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by M
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1419253
Angela meets a man. His beauty is unbelievable, but she doesn't know...hes a vampire.
I woke up the next day to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, the same annoying sound that filled my body with grief. I whipped my arm around and smacked my clock on its head. It stopped. So far, the day was going as usual. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my forehead. I heard Mom walk down the hallway and open my door. She peeked her head in and turn on the light. The sudden brightness hurt my eyes and I closed them quickly. "Just making sure you're up," she said and closed the door. I sighed and stood up from my bed. I got dressed and did everything I normally did before school. It was a normal Tuesday. Well, at first.
         I didn't eat breakfast, again. I said bye to Mom and Dad and left the house. The cool, night air filled my nose and lungs with a misty fog. I could see a small glimpse of sun behind a few clouds. I pulled my keys out of my purse and pushed the button on my remote to unlock my doors. Beep. My car horn beeped for a second to indicate that me doors unlocked. I reached for the handle on my door and opened it. Nobody was around, it was so early, so an eery silence was wrapped around me. I sat in my car and froze. On my dashboard of my car was a piece of paper. My eyes widened and I picked up the paper slowly. What is this? I didn't leave a paper in here last night. I locked my doors... I opened it and on it was a phone number. I pushed my eyebrows together and looked around me. Nobody was around... I locked my doors... How did this get in here? Whose number is this? My heart started thumping as I took out my cell phone. I entered the number in my phone and texted it, asking whose number it was. I place the paper in my pocket and closed my door. I sat there, thinking. Mindy didn't put that paper in here, I locked my doors. Nothing was on my dashboard. How did it get here? I locked my doors... I kept thinking over and over again, trying to figure out how it got there. The thing that startled my the most was that I locked my doors. I always locked my doors. I didn't understand. But I would find out whenever the number would text me back later on.
         I turned on my car and drove out of my driveway. I drove to school, thinking about the piece of paper over and over again. I made it to the school. I pulled into the parkinglot, avoiding walking students. I pulled into a space and parked my car. I turned it off. I looked down at my phone on my lap, I had no messages. I got out of my car and looked around the lot. Nobody was around. I looked into the forest behind the lot and looked through the trees and bushes. It was brighter outside, but not sunny. The sun didn't peek over the clouds just yet, but it was getting there. I squinted and put my phone in my pocket, setting it to vibrate, and walked to the school.
         As soon as I walked in, I saw Mindy and John. They walked up to me and we walked to our locker section together. I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket when our conversation slowed a bit.
         "Do you know whose number this is," I asked Mindy and she took the paper from me. She examined it.
         "Nope. I have no clue."
         "Oh," I said and took the paper from her and put it back in my pocket. Then, John and Mindy started a whole new conversation.I just listened and nodded my head every once in a while, but my mind was really wondering.
         Every period, I sat in my chair, awaiting the text message I wanted to reveal to me whose number it was so I could get to the bottom of the situation. And finally, in fifth period, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. My hand shot up in the middle of class.
         "Yes, Angela," Mr. Peters asked me.
         "Can I use the restroom? It's an emergency."
         "Go ahead," He said and I grabbed my purse and left the class. I trotted down the hallway to the bathrooms and walked in. Nobody was inside, thank goodness. I flipped open my cell and opened the message:
         The number you received is my number. My name is Damian Von Hagen.
         The text message said. I cocked my head and replied, asking why "Damian" gave me his number. I put stood against the wall with my phone in my hand, waiting for a reply. After a minute, my phone vibrated again. He typed that he gave it to me so he could talk to me. He saw me at the club and wanted to get to know me. I rolled my eyes. I replied:
         Oh, really? Did I see you at the club? What did you look like?
         I sent the message and put the phone in my pocket. I left the restroom and walked back to my class. And a few minutes after I got back, I got another text message. I pulled out my phone when the teacher wasn't looking, since cell phones were not allowed in school. I flipped it open and read the message.
         Yes, I saw you and you saw me. I was wearing black. You probably don't remember me. By the way, what is your name?
         Who was wearing black? I can't remember anyone like that, except the beautiful guy. I thought to myself. This Damian couldn't be him. He couldn't be, tons of people were wearing black. That didn't help. I responded:
         Okay, Damian. How did you get the paper in my car? My doors were locked. Are you stalking me? My name is Angela Loretti, but everyone calls me Angie.
         It was stupid to ask someone if they were stalking you, but I could. I didn't know Damian and for all I knew he wasn't even real. So I asked. I hurriedly hit the phone on my lap while the teacher was looking at me. Then, he was done teaching. People started moving desks to talk to each other and gossip. I held my phone in my hand and waited. It vibrated again and my screen blinked. I flipped it open again and read the message:
         No, Anegla, your doors were unlocked. I entered the parking lot as soon as you did and saw you and your friend get out of the car, so I knew it was your car. I wanted to be mysterious and put the number in your car because I was too nervous to give it to you, that is all. And no, I'm not stalking you.
