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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974478-The-Transplant/cid/1911774-Randall-is-fine-with-it
by Wassel
Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #1974478
Experimental brain transplant surgery saves either your life, or someone very close.
This choice: Randall is fine with it.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #135

Randall is fine with it.

    by: Wassel
You talk to Randall the following day, while completing your weekly "chores" (which really had become chores these last few weeks). Taking a break from shoveling his drive to tell him about your up and coming date.

"Wow... So she asked you out?" he said, on hearing the news. Sounding rather surprised. The two of you standing in his kitchen while he poured you a drink.

"Yeah. Said she'd almost done it a few times before," you told him. Reiterating the previous days conversation. "Before, you know... all this stuff happened." Your eyes honing in then on his ever increasing belly. Disguised as it was beneath a thick red sweater.

"Well then, count yourself lucky I guess," Randall smiled. "She must really like you."

This admittedly, hadn't exactly been the reaction you'd been expecting. Your previous conversations about Gretchen usually involving Randall making some underhanded comment or snide remark. Having always assumed he was either jealous, or just didn't like her very much. Now though, he seemed a lot more reasonable.

"I guess," you replied. Kind of wishing that he wasn't. "I just... I dunno if it's a good idea or not. Going out on a date with her..."

"Why not? It's not like you have any other girls clambering to ask you out."

"I know, but after what happened with Allison and... well, you're pregnancy and everything, I don't know if I need the distraction right now." Gretchen was a cute girl sure, but she wasn't about to have a baby in three months. Randall was. He needed you a lot more than she did. At least that was what you kept telling yourself.

Randall didn't seem quite so convinced however. Telling you then, "Please. Allison was months ago, Tim, and she didn't deserve you anyway. Gretchen seems nice enough from what you've told me. And besides," he said, rubbing his hands across his stomach, "I don't want this baby to get in the way of your life. You're not pregnant. I am. You can still go out an have fun. Why waste your time running around after me when you can be dating a hot chick like Gretchen Collins? I've got plenty of people doing that as it is. Your mom... Amanda and Carla. George... Miss. Card's parents... The list goes on."

This was true. He did have more than enough people looking out for him. Having been inundated ever since he first broke the news. But still, for some reason it felt like you'd be abandoning him if you started going out with Gretchen. Having hoped coming over here, that he might have given you an out. An excuse not to. "Are you sure? I thought you didn't really like her?"

"To be honest, I don't even know her," he shrugged. This being, once again, a far cry from anything he'd told you before. "If you say she's cool, then that's good enough for me. You're 16 for Christ sake! Go have fun while you can."

"I guess you're right," you sighed. There being no point in arguing. Gretchen was hot, she did like you, and there really was nothing holding you back. After all, it wasn't like you and Randall were still fooling around anymore (which had made you feel guilty back when you were still with Allison). And what with him being pregnant now, and showing absolutely zero interest in anything sexual, you doubted it was gonna change anytime soon.

"Of course I'm right," he told you. Passing you your soda. Having on his face, despite his pregnancy and all the crap he'd had to go through, somewhat of a rosy glow these days. It making him appear all the more attractive.

"That being said, you might want to get her head checked out first. I mean, there's got to be something crazy wrong with her if she actually wants to go out with you!" Chuckling away to himself then, "Or, you know, maybe she's blind..."

"Ha ha," you sarcastically groaned, "You're a laugh a minute, you know that?" This being more like the Randall you knew. Not the thoughtful and much more responsible one that had seemingly returned from visiting Miss. Card's parents. Being a hell of a lot calmer and collected about this whole pregnancy thing than when he went away.

With his blessing then, and seeing no good reason other than your own reluctance, you met up with Gretchen that very night for your date. The two of you heading out for pizza, where things seemed to go pretty well indeed.

"So, you got any plans for Christmas vacation, or are you just staying home?" she asked you, after a good hour of laughing and getting to know one another better. School holidays being just over a week away.

"Uhm, I'm not sure to be honest. I think it'll just be at home this year." Having not actually spoken to your parents about it, but assuming, what with Randall being on his own for the first time ever, he'd be getting invited over. I'll need to check on that. "What about you?"

