Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1200080-Deaths-Embrace
Rated: 13+ · Other · Death · #1200080
Just some thoughts of mine i guess...
Oh Death...come and embrace me...
Sometimes I feel like your my only friend...
Sometimes I feel like you are the only thing that can fix me...
Like you're the only one who cares...
When she goes off to him...you'll be there for me...
When they all turn their backs, you're still there...
When all else fails you are there...
Sometimes I try to be with you...but you just wont take me...
But other times when I don't want you...you consantly cloud my thoughts...
Why taunt me?
Why fuck me up more inside?
Why not just take me and get it over with?
Let me be with you...
Let the pain be gone...
Let the eternal rest begin...
Please Death...Embrace me...
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