Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1089175-Walking-the-Mile
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1089175
Learning to love thy self

Walking around from day to day
Living my life with my choices that’s my way.
Discouraging the look of each gazing eye
Letting chances of romance slip me by.
Knowing all of the consequences of these things
Believing I will be ready when the true bell rings.
Being who I am and learning to love me
Accepting all my faults sets me free.
Writing more and more as I see
This is the gift given to me.
Never seeing the envy in the eyes of the weak
I just keep writing, I don’t need to speak.
Accepting the judgement of the hypocrites
Knowing not all their opinions fit.
Glaring into the mirror before I go out there
Happy that I have knowledge and love to share.
Beating them all with just a simple smile
Has me realize why I’ve walked the mile.

Leprican 66
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