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Review #4682438
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 Vegas Vacation   [13+]
"...every barking dog’s got bite." - my recent trip to Vegas - a poem.
by Tim Chiu
Review of Vegas Vacation  
Review by A Non-Existent User
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Vegas Vacation by Tim Chiu:

While I can't all myself a great fan of Sin City, I did enjoy both movies, so finding this poem made me expect a kinda `Dame to review forĀ“. *Wink*

I appreciate the equalization of Las Vegas and Basin aka SIN City. Be it accidental, or on purpose.

The poem aims at showing the corrupted truth behind the presented, glamorous facade, and such IS a classic application of poetry. Speaking it in public would simply make the mobsters drop you dead, after all.

While I would have aligned the 3 stanzas centered, some people indeed prefer to read from left to right. Optional, I am not the author, nor a trusted associate.

Good poem, thanks for sharing!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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