         I rolled my eyes and thought the whole message was a lie. But I humored him. I had nothing better to do, so I texted him for the next few periods. And as we asked more about each other, I thought more and more that he was the beautiful guy I saw at the club. But I justcouldn't believe it.
         "Who are you texting," Mindy asked and I looked up from my phone at lunch. I wasn't hungry, so I just sat texting while my food sat in front of me.
         "Some guy I met at The Club," I said and Mindy's face lit up.
         "Really? Who? Is he cute?"
         "His name is Damian," I just said because I didn't really know what he looked like.
         "Wow! That's awesome. Are you going to The Club tonight? I bet you want to see him there." She nudged me and I shrugged. I didn't really want to go back to The Club, but I did want to see who Damian was. Then, the bell rang.
         "I'll call you tonight and tell you if I'm going. Are you gonna' go, John?" John was walking next to us, I forgot about him.
         "Nice of you to remember me. But I'll go if you two go," he said and we all agreed we'd call each other. I walked into the restroom and flipped open my cell phone.
         Okay, are you going to the Spice Club tonight? Me and a few friends might go, you should go. I want to see who you really are.
         I sent the message and closed my phone. I tuck it in my pocket and continued to my last class. I sat quietly in my seat until I felt my phone vibrate once more. I eagerly looked around and spotted the teacher in the back of the room at her desk, checking papers. I pulled out my phone and flipped it open.
         I will be there.
         I cocked my head and closed my phone. I hid it in my hand for a moment and put it back in my pocket. For the rest of the period, I sat, thinking. I knew I shouldn't have been meeting up with Damian, but it wasn't like he would be able to do anything to me, we would be at a public place with tons of people. And Mindy would be there. Nothing would happen to me, and I bet this "Damian" was an innocent guy who just liked me. I didn't really worry to much, but I just kept thinking about what could happen, and who Damian really was.
         At the end of the day, I walked to my locker and threw my books into it. The hallways were crowded with tons of rude people pushing each other to get past to go to the busses or parkinglot. I rolled my eyes and looked around the crowd of passing people for Mindy or John. I stood on my toes and looked above the heads of hair and hats. I saw Mindy. I looked around her, no John.
         "Mindy," I yelled and waved my hand in the air. She looked around and spotted me. I slid into the crowd next to her and followed the long lines of people down the stairs and out the door. "Are you going tonight?"
         "Sure, if you want to go," Mindy said and someone bumped into her. I gave them a mean look and they walked away with a crazy look on their face. I smiled and Mindy laughed.
         "Are you driving, or do you want me to pick you up again," I asked as we walked down the stairs. The loud sound of footsteps and stomps echoed around me. I whinced at the loud sounds and paid attention to Mindy.
         "I'll drive. I'll meet with you there," she said and I agreed. "I'll meet up with you later. Text me!"
         "I will," I yelled back at her and we separated. I walked out the heavy doors and tried not to run into people walking in front of me. I pulled out my keys and clicked my remote to unlock my doors. I listened to my footsteps on the sidewalk as the chaos around me died down and left me walking by myself. The bright sun started to heat my body and sent a bright welcoming to my eyes. I squinted and looked down a little bit to help shield my precious eyes. I walked into the parkinglot and clicked my remote. My car beeped. I approached it and opened the door carefully as I looked around at anything abnormal. I was still paranoid about how the note got into my car. I slid into my seat and closed the door. I turned on my car and drove out of the lot, heading home.
         I pulled into my driveway. I turned off my car and got out. After I closed my door, I stood next to my car. I held my remote on my keychain and pushed the button that unlocked my doors. Beep! They were locked. I would remember they were locked. I turned and walked to my porch and up the steps. I opened the door and a wave of a delicious scent filled my nose. I closed the door behind me and Coco came running down the stairs.
         "Hey, Coco," I squealed and picked her up. She licked me and wagged her little tail.
         "Angie, I made a great dinner," Mom came into the livingroom with her eyes sparkling.
         "Great, I'm pretty hungry." I put Coco down and took of my shoes. Then, walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I threw my purse on my bed and checked my computer for messages. None. Wow. I thought to myself and tapped my nails on my computer desk. I pulled my cell from my pocket and checked for messages. I had one. It was from one of my other friends named Sarah, she was asking what I was doing. I told her nothing. I closed my phone and put it on my desk. I could smell the food downstairs again. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I walked in and sniffed the air. I could smell hot, delicious food.
         "What's all there to eat?" I looked down the stove and on the table as my mom listed all the types of food to chose from. I smiled eagerly and could hardly wait any longer. I took a plate from the cabinet and a fork from the drawer. I looked at the food on the table: mashed potatoes, corn, chicken, gravy, brocoli (I loved brocoli), and a salad. I smiled and took a piece of chicken and mashed  potatoes with gravy. My mouth watered. I took my plate of food upstairs and sat on my bed with it. I turned on my TV and watched a cooking show as I ate. Coco walked into my room, wagging her tail and staring at my food. "No, Coco," I said and looked away from her. I ate my food silently, chewing each piece and tasting its true flavor. But in my mind, I kept thinking about what was going to happen that night. When I was finished eating, I put my dishes in the sink and walked back up to my room. I checked my phone on my desk. No messages. I cocked my head and texted Mindy, asking when she was leaving. It was still early in the day, I wouldn't leave for the club for probably another few hours. I had a long of time to burn.
