Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1184210-Cottons-Gas-Can-and-Buzzards
by Dejaa
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1184210
Stories from the kitchen table at hunting camp, memories, and fun.
Cotton's home was just down the road a piece, and Sue loved to ride the four-wheeler from our camp to Cotton's. She had been stirring up dust clouds for hours now and the gas ran out right at Cotton's house. Sue prowled around for a little while, but knew he was up at camp with us.

The old truck was just sitting there, and Sue had seen Uncle Ed siphon gas many times at the shop. So she looked for the piece of hose she knew Cotton would have lying around. As Sue found the hose she ran in the house to leave a note and a dollar on the kitchen table to pay for the gas. Grabbing the hose off the porch as she ran back out. She proceeded push the four-wheeler to the truck. After much trying and many mouths full of gas, there was enough in the tank to get back to camp.

Before she left Sue ran back inside rewrote the note to say; "I am taking back my dollar and leaving fifty cents as I drank most of the rest. Thanks for the gas." Cotton upon seeing this busted out laughing and just had to call Uncle Ed. "That child dun drunk gas siphoning and there was a full can in the back of the truck."

That little note stayed in the bedside table as a treasured memento at Cotton's until he lost it in a house fire.

Sue was always getting in trouble. She was stubborn as the day is long. She would ride that four-wheeler from sun up to sun down. Uncle Ed kept telling her to get in the house and take a bath.

"If you don't get a bath the buzzards are going to get you." She just kept right on riding not paying any attention and she did not want a bath. A few more laps down the road and back and Sue came flying up to the house screaming "they're gonna eat me there gonna eat me!" Every one came running, "who's gonna eat you?" "The buzzards they're gonna eat me."

Uncle Ed said, "Slow down and tell me what's going on." Sue said, "You told me, you told me now they're coming for me." Uncle Ed said, "Who is coming?" "The buzzards, they were circling above me as I was coming back," Sue cried. "Well guess you better get to the bath tub then," laughed Uncle Ed.
© Copyright 2006 Dejaa (dejaa_98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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