new group ....yes terrorists . Most people don't realize this . Now the Leaders in developed countries call these mere excuses for the terrorist revolt .If this attitude continues one day Africans will rise back emerging into future terrorists.

Our world is filled with trillions of humans . But the irony is that in the heart of hearts majority of them are still slaves to solitude. Everything around brings tears to our eyes . Sometimes we even feel we're left alone in this crooked world .I wonder how people have time to fight when life is too short to live .They're always worried about something or the other . Their major concern is money . Some people are worried about not having money .... Others have too much money that they're worried about loosing it . .... Some are just blinded by luxury .

Hell is too small to accommodate all of us ... So God has adopted a new strategy bring it down over here . But don't worry we'll all be comfortable in hell because we've gone through too much and more than that 'God is a good guy '.

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