         I watched my TV flip through channels as I tapped the remote buttons. My eyes scanned each picture quickly and carefully within a second to see if I saw anything interesting. Nothing. Dang, is there anything on? What do I do until I have to leave tonight?
         "Angie! Come here, please," I heard Mom call from downstairs. I turned off my TV and trotted down the hallway and stairs.
         "Can you go to the store for me? Debbie is coming over in a little bit and I need to restock no some snacks," Mom said and reached into her purse. "And don't forget that you work this weekend." Ugh. I always remembered that I worked every weekend. I never forgot. I worked each weekend at a restaurant next to Chica's, what a coincidence.
         "I know, Mom. I never forget. Now, what do you ant me to get at the store?" My mom handed me a twenty and I stuffed it in my pocket. My cell rattled in my hand and I flipped it open.
         "Get snacks," Mom said and followed me as I walked to the door, holding my cell in my hand.
         "Dang, I'm forgetting my keys." I ran upstairs and retrieved my keys from my purse. I ran back downstairs and opened the door, "Bye, Mom." I said as I walked out and closed the door behind me. I trotted off the porch and looked down at my phone again. Mindy messaged back:
         I'm not leaving for a while I'll message you when I leave.

         I closed my phone and clicked the button to unlock my doors. I sat in my car and closed my door. The bright sun beamed through my back window and blinded me when I looked in my mirror. I squinted and pulled out of my driveway carefully. Hey, Dad should be home soon. I thought to myself and drove down the road to the store. There, I bought chips and some other snacks Mom and Debbie might enjoy, since I wasn't going to be home to eat enough of it. When I got home, I made sure I locked my doors once more. My dad's car was in the driveway, so I was a bit excited to see him.
         "Mom, I got the stuff," I yelled and saw Dad sitting on the couch.
         "Hey, Angie. How was school," Dad asked and smiled at me as I walked back to the kitchen.
         "It was fine." I put the bags of food on the table and saw Coco eating out of her dish on the floor. I waved to her.
         "Oh, great. Debbie will be here any minute," Mom said coming down the stairs. I smiled at her and said okay. Then, walked upstairs to start to get ready for the club, that night was an important night. I had to look nice.
         I hopped in the shower first. I scrubbed everywhere on my body and lathered my hair full of shampoo. The steaming air filled my nose and the burning water dripped down my slick body. After I was done, I dried myself and wrapped towels around my hair and body. I brushed my teeth well and made sure they were shining before I left the bathroom. I opened the door and the steam escaped the fogged room with a scream of delight. I walked down the hallway and to my room; I heard my parents talking about something, then, I thought I heard someone else's voice also. I decided that I was going to get dressed first before I went downstairs to investigate.
         I dropped my towel that once wrapped around my body. I let out my hair from the twisted towel around my head and dropped that on the floor as well. I put on my underwear and bra and walked over to my closet to search for the perfect outfit. I checked my computer for the time, it read 4:20 p.m. I looked back through my closet and picked out a pair of jeans that were ripped in different places around my knees and thighs. I liked my jeans like that. I flipped the hangers hanging on the metal bar across the top of my closet. I scanned each top carefully, imagining myself in each one and determining if it would be the right one to wear. I skipped many before I came up on a top that thought it might do. I pulled it out and tried it on. I looked in my mirror, it looked just right. It was a black, tight top that swooped across my chest and bared my neck and shoulders. I had little pieces of sleeves that only wrapped around my biceps. I loved the look. I carefully dried my hair and styled it. I straightened it and then teased it a bit to match my style. With my makeup, I just put on some black eyeliner and some grey eyeshadow. I stepped back, looking at my whole body in my mirror. I had no problems with my outfit, so I checked the clock on my computer again, it read 5:05 p.m. I smiled. I won't be early. I actually burned some time.
         I walked downstairs and peeked my head into the kitchen. Mom, Dad, and Debbie sat at the table looking at pictures.
         "Hey, Angie. Where are you going out so dressed up," Debbie said and smiled at me. My mom smiled weakly, she didn't like me dressing how I did, and Dad looked me up and down as I walked to the table.
         "Well, me and Mindy are going to hang out tonight," I said and smiled. Debbie was my only sister. She was about two years older than me. She was attending ScottsBurgh University and lived in a dorm there. She always visited when she could and always helped me through everything. She was my best friend.
         "Oh, I see. You don't want to hang out with me?" Debbie frowned as my parents just watched.
         "I do, but tonight is important. When are you coming back?"