"Home. My family's pretty big and they usually all come to us at Christmas time. It can get a little overwhelming at times."

"I'll bet." You're family wasn't huge by any means. But between your mom nagging you every two seconds and your little brother and sister running around, it could get a little taxing.

"I'll need to start saving too," she then lamented. "Christmas can get expensive."

"Yeah. Tell me about it."

"Don't you have like a part time job or something though? I'm sure I've heard you mention it before."

This question threw you a little off guard. Having not really told anyone much about this at all. Other than Sean, most of the people at school weren't even aware that you knew "Miss. Card" outside of school. But no doubt it had slipped out.

"Uh, yuh-yeah. Kind of," you stuttered. Trying to play it cool. "I do some yard work and stuff for uh, for one of my mom's friends." Not really seeing the need to name who it was exactly. Figuring you'd cross that bridge when you came to it. "Haven't been needed so much lately, but it usually keeps me busy."

"Ah, I see. Hence the silent treatment you were giving me..."

"Something like that."

"Well, I for one hope that doesn't happen again, cause I've had a really fun time tonight," she grinned. Looking incredibly cute as she did. Her long dark hair framing her face perfectly. "I really like hanging out with you."

"Yeah, me too," you agreed. Having had a lot of fun yourself. It having been so long since you'd actually spent some time like this with any girl. It not exactly being quite the same with Randall, even though the two of you did laugh and joke around a lot, as well as have incredible sex (or at least used to). Gretchen was a real girl, and she was your age, and she liked you. It was, dare you say it, much more normal.

"So what do you say? Should we do this again some time? Or are you gonna make me wait another month?"

"No. No, we should definitely do this again," you told her. Gretchen really being like a breath of fresh air. Not to mention incredibly attractive too. "I'm sorry, I was an idiot before."

"This is true," she said, in her usual droll manner. "You were. But... I can certainly think of one thing that might make it up to me..." There being an obvious playfulness in her voice. Knowing full well what she meant. A kiss. She wanted you to kiss her.

Though you were admittedly nervous (having not kissed anyone in quite some time), Gretchen really did look gorgeous sitting there across from you, and you didn't want to let this opportunity slide. Leaning forward then and gently pressing your lips against hers. Feeling yourself lighting up inside as the two of you proceeded to make out for the next several minutes, before finally coming up for air.

Wow... you thought. Grinning now from ear to ear. She kisses way better than Allison ever did. Knowing it wasn't really right to compare her against your ex, but being unable to help yourself.

"Now, Mr. Connors, are you gonna walk me home or what?" Gretchen smiled, taking your arm in hers. Also being way more of a take-charge kind of girl than Allison had ever been as well. Though you supposed someone had to be when you were involved.

Happy to do so, you walked Gretchen back home. The two of you making out once more, as you reached her front yard. Giving you the impression that you had in fact just hooked yourself another girlfriend. Your second ever at that. The two of you arranging another date before you left. Doing so with a big smile on your face and a spring on your step. Happy that things had actually worked out for a change. Deciding then to text Randall the good news on your way, and receiving his reply soon after...

Randall: Way 2 go, dude! I knew U had it in U!

Randall, on the surface at least, seemingly genuinely pleased.

The bad news came however, after returning home. Recalling what Gretchen had asked about Christmas and putting this question to your mom. Finding that despite what you had initially thought. This was not the plan at all.

"...What do you mean we're going to Grandpa's for Christmas? I thought we'd be staying here!"

"Well so did I," she replied. This clearly having been a rather recent development. "But you're Granddad hasn't been keeping so well lately, so your father, Aunt Joan and I decided it would be nice if we spent the holidays with him."

"But... but what about Ra-Laura?" you protested. Almost slipping on the name. "We can't just leave her all by herself on her first Christmas... like that! Especially not while pregnant!"

"I know. And we won't be," your mother assured you. Much to your relief. Informing you then that, "I invited her to come along too..."

"And...?" you asked. Impatient to find out what he'd said.

You have the following choices:

1. "She's agreed to come along."

2. "She's going to spend it with her new "parents" instead."

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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