Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4740655
Review #4740655
Viewing a review of:
 Dot  [E]
Flash Fiction
by Jacky
Review of Dot  
Review by Jeremy
In affiliation with WRITING.COMmunity Service  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello Jacky

You are receiving this review of "Dot in connection with "Game of Thrones.

*Gem* Areas of Strength

You've spun a very charming piece of flash fiction. Though it's short on word count, it's big on the message it sends and the feelings it leaves the reader with.

I immediately had a smile on my face when I learned Dot was a ladybug. A perfect name! It further established a linkage between my emotional entertainment and the childlike spark that still exists inside of us—though for some of us, that spark is a lot deeper and far more guarded.

I also really enjoyed the notion that Dot has no idea conceptually what a cloud is. That's both a nod to child humor and wonderment and an understanding of your character. Why would Dot know what a cloud is? She's a ladybug.

The last thing I wanted to comment on was when Dot was coming back down from her journey to the clouds she saw how big the garden truly was. And that's a very powerful message for the reader. Sometimes we're so consumed—pun intended with Dot's constant consuming of food—by the repetitive and monotonous routine of our lives that we miss seeing the bigger picture, how beautiful it is when seen from afar, and the actual nature of and scope of things. Powerful imagery and powerful message.

*Gem* Areas for Improvement

Truthfully, the only suggestion I had while reading was on Dot's descent. At the end you say the fluffy clouds look down on her and are very happy. I think it'd be a nice touch to have maybe the wind help safely guide Dot back to the ground since she's gotten so tired during her flight.

I was also hoping for one last glimmer of hope or curiosity from Dot. She's forgotten all about her journey and the reveal of the big picture. But, perhaps that speaks more to the nature of people falling back into habits that are comfortable and familiar while forgetting about the beauty of change and challenging our own expectations.

*Gem* Overall Impression

*Snow2*          *Swords*          *Snow4*          *Swords*          *Snow2*

Let your imagination run wild and set your creativity free.

We are the Free Folk.

We do not kneel.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed within this review are the sole product of the reviewer. They do not necessarily reflect those of the group, activity and/or event in which they are affiliated. Any implementation of suggested edits is at the sole discretion of the piece's writer; they may be used when and where deemed necessary by the writer of the piece and/or disregarded in their entirety. The reviewer releases any and all rights and/or claims to those suggestive edits should they be utilized by the writer of the piece.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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