         "This weekend," Debbie said as my parents continued to just watch us.
         "Okay, we can chill then," I said and smiled. She smiled back and nodded.
         "Where are you going, Angela? Just to Mindy's house?"
         "No, we are going dancing," I said and laughed. Debbie nodded and laughed with me.
         "Okay, just don't be back too late, you have school tomorrow," Dad said and I rolled my eyes.
         "I know, gosh." I shrugged and Debbie turned to mom to continue her conversation. I looked up at the yellow walls and looked at the rooster clock hanging on the wall. 5:15 p.m. I sighed and walked back upstairs. I can't leave yet. I don't want to be too early. Hmm, it takes about forty-five minutes to get to the club, so I should leave around a quarter to six o'clock. I sat on my bed and picked my remote up from the white blanket that covered my bed. I turned on m TV and flipped through the channels until I found anything I thought I would watch until it was time for me to leave. While I sat on my bed, leaning against my headboard, I tried to patiently wait until 5:45. My eyes flickered over to my alarm clock a number of times to check the time. It seemed that the whole time I sat on my bed time was slowed tremendously. I tried not to look at the clock so much, and tried to pay attention to the show I was watching so the time would pass more quickly, it worked a little, but not as much.
         I couldn't fight the urge anymore, I looked over at the clock and my face lit up. It was a quarter till. I jumped up from my bed and turned off my TV and computer. I grabbed my phone off the computer desk and texted Mindy:
         Hey, I'm leavin now. See you there!
         I put my phone in my pocket, picked up my keys from my dresser, and flipped my purse onto myshoulder. I left my room, making sure everything was off and walked down the stairs.
         "Bye, guys. I'll be back later. Bye, Debbie," I said and gave her a hug. They all told me bye and I walked into the livingroom and put on my shoes. I stood up and my phone vibrated in my pocket. I flipped it open as I left the house and walked off the porch. I had a message from Mindy:
         Okay, I'm leaving now.
         I set my phone to ring when I got a text message and I held my keys pointing towards my car. I clicked the button. Beep. I opened my car door and sat in my seat, closing the door tightly and turning on my car. I pulled my phone out from my pocket once more and texted Damian:
         I'm leaving now.

         I set my phone on my lap and pulled out of my driveway, carefully, I didn't want to hit Dad's or Debbie's car. The bright sun was slowly going down. The clouds lit up orange and red, the sun would go down within three hours. I looked at the road ahead of me and drove to the club.
         I came to the city. I drove on Maple Street and managed to hit most of the red lights. Ugh. But it was okay, I wanted to be late anyway. I continued driving through the city. As I drove deeper and deeper, I eventually could see the Spice Club ahead. My eyes sparkled with anticipation. I looked at the long line, once again, carrying out to almost the end of the block. Wow, I wonder if Mindy is here yet. I slowed and turned into the parkinglot across the street. I checked my phone, no messages, and grabbed my purse--even though I didn't need it again. I pulled my keys out of the ignition and got out of my car, slamming the door and making sure I locked it. I locked it, I did lock it. I thought to myself as I walked across the lot. I looked around, hoping to see that beautiful man I saw the night before, I didn't. I didn't see Mindy, either.
         I looked both ways across the street before I crossed, and as I did, most of the people standing in line stared at me. Oh, great. I tried not to scream or run. I walked to the back of the line like nothing was wrong. I rolled my eyes to myself and looked at the wall. The screeching voices of girls and the manly chuckles of the men bounced around me. I tried to ignore the girls standing in the line in front of me while they gossiped about someone and carried on so loudly, their crackles made my jaw tighten and my teeth chatter with aggravation. I looked around for Mindy, or anyone I knew at least, I didn't see anyone.
         When I was almost to the front of the line, I saw Mindy's car pull into the parkinglot. I sighed in relief and waited for her to come up into the line next to me. I watched her walk across the street and walked up to me.
         "It took you forever," I said and she rolled her eyes.
         "I know. I had to help Mom and stuff. Thanks for saving my spot. By the way,John is coming too," Mindy said and looked around.
         "Oh, great," I said and we both chuckled. I crossed my arms and looked up the line. We were almost to the front of the line.
         "Oh, did you hear--" Mindy went on about some guy who took pictures of a girl naked and posted them on the Internet. I listened and nodded every once in a while to show her I was listening. A few stories later, I was poked on the shoulder. It felt like a sharp point was shoved into my skin. I turned around quickly and held my shoulder. My mouth opened, ready to yell when I saw the bodyguard, who always guarded the front door, staring at me.
         "I need some ID," he said and I pulled out my driver's license, Mindy did too. He passed us.
         "Ow, that hurt," I whispered to Mindy as we walked through the door and down the small hallway. I could still hear the booming music I'd listened to for the whole time I was in line. I checked my watch, it was around seven o'clock. I followed Mindy out of the hallway and onto the platform. The loud music thumped in my ears and I could feel the beat in my chest. We walked into the room with the couches and I put my purse at the same table I did the night before. I checked my phone, I had no messages.
