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I was talking to some people to day and i think we seriously need to change america! Especially our politics and handleing of our country. Most of these politicians are not what's right for america and they are only here because they have lots of what america is run on..... MONEY. People say that you can't buy happiness and they are right you can't... BUT... unfortunately lots of people do think they can and will try. They will never succeed but they will definately try and it ruins them and the people that they are around.

And why is hannah montana number one on the music charts??? I mean COME ON. i have nothing against her but seriously, her songs say EVERYTHING!(Just what i saw on TV and had to comment on it)

What's wrong with listening to rap and hip-hop music?? I like it and if you don't then don't listen to it!!That is all there is to it. Yes there is foul language and they talk about sexual things and.. well you know.. but it is NO worse than TV and movies and the internet. And kids younger and younger are exposed to it. Now my parents say "I don't like that music it is innapropriate" When really to us it is no big deal. It is just as bad as talking to your'e friend or someone at school. Which is pretty sad but it is reality.

Finally, Have you ever noticed how racist old people are??? Like your'e grandparents and they're friends. Just casually start talking about another race next time you are with them and see what happens sometimes they can be pretty brutal but atleast they are honest. They will tell you the truth and they don't care what anybody else says that is wat i think is cool about them. So if you want some good laughs hang out with some old people that like to talk for a day it should be pretty funny.

Leave a comment and tell me your'e opinions. Even if you think mine are a piece of crap, you read it so tell me how you feel!!
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