Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1314830-Bleed
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Other · #1314830
Love and hate, much like politics, make strange bed fellows.
I know I’ll never have you,
at least I can dream that in a past life I would’ve been an angel,
blessed enough now to grace my fingers along your shadow saturated hips,
letting you lick my tears in the sunlit wonders,
one by one,
in your ethereal majesty.

Small children wonder
why every angel you promise comes nailed to a void,
slipping through their grasping fingers,
staining their everything,
leaving them begging,
suckling at the fading echo of your footsteps.
And holding my infant self,
I wonder if I’ll ever get those wings out of my head.

The shadows swallow you,
My fingers feel only your breath
with bated breath.
Glass eyes shatter,
skin crumbles,
dust to dust.
Your ashes don’t even give me the chance to choke before I realize only sweat dampened sheets hear me calling your name,
reminiscing your touch
pleading for your mercy,
knowing that happiness,
will only be me,
fucking you forever.

© Copyright 2007 Chris Zahar (czahar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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