         "Let's go! I want to dance!" Mindy grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. We pulled my the whole way down to the floor. The bodies around me flexed and danced to the thumping music. Mindy joined them. I followed her and started to dance a little bit. I watched the few lights dance across the sweaty bodies as I danced with Mindy. She did love to dance, I didn't so much, but I did anyway. I danced. I danced around with Mindy and even danced with people I didn't even know. I mainly did it to kill time, I did want to have fun, like I mentioned earlier, I wasn't a big fan of dancing. I moved to the thumping beat. My adrenalin was pumping and my chest thumped with the loud beats.
         After I started to get tired (about six dance mises later) I walked off the dance floor into the other room with the bar. I sat on the stool and asked the waiter for a water. It was the same guy who waited on me the night before. He placed the glass on the wood and filled it with water. I lifted lifted the glass to my lips and drank all of the water. I checked my phone in my pocket. It was 7:35p.m. Hmm, I wonder if Damian is here yet, or, if the beautiful guy is here yet. I looked around at all the faces around me, I didn't see him.
         "Angie!" I heard someone yell behind me. I spun around and saw John up in my face. I leaned back a little bit and stared at him.
         "Mindy told me you were in here. Why aren't you dancing," John yelled and I put a dollar on the table for my drink. I leaped off my stool.
         "I needed a drink," I yelled at him so he could hear me over the pulsing beats of the music.
         "Oh, well come on!" I followed John out to the dance floor and we both walked up to Mindy. I laughed to myself. She is a dancing fool!
         "Hey, I need a drink," Mindy yelled at us and I laughed. She cut between John and I and walked to the room with the bar. I walked up the stairs to the room with the couches. I sat in my usual place and looked around the room. I heard a few girls arguing and yelling at each other, but some of their words were blocked out by the loud music. I tried not to stare. I flipped open my cell phone and texted Damian:
         Are you coming?
         I sent it and closed my phone. He hadn't answered my last text, I hoped he would answer the one I just sent. I saw the curtain next to me open and John walked in.
         "Hey, what's up," John asked and following him, Mindy walked into the room. They both sat next to me. Then, my other friends Alex and Ashley walked in.
         "Hey, guys," I said the Alex and Ashley and they both returned the greeting. The sat with Mindy and John next to me.
         "Is anyone hungry? I'm starving," Alex said and looked at all of us.
         "I am! I'm starving too," Mindy said and Ashley agreed.
         "I'm not hungry, I just ate," I said.
         "So did I," John said and looked at me.
         "Well, we're gonna go get stuff to eat downstairs. We'll be back," Mindy said and Ashley and Alex followed. Where the bar was, across the room was a place to order food. I didn't usually eat at the club, I would have rather eaten at Chica's. So John and I sat on the couch together.
         "Why don't you go hang out with your guy friends," I asked John and he shrugged.
         "I already did, I just want to chill for a few minutes with you and Mindy." I rolled my eyes and he cocked his head. I shrugged. Then, my phone started going crazy in my hand. It started beeping and vibrating. I gasped and looked down at it. John laughed. I flipped my phone open and read the text message. It was from Damian:
         I'm coming. As soon as the sun goes down I will be there. I'll meet you in the room with all the couches and booths.
         I took a breath and closed my phone. It was ten minutes until eight o'clock. "John, when does the sun go down?"
         "Well, usually sometime before eight-thirty. Why?"
         "I am meeting a guy here when the sun goes down," I told John, there was no use in keeping it a secret.
         "His name is Damian."
         "I don't know him, how did you meet him," John asked and I paused for a moment.
         "I don't know him either. He claims he saw me here last night and gave me his number, so we're meeting each other tonight." John sighed and cocked his head.
         "Wait, you don't even know him. How do you know he's not a killer, or a pervert, or some criminal that escaped jail?"
         "Well, I don't, but I'm still gonna' meet him. I raised my eyebrows and smirked. He shook his head.
         "You better have me around when you meet him. I don't want him kidnapping you or something--"
         "Calm down. I'll be fine. I don't want you around, it will just add tension to everything. When I get to know him better, I'll bring him to meet you and Mindy," I said and John shook his head again.
         "I have a bad feeling about this. Just be careful."
         "Relax! I'll be fine. Damian is probably an ordinary guy." I sat back on the couch while John texted people on his phone. I watched the curtain as people walked into and walked out of the room. I didn't see the beautiful man. I looked at the clock on my phone after I started getting anxious. It was eight-twenty. My eyes widened and I looked around the room. The sun has to be down by now. I looked around, but I forgot there were no windows in the whole club. I stood up quickly.
         "What's wrong," John raised his voice so I could hear him.
