Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1230007-Hell-Came-Down
by Fate
Rated: E · Novel · Sci-fi · #1230007
The trials and tribulations of a man and the cure for AIDS.
"I truly believed this discovery to be the miracle that would unite the realms of science and religion. I raged on, that hope be stirred and nations be united under a banner of peace. That faith might arise from ashes and I would finally be at peace knowing I had fulfilled my purpose to God. I sought to pull a piece of heaven from up on high...and Hell came down."

-Dr. Mathius Crane II

Discoverer of “Lilac-266”…The world’s only known cure for AIDS.
Overture:A Century Turns

-In the future dwells a forgotten past. It seemed almost as if it was pushed purposefully aside rather than overlooked, As though Time had more important, more dire matters which required its attention. For impatient Time and unstoppable progression go hand in hand with each other. -And the hand of man, with each generation seemed to relax its hold on virtue, while clenching the secrets of Mother Nature, science, and reason in a heated, sweat-soaked palm. Eyes that did not discriminate right and wrong reddened and dilated from lack of rest. Arms that hugged and embraced immense power, yet, never feeling that the embrace was long enough strained despite a merciless exhaustion. The head turned cheek as cries and pleas to cease this perversion fell on deaf ears.

Man's arms had indeed grown longer with time. What was believed to be beyond his grasp was drawn in. What was believed unfathomable, unconquerable, shuddered as a light conquered the dark, only to be smitten by it's maker.

Man is never satisfied in his quest for control to control power. Improve intellect. Understand why he exists. And he will pursue it to the end...even with the knowledge it will be his undoing. He needs to have this control. Fate is not acceptable to him. He will fight fate as he finds less and less comfort in Faith.

A war ensues between the spirit and the mind.

What can a soul do when instinct drives it towards a goal which faith dictates as unachievable? And if either one should disappear, with it, will follow the time of Man.

It has been said that Man can save himself. That he has within him the ability to choose his fate. The world can unite. War will cease. Good will flourish. But the sleeping giant will not awake from the sound of one voice calling out.

Maybe, the time has come for a solution to present itself. An answer, a sign, a miracle, a cure!
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