Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1214937-From-the-Perspective-of-a-Blade-of-Grass
by Emily
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1214937
What does a blade of grass feel like as it awakens in Spring?
For many months now, here I have lain
Squashed flat by the cold and the snow
Tormented by the frigid winds
Enduring nights that were twenty below.

While I was forced to lay
Barely conscious, on the this hard, frozen ground
I was often covered with a layer of frost
Which held me hostage; kept me down.

But now after an eternity of captivity
I can feel warmth emanate from the sun
And slowly I rise, and blink sleep from my eyes
For Spring has finally begun!

So I stretch and yawn and unfold myself
Soon I’m once again standing tall,
Listening to the sound of awakenings
Of my neighbors; A joyful day for all!

We line ourselves up, like a tiny army
That has taken over so much of the earth
Those bleak gray tones of winter are gone --
Instead, the colors of newness and birth.

A much friendlier breeze now tickles me
As it carries a new leaf on its way,
A butterfly floats and pauses a moment
Before it silently flies away.

And so, with a blissful sigh
I smile and the thought occurs to me
That life is once again beautiful
And all around, the world seems to agree.
© Copyright 2007 Emily (rainydayglory at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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