         "I'll be back." I stuffed my phone in my pocket and walked out of the room. I walked down the walkway to the back of the club by the bathrooms. Besides the restroom doors, there was another door that was an exit to the alley. I pushed the heavy door open and walked into three people. I looked up to the sky. The sun was gone. It was dark outside. I smiled and the three people looked at me strangely. Oh, man. I turned around and swung the door shut without saying a word to the strangers. I flipped open my phone, ready to text Damian when my phone started going crazy again. I stopped. I opened the message and read it:
         I'm here. Are you in the couch room? I don't see you.

         My heart fluttered in my chest. I could feel the loud music bumping throughout my body. I replied back:
         I'm coming.
         I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. I walked out of the room and down the walkway. I stood outside the curtain. My heart was thumping. I reached for the curtain and pulled it open. I first looked at John, who looked at me strangely. Then, I flickered my eyes around the room. I sat on the couch next to John and scanned the room for new people. I didn't see anyone I didn't see before. I squinted and looked again.
         "Who are you looking for? Is he here," John asked and stared at me. I didn't turn around to acknowledge him. Then, someone seemed to pop in front of me out of nowhere. I saw dark jeans. The knees were ripped and some patches were faded. They were outstanding to me. I loved jeans like that. All that happened within a second. Before I could realize someone was standing in front of me, I heard a voice. An angelic voice that sounded like nothing I could ever think up even in my dreams.
         "Angela," the voice said and I looked up slowly. I froze. The face, staring down at me, was that beautiful face I saw the night before. For a moment, I forgot what I was thinking. John, next to me, said nothing.
         "Yes?" I continued to look up at him. I couldn't believe how gorgeous he was even up close. His silky hair fell over his forehead a bit as he looked down at me. Those eyes of his, their grey tone so hypnotizing. His pale skin stood out in the red room. He almost glowed.
         "I am Damian," The angelic creature said to me. I could hear his lovely voice right over the music, he only had to speak in a normal voice for me to hear him. Then, he smiled slightly. I stood up and he stepped back a step. I managed to smile. My heart skipped and pounded through my chest. "Nice to meet you." Damian spoke again. I nodded and felt my cheeks getting really hot. I looked into his eyes, those unusual grey eyes of his. Something, uneasy in his eyes that made me stare even more and try to figure out what it meant. Then, I remember John sitting behind me. I gasped softly and turned around.
         "John, this is Damain Von Hagen?" Damian nodded, "Damian, this is John Marcus, my friend." John said hello and Damian returned the greeting. I looked back at him, this time, he was about two feet from me.
         "John, didn't you say you were leaving to go hang out with your guy friends," I said and nudged John. He looked at me like with a stern look, I ignored it and gave him a dirty look. He sighed.
         "Yes, I'll be back." He stood up and walked out of the room. I sat on the couch and moved in a little bit so Damian could sit. My heart continued to jump loudly and my fingers started to tingle.
         "I do remember you. I saw you last night." Damian sat on the couch next to me, about a foot and a half away. We faced each other.
         "Ah, yes," Damian smiled and I almost melted.
         "My friends will probably be back, they went out to get something to eat," I said and looked around. My lonely purse sat on the table in front of us.
         "Oh, alright. Aren't you hungry?" I looked up at Damian, his perfect face made me blush again.
         "No, I just ate when I was home." I paused and looked at my hands. My scarlet nails shined in the light above us. Damian looked at them. "What school do you go to?"
         "I don't go to school. I graduated already." I looked at him strangely.
         "How old are you?" Damain looked at me and paused, he stared into my eyes. My whole body tingled and my chest started to ache. It felt like something inside me died. I had a hollow feeling. I cocked my head and tried to ignore the feeling, or at least not show it.
         "I am nineteen," Damain said, his face showed no emotion. With that, I was feeling strange.
         "Why don't you tell me more about yourself," I said and tried not to stared directly in his eyes. Every time I did, they sent a wave of uneasiness through me.
         "What would you like to know?" Damian soft voice made me weak. He smirked at me and I smiled back. I squinted and thought of something to ask.
         "Do you work?"
         "Actually, no. I use to, but there was an incident. I am currently unemployed," he said and I nodded.
         "Oh, I see." A woman walked past us, she stared at Damian. I squinted at her and looked at Damian. He paid no attention to her, I didn't even think he saw her. When she left the room, I poured my attention back onto him.
         "Okay, where do you live?"
         "I live in a house on Corner Road. It isn't in the city, it's off in the country--"
         "I know where that is. It is a few miles from my house. I live on Lovers Lane." I blushed at the ridiculous name of my street. He smirked and his eyes sparkled.
         "I know where Lovers Lane is. What house?"
         "I cannot tell you that. Maybe some other time," I teased him and he shrugged. "So, do you live with your parents?"
         "No. I actually haven't talked to them in years, many years," Damian said and looked away. I cocked my head and bit my lip.
         "Oh, I'm sorry--"
         "Don't be sorry. It's not a big deal." I looked in Damian's eyes. I saw something again. Something behind them, something sad, maybe? I wasn't sure, but I wasn't about to get into the subject and cause some problems.
