Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1255284-Kristins-Sexilicious-Story-Part-1
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1255284
this is a story that my friend Maria wrote shes still working on it please be patient
Chapter 1...

          Loud, muffled voices over the intercom mingled with the blurs of color that rushed past, hauling luggages and shouting into their cell phones. She stood there, one hand gripping her purse, the other her luggage. She'd dressed simple for him; jeans, her favorite black tank top, and a shiny velvet green jacket. Sneakers. Kristin checked her watch, impatiently. She hadn't seen Ichigo in a little over two weeks, so when he'd offer to pick her up from the airport she leaped at the chance. They hadn't been seeing much of each other recently; what with college exams and whatnot. But Kristin was too shy to even consider proposing moving together. She sighed. Ichigo... she thought, and then blushed. I can't even spend two weeks away from him... She'd gone to the U.S. for Christmastime; hadn't seen her parents in over two years, she she'd moved to Japan.
          Checked her watch again, sighed. Ran a hand through her hair as her eyes searched him out impatiently. "Ichigo..." she murmured. "Where--"
          Strong hands wrapped around her waist, and a deep voice whispered "Miss me?" in her ear, sending tingles up her spine. "Ichigo!" she laughed, grinning broadly, as she hugged him. He smiled into her hair, pulling her closer against him and breathing deeply. She smells so good... he thought. Like roses... With fond eyes Kristin reached out of their embrace and kissed him. "Mmmm..I missed you." she said, muffled against his lips. Ichigo smiled into hers then, suddenly straightened up. Kristin's eyes traveled over him, with a pleased twinkle. He was wearing his 69 jersey under a black coat, jeans, and his favorite sneakers. "Shall we go?" he asked, giving her an inquisitive look. Kristin blushed as her train of thought was interrupted, but she nodded and smiled. Ichigo gave her a fond grin, then took the luggage silently and captured her hand in his as they walked out of the airport.
          The sun was setting as Ichigo closed the trunk, opened the door, and sat inside the car. Kristin was staring straight ahead, lost in thought, and Ichigo couldn't help but stare at her in the light of the setting sun. Her usually light brown hair had turned a glistening auburn; her cheeks were pink, rose lips parted, green eyes illuminated with gold specks..."Ichigo?" Ichigo snapped out of his reverie, and blushed deep red. Kristin laughed. "What's so funny?!?!" he asked indignantly. Kristin giggled. "You were staring at me and...and...I've never seen you blush like that!" she laughed harder. Ichigo scowled, than a cocky grin. "I won't be the only one blushing." he said, facing Kristin and giving her a malicious grin. "You'll be tomato red by the time I'm done with you."
          She raised an eyebrow, stuck out her tongue michieviously. "All right then." she said. "Now, can we go eat?"

Chapter 2...

