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Review #4684191
Viewing a review of:
The Forgiven  [E]
Loving too much
by Espero
Review of The Forgiven  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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WOW. Just, 'wow'. This poem gripped me by the throat, and laid me at the altar of 3 distinct emotions: anger, agony, and understanding. I understand because I have been this woman. I have loved— and thus, forgiven— the wrong, most unfit, and abusive people wayyy too many times. I am so thankful that my little sister learned from watching my mistakes, so I never saw her have to go through what I went through, but I have seen close friends fall prey to this cycle more often than I care to remember— and it breaks my heart every. single. time.

As much as I find myself looking back on those relationships, and wanting to shake or slap some sense into myself— I will NEVER shame anyone else for making the same mistake. Unfortunately, I think that most people end up making it— at one point, or another. Would 'love' really be 'love' without the side effect of irrationality, in one way or another? I don't think so. The key is to find the person that brings out the fun side of your love-fueled 'insanity'— rather than the reckless one.

To write about this situation so well, I feel you must've lived it yourself, or very closely lived it by second-hand. I also get the sense that if you did personally experience this, you are now, out of the situation— thankfully. Still, I would just like to say, as a reminder (we can never get 'too many'): YOU are WORTHY of every good, and beautiful thing this life has to offer! YOU deserve BETTER— the BEST, in fact! Most importantly, YOU are inherently valuable, and lovable. YOU MATTERALWAYS. *HeartW*

As the second 'first place winner' of Stormy's January Poetry Newsletter Contest, myself, I want to congratulate you on your win!!! I don't know how long you have been here on WDC (I just found WDC this past October), or how many contests you have entered thus far (this is my second), but I know that no matter how seasoned the writer, encouragements such as winning a contest like this, serve as great boosts to our confidence— and ultimately, to who we become, as writers, in the future. I, personally, consider it a great honor for my poem to have won, and been featured, right 'beside' yours, this month. *StarStruck* I take it as a sign that, even though the voice of my brutally scathing inner-critic is often deafening, I must be a better writer than a think, if I were ranked in the same place as you. *Mindblown*

You are so extremely talented, and I loved this piece of yours. You described exactly what it feels like to be trapped in the throes and cycles of a toxic love that is so bad, yet so comfortable, and real, at the same time. Definitely keep writing, and be proud of your abilities, skills, and who you are as a person; you DESERVED this win, and to be recognized! I am so glad that you exist! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2* *Party*

~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 01/27/2023 @ 9:53am EST
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