         "So, what do you do in your spare time," I asked and noticed the dark circles under his eyes. My first thought was that he stayed up late at night. Maybe he's a gamer? Or, a psycho? I can tell you don't sleep much, Damian.
         "Well, I read a lot. I read and listen to music, and paint. I love art." My eyes widened and I smiled brightly.
         "Really? That's awesome! I love drawing." Damian's eyes lit up then. He smiled and nodded.
         "Wow, what do you draw?"
         "Everything. But usually, I draw fantasy." I smiled and twirled my fingers in my hands. Damian stared at me. There was a pause.
         "What kind of fantasy?" Damian's voice was cautious and life-melting. I could listen to it all day. If I would ever die, that would be the last voice I would want to hear. It's soft rhythm and tone could calm any anger in the world.
         I didn't want to tell him, but I couldn't lie, "I liked to draw vampires, fairies, demons, angels, and anything else not real." I said and waited for him to laugh. He didn't, he just smiled.
         "Wow, how interesting. But, how do you know all those creatures are 'not real'?" I looked at him strangely.
         "Well, everyone knows they aren't real. Well, I must say, demons and angels are real, but vampires? Fairies? Werewolves? I don't think so."
         "Well, just because you can't see those creatures, doesn't mean they aren't real," Damian raised his eyebrow and cocked his head at me. I rolled my eyes.
         "Fine. I guess you're right. I'm not gonna' argue with you," I smiled and shrugged. He smiled too.
         "Do you want to dance?" My eyes widened when I heard him ask me that.
         "Well, I don't really like to dance a lot..."
         "That's okay. I don't either, at least, not in a club," I laughed and Damian did too. It was a soft, beautiful laugh. It had such a wonderful melody, I almost fainted. I was about to speak again when my pocket started vibrating and playing music. I jumped and pulled my cell out of my pocket. I read my text message:
         Don't trust him. I got a bad feeling about him.
         It was from John. I rolled my eyes and texted him back:
         Leave me alone. You're being paranoid.
         "Sorry, that was my friend, John," I said and looked at the time on my phone. It was almost nine.
         "When are your friends coming back?"
         "I don't know." I looked around. "Oh well." I twirled my fingers in my hands.
         "So, John, he doesn't like me, huh. I could tell," Damain spoke in his lovely voice.
         "Well, you're right. But he is just being overly-protective. He just says he doesn't trust you, and that  he has a bad feeling about you, that's all. He'll get over it." I shrugged.
         "And what do you think? About me," he asked and I paused.
         "Well, I don't think you're dangerous, but I still need to get to know you. So far, you seem sweet. But, you could be putting on an act. You could actually be a killer or a child-molester or something--" Damian laughed.
         "I am not a child-molester." He smiled and I blushed.
         "Well, are you a killer," I asked and he took a long pause. My face hardened and my lips partly slightly. I squinted at him. Is he joking?
         "No, I am not a killer either, Angela." Damian's smile made me smile and I took a breath. Then, Mindy, Alex, and Ashley walked into the room. They took one look at Damian and stopped. Their eyes were wide.
         "Guys, this is Damain. Dmaian, this is Mindy, Alex, and Ashley." I said loud enough to catch their attention from his face. He smiled sweetly at them and they cleared their throats and blushed.
         "Hi, Damian," All three girls said. Alex and Ashley tried to hide their rosie cheeks, while Mindy looked back and forth from me to Damian.
         "Hello, ladies." Once again, my body was weakened by his magnificent voice. Mindy sat next to me on my right side and Alex and Ashley sat next to her. I looked over at Damain. He was looking straight ahead. I looked in the direction his eyes were looking, but I didn't see anything but a red wall. But there was a booth a little bit over to the left, but he wasn't looking at it. Just at the wall.
         "Damian?" I put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped and spun to face me. He grabbed his shoulder and closed his eyes. I gasped, he moved so quickly, it started me.
         "I am sorry, Angela. I sort of 'zoned out'," Damian said and I nodded. He rubbed his shoulder.
         "It's okay, you scared me."
         "I can tell," Damian said and I could feel my heart in my throat again. I saw Damian's eyes flicker to my chest for a moment, as if he either could hear my heartbeat, or he was looking at my cleavage. It was strange. I did wear a cute shirt, I wasn't surprised he did, but it was so quick, and that was the only time he did. I blew it off like nothing.
         "So, Damian? How old are you?" I heard Mindy ask next to me. I looked at her.
         "I am nineteen," Damian said and I saw Mindy's eyes light up.
         "Are you single," Alex asked next to Mindy. I looked at her in disbelief that she would actually say that. I blushed and rested my head in my hand. Damian just chuckled.
         "Yes, I am single. I haven't had a lot of relationships." I could hardly believe it. Someone as absolutely gorgeous as Damian should have had tons of girlfriends. I knew a lot of girls liked him, I didn't understand. The girls next to me all yelled "what" at the same time. Once again, my head was back in my hand and my eyes were closed.