          Despite the fact that Chef Faso's was almost half an hour away, they both decided to go for it anyway. "I mean, I've been starving for hours; what's a half an hour gonna do?" as Kristin put it. Besides, it was their favorite resturant: It served dishes from around the world, and was elegant with its Shinto Temple decorations. Mmmmm...Sushi Kristin thought, mouth watering at the thought of getting her hands on the Salmon Roll. Her eyes then traveled over to Ichigo's face, studying his profile. Ichigo hadn't said anything while getting out of the airport; thinking about something? she mused. Ichigo cleared his throat.
          "So...How was the U.S.?"
          Kristin thought about it. "Well, it was pretty fun. I got to see my parents again. Also, when I went to Ana's home, you'll never believe who was there!"
          "Who?" he asked curiously.
          "Mallory and Maria!" she grinned. Ichigo paused. "I thought they lived in Italy..." he murmured. Kristin nodded. "Well...They do. It's just, they called Ana about a month ago and asked if they could visit, and Ana told them that I was going. So, they all kind of decided to surprise me!" Ichigo smiled fondly, turned his attention back to traffic. Kristin stared at him. Wonder why I feel so awkward... she thought.
          From the corner of his eye, Ichigo could see Kristin staring at him inquisitively, and the smallest of smiles played around his lips as he lifted his hand and put it on her knee. Kristin blushed the faintest pink, and slowly intertwined her fingers with his hand. He squeezed gently, then abandoned her hand and outlined her face with a single finger, over her eyes, her nose, her lips with the lightest of touches. Kristin hummed in her throat, eyes closed. She felt the warmth of his hand leave her face and return to her knee, only a little higher. She opened her eyes. It moved higher, settling on her outer thigh. His hand inched forward. Kristin looked at Ichigo, already a faint pink, and became indignant at the fact that he was displaying no emotion. Damn him for being able to do that she thought. The hand moved higher...then higher. "Ich-Ichigo!" she said reproachfully as the hand dipped into her inner thigh. "Hmmm?" he said, turning to smile at her innocently. "Something wrong?"
          So that's how it is she thought. The hand moved higher, and she bit her lip. "N-No-Nothing." she stammered. I won't give him the satisfaction of...Ahh. He was almost there. Kristin tensed expectantly and grabbed the door handle. A whisper of a touch sent tingles throughout her. Then another. She bit her lips and groaned softly as he began rubbing her through the fabric of her jeans. "Stop...teasing." Kristin moaned softly; her breathing was coming short. He ignored her, continued softly, sending pleasure coursing through her veins. But it wasn't enough.
          Damn that's hot thought Ichigo, watching his girlfriend react to his touch. It's getting hard to concentrate on traffic with those sounds she's making...and she's moving against my hand! Ichigo blushed for the second time, and before he knew it he began to breathe heavily too. And then... Oh God! he thought as she covered his hand with her own and pressed his hand against her roughly. "Please..." she whimpered, a florid pink. Ichigo nodded, his breath caught in his throat. His hand was against her, hard; he was rubbing circles against her. Kristin moaned loudly, then without warning undid the zipper and led his hand inside. Oh my... Ichigo felt himself harden. She was wet, heat radiating from her centre. As his fingers began exploring her she groaned even louder and rocked her hips against him. He hesitated.
          "For the love of God, Ichigo, don't stop." she hissed through clenched teeth. He nodded. A single finger enetered her. "Haaa" she hissed, her eyes clenched. Then another. She was biting her lip, feeling the incredible heat curling in her belly, tightening. Ichigo could tell she was close, from the contracting of her muscles around him. He explored a bit further, biting his teeth, feeling the restriction in his pants he searched for something..."Ich...Ichi...ICHIGO.." she groaned as his thumb found the tiny bulge off flesh, circled it. She arched her back against the seat, her eyes clenched shut and her head turning over and over, gasping and moaning as she came. Kristin was still breathing heavily by the time the tremors of her body had stopped. Her cheeks were flushed, but she couldn't help the satisfied grin that spread on her face. "W...Wow." she whispered. She looked out the window, spent, and was surprised. "We're here." said Ichigo roughly, turning off the engine. Without warning he turned to her and kissed her, hard, leaving her breathless.
          Once they separated Ichigo took a deep breath then turned to her with a familiar evil glint in his eyes. "I'll give you a second to...recover." he said with a cocky grin. Kristin gave him the dirtiest look she could manage, then checked herself out in the mirror quickly. Ichigo went around and opened her door, holding her hand as they walked towards the resturant.

Chapter 3...

"Good evening, sir." The silky smooth voice of the head waiter greeted them as they entered the dimly lit resturant. Soft Mediterranean music drifted over the speakers, giving the resturant a dreamy atmosphere. "Reservations for two, under Kurosaki?" Ichigo said. Kristin raised an eyebrow, confused, then leaned toward Ichigo. "You had reservations planned?!? So you had this planned all along..." she whispered in his ear. Ichigo merely shrugged, then gave her a heart-warming smile that made her blush. Meanwhile, the head waiter (or Georges, as his nametag announced, Kristin noted) ....

She'll write more if I get good reviews or ratings on this piece. Don't want to waste her time. *Bigsmile* *Heart*Thank you!!!!*Heart*
© Copyright 2007 Make me suffer for others (ichigokristin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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