Path to this Chapter:
  1. No! Resist, dammit!
  2. Ruff!
  3. Mixed Breed
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1939336-Someones-A-Bit-Furry/cid/1901006-No-Resist-dammit
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1939336
Someone's changed into an anthro, and you're the only one who seems to notice!
This choice: No! Resist, dammit!  •  Go Back...
Chapter #9

No! Resist, dammit!

    by: Ruth
         “Ngh... goddamnit...” I groan, tearing my paw away from my crotch area.

         This... this is freaky, I think to myself, wondering what the hell's going on. My cock continues to ooze precum and I have to force my eyes away to avoid jacking off wildly. I grip the sheets tightly, avoiding humping the air and moaning loudly, as wonderful as that would feel. Finally, the wave passes a little, and I manage to stand up, panting heavily. My cock is still as hard as a rock and peeking very well above my navel. I feel as though if I breathe in any more of the musk I might cum just from smelling it. My body seriously considers doing so, as I feel my prostate threaten to contract, and I can't hold back a lustful moan. I stumble to the bathroom, the sink in my sights.

         I stop walking and lean against the door frame, biting my lip. Every inch of me is on fire with absolute pleasure. I gasp, realizing I had begun to rub my abs again. I tear my paw away, gripping the door frame tightly as my hips attempt to convulse.

         My second induced lust wave passes, and I continue onward, carefully avoiding bumping anything. I finally reach the sink, and I urgently twist the cold handle. The water sprays out of the faucet quickly, and I bring my paws to the water, gasping in relief at a feeling other than intense lust. I cup them as best I can under the stream of water and bring it over my muzzle, inwardly sighing as the fiery lust ebbs away, and I calm down. I continue to rinse my face as I feel my cock retreat into my sheath. I sigh aloud, turning the faucet off.

         “What the hell was that?”

         I shake my head free of water, when suddenly I feel the shake intensify and travel down my spine, my whole body twisting back and forth in waves. Before I even know it, I find myself standing there looking at a mirror now covered in drops of water, and the rest of the bathroom likewise.

         I sigh. I hadn't really gotten the time to think about this very much. I admit to myself I do have some interest in what was called 'furry', or anthro, and that I did spend more time than I'd like to admit thinking about what I'd do if this were to happen, but this... this is impossible... isn't it?

         I wipe my paws on a towel, beginning to think. How could this have possibly happened? Am I hallucinating? No, that lust was too powerful. This is too surreal to be some dream.

         I... I really am an anthro, then...?

         “Jesse, if you aren’t dressed, you’d better at least be awake! Breakfast, now!

         I jump again, a bit more sober and less drunk off of desire. “Yes, ma’am!” I call out, rushing out of the bathroom and over to my dresser. I throw on a white undershirt, and then a blue polo that seems to fit me a little bit tighter now. I also pull on some boxer briefs and blue jeans, and I breathe in sharply as one of the shirts is run over my chest as I twist, rubbing against my nipples. I feel my sheath threaten to swell, and I have to stand up and breathe. I thank the higher powers under my breath as I feel myself settle down. I resolved to think as non-sexy of things as possible throughout the day; I couldn’t imagine what might happen if I popped one in public or in front of my family.

         I stopped. My family? Do they know about this? Should I just walk out and show them?

         “Kiddo, if you ain’t been up already, there’s not time for a shower. You know how long it takes to dry your fur,” I hear my mom call out one last time. I completely froze. Fur? She couldn't be referring to body hair even if she didn't know; I was a pretty bare teen from what I remembered. I'd hoped, before, that one day I'd be at least somewhat hairy, but this much was a bit ridiculous! That aside, I resolve that whether or not she does know, she will in a moment.

         “M’kay, ma,” I reply, now looking for my shoes. I can't find them anywhere, and soon I find my sock drawer is empty of socks! I shake my head incredulously and give up, realizing my feet wouldn't be able to fit any kind of human shoe. I resolve to go bare-pawed, since my pads seem to be just as effective as rubber soles.

         I grasp the lock and twist it before doing the same to the knob, and I pull the door open, sticking my head out into the hallway. I open the door further and tentatively place one paw after another into the hall’s carpet.

         “Alright... I’m out,” I called out, eying the doors to the other bedrooms left open. I closed my door behind me, and turned left, heading toward the hall door. I could see down the living room and into the dining room that they had begun eating already. I glanced at the clock above the doorway into the dining room that it was about seven in the morning. I took in a deep breath and walked forward, wincing as my dark black claws clicked against the floor noisily, echoing a little in the large living room.

         As I grow closer, I see my brother, Andy, who is eating a bowl of cereal, look up at me and grin. I continue forward and my mom, without looking up, greets me. “Morning, kiddo. Looks like you finally got your fuzzy arse up.” My sister, Kira, glares at me from her phone for a moment, before returning her eyes to her device. Something’s up her ass, whatever it may be.

         Before I can really think on it, my dad pipes up, “So, you ready for the big day today?” I knit my eyebrows in confusion, pulling out a chair a bit cautiously. “Big day?” I ask, unsure. Kira scoffs.

         “Of course you’d forget. We all know what you’ve been doing in your room all morning,” she says condescendingly. I feel my hackles raise.

         “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, standing out from my chair. “Kira,” my mom reprimands sharply.

         “Oh, it’s so like you to take his side, mom! And you know full well what I'm talking about! Of course you wouldn’t care about something you’ve helped out with zero percent, and you’d rather stay in your room all day jacking off!” Kira stands up sharply, walking around the table and right past me, toward the hallway and presumably to her room. A door slams shut. What the hell was she talking about?

         “Mom, what’s jacking off?” My brother asks, basically broadcasting his innocence, despite the lately increased amount of zits on his face and slightly low-pitched voice. I wince inwardly. My mom sighs, putting her hand up to signify ’not now.’

         I take a seat, adjusting my tail through the bars of the wooden chair. “Mom, what’s Kira talking about?”

         She sighs again. “You’ve taken surprisingly well to Kira this morning,” she comments. Did she and I seriously have that bad a relationship? “Haven’t I told you?” She asks tiredly. I shake my head, though she may have actually told me before. “She’s jealous of you and thinks you should be doing more work, but I've explained to her before that you’ve been working hard enough at school already. I think I have, anyway...”

         Huh. I don't remember that from... anything. Kira and I always had a good sibling relationship. I feel my ears lower a little.

         My dad pipes up, noticing my mildly crestfallen appearance. “Aw, don’t feel too bad. You should have plenty of fun, since...”
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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