         "How do you not have a lot of relationships? Don't girls like, chase after you," Mindy asked and Damian shrugged.
         "I just do not. Let us just say I am picky." I squinted in my hand as I hid my face. He's picky? I cocked my head slightly and looked up at him. His eyes met mine, again, my body felt like it was dying and my chest ached. I turned away as Damian looked back at the three girls. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time as they asked him more questions and giggled. It was  almost nine-thirty. The Spice Club closed its doors at ten.
         "I better go, it's getting late and The Club's doors close soon." I reached for my purse and saw Damian's pale hands. On the backs of them, little scars. When he realized I saw them, Damian pulled his hands up and crossed his arms--hiding his hands between his arms and chest. I picked up my purse and looked at him. I noticed his muscles. I could hear the girls behind me whispering and squealing about them. His black shirt had short sleeves, and his pale arms once again stood out. I could see his strong muscles tensed and flexed, without Damian even trying. They were huge, but they fit his body size perfectly. I thought abnormally large muscles were ugly, so Damian's were just the right size for him, and they were stunning.
         "I better leave," I said and tried to come back to what I was doing. I stood up and Damian moved off of the couch to let me out since the table was in my way.
         "Would you like me to walk you out?" I heard Damian's voice behind me. I turned around around and looked at him. He had on a hat. It was a black hat, a Borsalino hat. I always thought those hats really tied a man over, and on Damian, it made him look ever more stunning. It matched his outfit perfectly and really made him look royal. I pulled myself back down from my thoughts, Damian asked me a question. What was the question again?
         "Well, sure, if you want to," I looked back at the three girls and waved, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
         "Goodbye, nice meeting all of you," Damian said and followed me out of the room. When I walked out, I ran into John.
         "Bye, John," I yelled so you he could hear me over the pounding music and he looked at Damian, he didn't smile. He gave a "don't you touch her" look. I squinted at him and gave him a "I'm gonna hurt you" look. He looked at me and his face softened.
         "I'll see you tomorrow, Angela," John yelled and looked back at Damian.
         "Bye, John." I heard Damian say in his normal voice. I walked quickly down the walkway and Damian followed.
         I walked and made it to the end of the walkway. I looked down at the dance floor and slowed a little bit. I looked back behind me to make sure Damian was still behind me, he was stopped a few feet behind me. He was staring at the dance floor. I walked back, dodging people walked past me. I stopped next to him, "Damian?"
         "Oh, sorry. I thought I saw someone I knew," Dmaian's voice changed. It wasn't as light as before. I could tell in his tone something bothered him, maybe. I continued to walk, I made sure he was following me.
         "What's wrong," I yelled over the music and walked into the hallway that lead out of the club.
         "Nothing, I just thought I saw someone, that is all." Damain's voice was back to normal. I walked up to the doors and reached to push them. But in an instant, Damian was in front of me holding it open for me, I didn't even see him move in front of me.  Am I losing it? Maybe I'm just tired.
         "Thank you." I walked out of the club and onto the sidewalk. The night air was cool and blew on my face. My hair flew behind me and pulled at my skelp to free itself and ride with the wind. I shivered and looked at Damian next to me. It looked like his whole body was tensed, he must have been cold too. His hands were deep in his pockets and his face hidden slightly behind his hat. "Are you gonna' walk me to my car, or just stay here?" I walked up to the side of the street and looked both ways down the road for any passing traffic.
         "A gentleman walks a lady to her car," he said and I laughed. I saw his smile below the tip of his hat. He turned and looked at me under his hat. I looked back at the street. No traffic. I walked across the road, I looked back a few times to see if Damian was still following, usually I could sense if someone was behind me, but not with him. I couldn't even tell he was there. I'm just tired. I walked into the parkinglot and spotted my car. I pulled out my keys and pushed the button on my remote to unlock the doors. Beep. I was embarrassed slightly but ignored it. I walked up to my car and turned to Damian. I lifted his head and looked at my car.
         "Nice, it suites you," he said and smiled.
         "Thanks." I smiled and cocked my head at him.
         "Well, tonight was... fun," I said and laughed. He chuckled, without showing his teeth. When he talked, I could only see the tips of his front teeth, not enough though. But by what I saw, they were sparkling white.
         "What do you say we go somewhere tomorrow. Somewhere other than the Spice Club?" I thought for a moment.
         "Well... I think I can do that. Where are we gonna' go?"
         "Hmm, somewhere nice, and not so chaotic." I agreed with him and my phone started going crazy again. Damian smirked, "It's John."
         "It probably is. Text me later, or tomorrow." I walked to my door and opened it.
         "Bye, Damian."
         "Goodbye, Angela." I smiled at him and slid into my car. I closed the door and turned it on. Damian stood back and watched. I pulled out of my parking space and waved through the window at him, he waved back. Then, I drove off. I looked at the clock on my radio, it said 9:54 p.m. I smiled and tried to calm my jumping heart in my chest.
© Copyright 2008 M (mariah2117 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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