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Rated: 13+ · Other · Death · #1039864
I dont know what to say I will love you forever each and every godforsaken day
I am so confused, I don’t know what to say,
I will love you forever,
Every godforsaken day.

I wanted to die with you,
Go lie in your grave,
I can't believe you died
Not in this way.

No family to love you, they all turned away
They never had loved you
the wind seemed to say

They loved you I know, down to the end,
Even when you killed yourself
When your will started to bend.

Where were you to turn?
Where could you hide?
You simply went for one last ride.

One last ride,
On the heroin express,
Taking you to sweet heaven only to drop you down again.

It dropped you down,
Lower than before
And you didn't bother to do anything,
But get more.

it took you on a last ride,
I sure hope it was great
Worth all the pain and suffering it served to create.

You tore our lives apart
Not just your own
Without a goodbye,
All alone

I will miss you forever, my dear friend
Even as my wounds, slowly, begin to mend.

I will never be the same,
But life will go on.
After all it was your choice,
I am not to blame

But what if I had stopped you, told someone in time?
What if I had discovered sooner the voice that is now mine?

What if I had not gone?
To that one party?
You would still be here sitting here,
Right beside me.

I don't want to die,
Not today,
But I feel that there is
No other way,

As I feel the world
Slowly slip away.

I pondered for a while,
What to say
I wondered how to let then know that this was my way
Of getting all the fear and confusion out of me
And simply,
simply to let me be.

I promise I’ll stop
As soon as I’m cured
Of the feeling of guilt that has occurred

I don't really want to die,
But there's no turning back
Once I passed the checkpoint,
And that was yesterday.

I am going now,
Going for real
Tell everyone I love them and not to look back

Enjoy life to the fullest
Live each and every day
As if there was no other
To take its place.

Always say I love you,
Never forget,
It may be the last chance
You ever get.
© Copyright 2005 fallenangel (number20 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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