Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1039872-dying
Rated: E · Other · Death · #1039872
Goodbye mom dad and sister little brother too
As I lay here dying, I don't know what to say
as I try and try to keep death at bay
I want you here at my side,
but I can see heaven where I will go reside.

Remember me with joy,
all the good times we had
amd remember all my dreams I had hoped to enjoy
remember how I smiled
remember how I laughed
but mostof all remember what I wanted to do
and the goals that I had

Spread gods word
I know it to be true
that little seed of faith,
planted by you

You taught me all I know
and how to truly live
how to hope and dream and plan
and most of all to forgive

Don't blame yourself for letting me go
for missing all the clues
they were well concealed deep inside my heart
and you never knew

I couldn't let you know, however much I wanted too
you had to know not otherwise you would not have bought the story I sold to you

I loved you more than you know, and I know you love me too
please don't wonder why, I simply had to.

I had to go out this way, there was no other choice,
no one would listen to my regular voice.

Goodbye mom, dad, and sister, little brother too.
I will certainly miss all of you.
© Copyright 2005 fallenangel (number20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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