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Review #4076660
Viewing a review of:
 Survival of the fitest  [13+]
Hope you will like it.
by kobster2
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
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Hello there, Newbie! Welcome to WDC. *Starfishv*
This is a Simply Positive Review

I came across your item on the "The Shameless "Plug" Page.

*Bookstack* You have the makings of a fine sci-fi story. I liked the images you painted in my mind's eye, about the comet that came so close to earth it caused a change withing the populous and changed everything that was familiar to humanity at the time. The devastation of this caused wars and destruction, clearing the planet of most of humanity.

*Tagw* I think this story has potential to be even better with a little more development. Touch upon the history of the time before the comet, just a little back story for the reader, and fill-in more information about the character so the reader gets a better picture.


*Notev* You need to separate your paragraphs either by indentation or by skipping a couple spaces, (better for online viewing at WDC) so that it doesn't look like one wall of font.

*Blockb* Each person's dialogue needs to be placed in a separate paragraph.

Further Observations:

"Only a couple thousand of people were unaffected by the mysterious changes. Those few thousand found each other and formed a resistance to stop all the fighting." Is it a couple thousand, (two) or a few thousand? Try to be consistent.

"Hundreds of liver were lost from the few people who tried." I believe you meant to write "lives." *Shock*

"Peace returned(,) Bbut did not last."

"but the 'curse' ["curse"] that took the earth was not over." You use double quotation marks for all of your quoted material except, here. Since it's not a quote within a quote, double quotation marks should be used. I believe you are not using British English, or the other quoted lines would have single quotation marks. *Penv*

"About 10 years ago, 5 masters" Write out the numbers. These are small enough to be written out and it makes it a smoother looking work and is less distracting to the reader. *Check3*

" w What the heck is a magikalite?"

"You notice a. Chunk of glowing rock at your feet." You have bit of a fragmented thought, here. Get rid of the period and the capitalization of the "C" in "Chunk" and you'll be good to go. *Film*

"you find yourself over 50 ft away from the nearest building." fifty feet

"but for now, we'll, the future is bright." [well]

*Die5* I think with a little more editing, this draft work will become a higher quality, finished product.

You do have an interesting story concept. Keep working on it. *Beakerg*

Until next time--write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 01/14/2015 @ 10:02pm EST
Printed from https://writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4076660