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Review #3672048
Viewing a review of:
 A New Republic  [13+]
A Pilot Outline for Fox Network
by bob county
Review of A New Republic  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Spice up the weaponry used and increase the descriptions of their targets. Ie. Show the skate boarding teens crying.

Nice satire.

Don't forget to enter my contest this month:

If you want to practice your writing some more, why don't you check out my little competition. A political satire would suit it to a tee.

10000 gift points plus inclusion in an anthology are up for grabs. There are more details on the contest page about the anthology but we'll be publishing both your contest entry and a non-competition story (to showcase your non-competition talents).

Februarys Detailed Writing Prompt is an easy ride along a slow highway. Just watch out for that gang of bikies screaming up behind you, crowding your rear view mirror and breathing down your neck. Better hit the gas, cowboy!

The Big Bang

Start your story with a dramatic event that grabs the interest of your readers. For example a murder, a car crash, an explosion, a relationship break-up. The opening event will then provide a launching point for you to introduce your characters, who will go on to face new complications arising from the original event.

An advantage of this approach is that it is immediately captivating and it allows you to introduce your characters in a situation of high stress, which will reveal a great deal about who they are.

A challenge is that you may then face an early anti-climax if you are not careful.

If it helps you get started, here are some character prompts. You don't have to use all of these characters, or even any of them. This month I have given the character prompts a supernatural feel in keeping with much of the paranormal action-adventure/romance stories here on WDC.


DEJUAN VILLEGAS. An undead baron, a locket with a commoner's picture on it gives Dejuan a mysterious appearance. His cold blue eyes scan the area from beneath messy black hair. He has a long scar over his eyes and a penchant for body bandages.
Dejuan uses brute force to protect what is important to him and cuts corners and commits small crimes whenever he can get away with it.

DIAMOND SWEET. Diamond has messy, combed back orange hair and shimmering hazel eyes. He has a haughty gaze and a frenzied look in his eyes. He wears a swashbuckers shirt and breeches and speaks plainly. Whenever the moon is waning, Diamonds vision begins rapidly failing. He is a werewolf. His drive to create a perfect society borders on madness but his good will is apparent in everything he does.

SAVANNA SARAH CRUZ. The untrustworthy-looking Savanna wears a pirate captains coat. Savanna's destructive spirit manifests in her tendency to use intimidation over diplomacy, and to solve problems with force rather then forethought. Savanna is a seer and by taking a deep swig of wine she can sense the locations of all nearby magical forces. Though sometimes coarse and harsh, Savanna truly has everyone's best interest at heart. The pirate captain's coat hides the effects of a curse where her skin has become repulsive to anyone who desires her.

DR ELDERS. The foppish looking Dr Elders wears a school uniform. He too is a bearer of much angst and is secretly responsible for the death of hundreds. His love of order is displayed by his stark organisational skills and in order to resurrect his dead brother, Dr Elders will literally do anything. When badly wounded, Dr Elder automatically invokes the secret force FLARECHILD'S GLORY and can speak, read and understand the language of light-aligned supernatural creatures.


For writers this will be an interesting challenge as by it's nature you will have certain elements dictated to you restricting freedom of choice. But on the other hand, that overwhelming sense of "where do I begin." will be missing thus freeing you to WRITE.

For readers and reviewers, it will be a great chance to compare writing styles and structures with similar elements and frameworks.

If you don't want to join in the prompt, maybe you could donate some gift points to the yearly winner. Here is the donation fund ID: "Invalid Item

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

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#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest   (18+)
Horror novella featuring zombies and steam trains. Starring Stacey & Grits.
#1835198 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
(and husband too!)
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