Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1933610-Office-fatty/cid/1788041-Congratulations-Good-news
by clutch
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Other · #1933610
The women at Gordge inc. are getting fat. With the office lifestyle pounds pile on!
This choice: Congratulations! Good news  •  Go Back...
Chapter #6

Congratulations! Good news

    by: joemoehow
A quick stop in the break room for a donut turned into a quick dozen donuts as she saw an opportunity to add to her voluptuous figure despite being stuffed from her large breakfast and shake from earlier. Just before she walks into her bosses office she exhales causing a button to pop off of her work blouse to pop off revealing even more of her belly. The clothes she was wearing fit 3 months ago and she saw the outfit as proof that she's been growing curvier and even more irresistible but in this situation before meeting the boss she was nervous. Mr. Johnson always seemed like he had a stick up his ass and she didn't imagine coming into the meeting with her belly sticking out would leave a good impression. Still she had to see him so she proceeded into his office hoping for the best.

She walked into his office and sat down on a wooden chair that creaked ominously. Things didn't start off too well either, before Mr. Johnson could greet Vanessa her stomach gurgled and she let out a loud belch, "bbbuuuurrrrppppp". "Oh excuse me Mr. Johnson I apologize, something must be upsetting my stomach" Vanessa said blushing. To her surprise Mr. Johnson replied by saying "Good one, we need the future leaders of this company to be the biggest and brightest individuals in the company and if that burp was any indicator you are one of the best burpers I've ever heard haha!" It took Vanessa a 2nd to think of a response, old Mr. Johnson always seemed like an asshole but here he was making jokes about burping, " Well I am the best Mr. Johnson, and I'm working on becoming the biggest but Jessica had a head start so I need to catch her ha!" she stated trying to joke around with Mr. Johnson. "The jokester here, you don't only do good work but you're funny, I like you and I'm here to make you an offer Ms. Singh, here at Gordge inc. we're trying to diversify our executive leadership, stuffy old white men is the thing of the past we need men and women of diverse backgrounds such as yourself Ms. Singh, that's why we created the Minority Executive Training Program and we want you to be the 1st person to partake in the program." "... Wow, I would be honored, I always saw myself as a leader, I mean I'm so popular the whole office fights over whose going to take me out to lunch haha, it is such an honor to be placed in this program Mr. Johnson." Vanessa said awe struck barely even able to believe what happened. " Call me Joe Vanessa, it's a honor to have you with our company, your performance these past 6 months have been incredible, you been working overtime and taking new projects and initiative, you've worked very hard. Here at Gordge inc. we like individuals who don't just want a piece of the pie, but want the whole pie and I think you're the type of woman that wants the whole pie, am I correct Vanessa?" Vanessa was still a bit awe struck but started gaining her composure, " I don't just want a piece of the pie Joe I want the whole pie and then some, I want the pie, the cake, the donuts and the pastries, I want it all and I think you made the right choice Joe." Joe smiled appreciating the answer, "That's what I want to hear from a future executive ha, here at Gordge inc. we want it all." Joe stated smiling, "speaking of cake I bought 3 pies from the bakery up the street to leave for the employees in the break room, would you like a sneak peak and have the 1st slice?" Joe said as he brought out the 3 pies and set them on his desk, "Just choose which pie you'd like, I have Apple, Cherry, and Banana Cream."

Vanessa on cloud 9 1st grabbed the Banana Cream and set it next to her and then grabbed the Apply and Cherry pies and put them in her lap as she put the whole Cherry Pie to her mouth and took a bite, "I want them all Joe, I wasn't lying when I said that" she smiled as she took another bite from the Cherry Pie. Joe looked confused at 1st, he thought to herself, "Who the fuck does this woman think she is, this is crazy, let's see if her stomach is as big as her mouth is". "Well Ms. Singh I love your enthusiasm, I was going to discuss the exact details at a later time, but let's talk now". "Alright Joe, but I need to be gone by lunch, I promised Kyle I would let him take me out to lunch" she said with a smug look on her face as she was already finished with 1/3 of the pie meant to feed 10 people in less than 5 minutes. " Well how about this, I'll let you leave for lunch if you finish those pies, before lunch time, it's 11:25, so you have 35 minutes, if you finish in time you can leave, but if you don't you have to stay in my office for lunch and watch me eat instead of going out... deal?" Joe said with a smug arrogance in his tone, "No way she could possible finish those 3 pies in 35 minutes" he thought to himself. "You're on Joe" Vanessa said, " As I said before I want it all and I'm going to have it all." she said as she increased her pace and took another bite of her Cherry pie.

