Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1377556-Traitorious-intent
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1377556
Part of me has turned traitor to the whole and has set itself on my distruction.
Shall I give you homage?  You are a traitor and a beast that naws my legs with needle sharp teeth and devours my organs from within!

Shall I pamper you and whimper like a child while you rip mercilessly at my eyes and will blind me if I do not pound you down daily?

Liver, kidneys, heart... your appitite runs rampant and you care for me not a whit though we came into this world as one.

Traitorious diabetic gene, would I could caste you from me as you richly do deserve or torture you into submission with these thrice daily needle pricks.

My sage has warned me you will in the end win out but, by God,  I shall not make it easy.  I shall not give you one cell without a challange and a fight.  Not one, without my rebellious fist shaking in your face!
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