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Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1390626
This is a Tribute to the nice guys Like me its how I feel all the time
I wrote this as a tribute to all the guys out there like me the guys who are in love with their best friends and will never say it so that they do not lose there Friendship
Emilia if you ever stumble across this I love you Maybe one day you will feel the same.

Eu Te Amo Emilia

A Tribute To The Nice Guys

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that always finish last
Those who are never more than friends
The one who understood girls in the past

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Who lasts hours filled with disappoint
To listen to the girl whine about assholes
While disproving the very point

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that compliments the miss
Not to get her to go out with him
But just to lift her spirit with bliss

This is a tribute to the nice guys
With open minds and an honest concern
The one that respects every facet
The one who needs nothing in return

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Who escort their drunken female friends
The one who wouldn't take advantage
Just so their friendship wouldn't end

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Who plays by the rules in a game
Even when that game favors cheaters
His actions are always the same

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Who accompany girls to bars as a buffer
To protect her with everything he has
Against the others so she won't suffer

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Boyfriend material is what he's named
Yet a few dozen failed relationships
After scratches, his heart starts to maim

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Those who are manipulated and misled
The guys who are unjustly abandoned
Never stayed down; jumped back up instead

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Ones who paused Grand Theft Auto 3
Just to reassure that everything is okay
Assisted the helpless girl in a certain degree

This is a tribute to the nice guys
For the times his friend didn't have a date
Still there was nothing serious
The ones that just agrees and never debate

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Those that don't often get enough recognition
The ones that don't get the mate they should
The ones that try to stop this tradition

This is a tribute to the nice guys
Those that heard he's too nice to date
Guys who wait in front of the bathroom
Just so she wouldn't be the only one late

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The one that tries to find the perfect girl
Even trickier, to find those that are single
This is for you, may your future unfurl

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that answer the phone in the middle of the night because you had fight
The one that is always there when you need a shoulder
The ones that give hugs and tell you everything will be ok

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that watch you cry and try not to cry themselves because you are hurt
The ones that only wish to make you smile
The ones that only wish to see you happy

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that tell you the sweetest things all the time
The ones that always tell you how wonderful you are
The ones that always see you for you 

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that always sees you with the assholes and only dream to take his place
The ones that only speak words of encouragement
The ones that always wish you the best , only what you truly deserve

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones who’s hearts scream “I’m right here, right in front of you”
The ones who spend their nights on there knees praying to be seen
The ones who always seem to remain invisible

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones who always see you for how great you are
The ones that will always come to your rescue no matter what
The ones that no matter what you may do only see you as wonderful

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones who will make a complete fool of themselves to see you smile
The ones who will do anything to hear you laugh
The ones who will never cross the line of friendship so that they will never lose you

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that pick snowball fights with you they know you’ll have fun
The ones who will dance with you in rain they know it will make you happy
The ones that will sacrifice everything just so you won’t be alone
This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones that will protect you with all they’ve got
The ones that when you touch or hug them slip into a complete dream world and for a second or two in the dream you are theirs

This is a tribute to the nice guys
The ones who always think to themselves give me a chance I’ll show you everything you have been missing
The ones that will always secretly love you but will never say a word about it for fear of losing you even as just a friend

This is a tribute to the nice guys
For all the faceless, nameless defenders
For every time someone said we're just friends
The ones that always feel invisible

Author David Christopher Thompson

Copyright 2008
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