She started eating like a woman possessed, even though she already had a large breakfast and a shake, she started eating those pies with a renewed vigor. She finished the Cherry pie 10 minutes later at 11:35 straining her overworked blouse even more and making her skirt uncomfortable tight. She was already full but was up to the challenge, she needed to eat 2 more pies meant to feed 20 people in 25 minutes, and it took her 15 minutes to eat the 1st one. "Okay, you can do this, just unbutton your skirt and that'll make room for more pie" she thought to herself as she started unbuttoning her skirt. "What the heck are you doing Vanessa? Why are you unbuttoning your skirt?" Joe said confused. " So I can eat more" she smiled as she took started on the apple pie. Joe just shook his head and went back to checking his email. Vanessa was feeling uncomfortable full but kept trucking on, her mouth was never not full as she took bite after bite of the apple pie trying to finish it as fast as possible. Her stomach grew, her blouse got tighter and tighter as her belly grew filled with pies meant to feed all the employees on her floor. Finally as she took the last bite and was getting ready to grab the Banana Cream pie 2 of her buttons popped off of her blouse leaving most of her belly in the open and one of the buttons flew right past Joe's head. "What the hell was that" Joe said startled, but Vanessa didn't even respond, it took her 12 minutes to finish the 2nd pie and she needed all the time she could get if she wanted to finish the 3rd pie before lunch. She was stuffed, she hadn't been this full since the time Jeff took her to the all you can eat buffet and challenged her to an eating contest which she won of course and she wasn't going to lose this contest either. Joe took his lunch out and put it on his desk, he didn't think it would be possible for her to finish the 3rd pie in less than 13 minutes. But there Vanessa was eating like a woman whose been out in the desert for weeks without food despite feeling so full that she feared she might pop. Pop went a 3rd button as her stomach was completely out now, but she didn't even acknowledge it, it was 11:57 and she only had 3 minutes to finish the last 1/5th of the thick Banana Cream pie. Joe was looking worried now, not about losing the best but worried about her safety, "Ms. Singh, you don't have to do this, are you sure you want to finish this pie?" He said fearfully worried that her belly might burst. But Vanessa didn't even show any signs of recognizing the statement, she was in the zone and their was only 2 minutes left to finish the rest of the pie. As 11:59 approached she slowed down with only one bite left. She looked Joe directly in the eyes as if to say, "I told you so", she licked each of her fingers and then reached into her cleavage to get some of the filling that fell. She looked at him seductively and licked her finger before finishing the last bite with one minute to spare. She stuck her chest out causing another button to pop and fly past Joe's head as he ducked.

She leaned over Joe's desk and whispered, " I told you I want it all." before standing up and taking the lunch he put out on the desk in order to mock her. Joe couldn't even say anything and had a dumb struck look on his face and an awkward boner than he tried to hide but Vanessa noticed. As she walked towards the door she rocked her hips back and forth hypnotizing Joe and as she opened the door she said, "We can talk about the Minority Executive Training Program later, but as for now I'm going to go get lunch." She winked before she shut the door. As soon as the door shut she saw Lucille, "Hey Lucille want to get lunch with me and Kyle, I'm in the process of adding more curves to my body" she said as she winked and stuck out her tongue. She thought to herself, "I really need to thank Kyle and Joey for their hard work, I'll let them take me to an all you can eat buffet sometime."

Joe was in his room confused and hungry. He called his assistant, "Get me some lunch boy, and get it to me as soon as possible or else you're fired!", the assistant responded, "But I already got you lunch and those pie--", "ONE MORE WORD AND YOU'RE FIRED, GET ME MORE PIES AND LUNCH" He hung up and called upper management, "I think we made the right choice, that Vanessa Singh is a competitor."
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1933610-Office-fatty/cid/1788041-Congratulations-Good-news