Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12526
Contests & Activities: May 01, 2024 Issue [#12526]

 This week: Fonts
  Edited by: spidey
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

header for my C&A Newsletters
Welcome to the Contests & Activities Newsletter. I'm spidey , and I'm your Editor this week!

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor


Another website that I visit regularly recently changed its font, and a lot of site visitors aren't happy!

It can be a risk to change things or to try to stand out by using, for instance, a font that isn't typical or using emoticons or WritingML in your writing. When a website uses primarily arial and you start typing in courier font instead it can be quite noticeable!

Is noticeable always good? I would say no, not always. Sometimes you want to stand out amongst other contest entries (or amongst other contests) so you do things to stand out. They can garner attention, but it can also turn some people away. It's always a risk, so you should weigh the pros and cons when deciding.

As a contest host, if you vehemently dislike a certain font or emoticon use or color font, perhaps add a note to your contest letting contestants know? If you can't look past it, it could be good to let potential participants know ahead of time. I would liken it to adding a note for preferences of genre or ratings, if it has that strong of a reaction to you.

I used to be a stickler for grammar and punctuation rules, but the more I've read and experienced, I've learned to look at it as creativity. To a point. It's hard to tell sometimes if someone is making a stylistic choice or they perhaps lack the knowledge of when to use specific devices. Again, it's a risk.

How many risks do you take in your writing? Do you like to be creative with style, such as using different fonts? Submit your feedback below!

Take care, and as always, keep on writing! *Quill*

purple flower sig

Editor's Picks

Official Writing.Com Contests & Activities:

Good Deeds Get CASH!  [E]
Write reviews to win cash prizes!
by Writing.Com Support

Short Shots: Official WDC Contest  [ASR]
Use the photo to inspire your creativity. Write a short story and win big prizes!
by Writing.Com Support


The Writer's Cramp  [13+]
Write the best story or poem in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs!
by Sophy

Writing 4 Kids Contest   [ASR]
If you like writing stories and/or poems for kids, this is the contest for you!
by Cub-bee

Book Brothel Employees & Guests  [18+]
Group representing those participating in the Book Brothel reading club
by Brooklyn

Words, Wonderful Words  [E]
An activity forum for sharing quotes, words & phrases, and lines of poetry.
by tracker

Drabble Activity 2024  [13+]
An activity for drabble writing, over 10 weeks.
by s

Three Perspectives Contest  [E]
Write a story from three different perspectives.
by Averren

The 7/7 Forum  [18+]
Message Forum to chat and Interact with fellow WDC members 7 days a week
by Jellyfish

Folklore and Legends Contest   [ASR]
Do you have what it takes to write about a Legend?
by Beacon's Light

The Blog Board  [E]
Promote a recent entry in your Writing.Com blog here on The Blog Board!
by Writing.Com Support

QOTD - Question Bank   [18+]
Submit your questions here and they might be used in the QOTD Forum!
by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Some How/To Items that might help you:

On Giving Reviews  [E]
Are you speechless when you stare at that little reviewing box? Here are some tips.
by Roseille ♥

Helping Links  [ASR]
'Help Links' for Newbies and all other members who are still learning
by Maryann- summer travel

Some contest resources:
How to Create a Contest  [ASR]
Things you need to know before you open a contest. Includes a contest template.
by Angels in my Ear

"Create/Edit a Message Forum
Newbie Hyperlinking 101 - Bitem Format  [E]
Learn the ins and outs of creating a link using the bitem format.
by NickiD89

Know of some gems that deserve exposure? Submit them in the feedback form or submission form at the end of this Newsletter, and I'll put them in my next one!

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Feedback from my last newsletter "Contests & Activities Newsletter (April 3, 2024) }, which discussed the unexpected

I have a back up plan for a lot of unexpected stuff, however for that unexpected stuff, sometimes I firm up a stiff upper lip and ride the wave.

~ StephBee

Definitely! *Wink*

Submit your feedback below!

Do you use a "different" font or emoticons? What creative styles do you use or like to see?

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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Word from our sponsor
Amazon's Price: $ 5.99

Removal Instructions

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12526