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Review #4679939
Viewing a review of:
 Mountains  [E]
A year ago I wrote about how I was moving. I recently rewrote it with my new perspective.
by Lucy Baker
Review of Mountains  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This poem brought my heart so much happiness and joy to read! The shift in your tone was so palpable, that as I was reading, I quite literally felt as if I had been sitting in a dark room myself, when all of a sudden, a switch got flipped and the walls fell away, and I was shrouded in warm, beaming sunlight. *RainbowL**Sun**RainbowR*

I don’t even personally know you, but I am celebrating your happiness in this new season of life, as if it were my own! *Party* I know how petrifying, depressing, and even angering it can feel when you are looking into your future & all you have in the pit of your stomach is dread & uncertainty– knowing that you can’t stop whatever is about to happen; there truly is no turning back– and I. am. so. freaking. PROUD. OF. YOU. for going out there and making the most of this part of your destiny! You very well could’ve chosen to be stubborn and refuse to move on from grieving your past ‘home,’ but you made the decision to accept the change and move forward; I cannot tell you enough how freaking badass that is.

I hope that you continue to find little pockets of treasure in your new home, each and every day! Please keep writing, too– the way you convey your emotions is unique & purposeful. As a fellow poet who writes from the heart, that is something that I deeply value in your work. I look forward to reading more from you in the future, & interacting with you more regularly– I have a feeling that we would make fast friends if we were to have met in ‘real life.’ *HeartV*

Big Hugs & Lots of Love!(if you’re a hugger) *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
~DestinyAwaitsDarling *Cheshire*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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