Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1772942-Rozen-Maiden-Becoming-a-Dolls-Doll/cid/1216646-And-They-Laughed-at-a-Boy-With-Dolls
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #1772942
A mysterious incident leaves Jun as helpless as a doll to the very dolls he lives with!
This choice: "Alright Jun, calm down. I was only joking... Don't worry, I'll help you."  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

And They Laughed at a Boy With Dolls

    by: Unknown
Shinku just giggled again.

"Alright Jun, calm down. I was only joking... Don't worry, I'm going to help you now."

With a touch that was surprisingly gentle, Shinku carried Jun in her hands towards his bedroom. They needed someplace private where they could discuss the situation. Looking down to her palm and seeing a slightly worried expression on Jun's face, Shinku decided to try and reassure him that everything would be okay.

"It's all right Jun, there's bound to be a way to reverse something like this. After all, if it can be done it can also be undone."

"Do you really think so?" Jun asked.

It wasn't that he doubted what Shinku said (she sounded too confident for that) but he was just so nervous about being put into this situation. Shinku simply smiled at him tenderly as she responded.

"Naturally. You just calm down and we'll get this whole mess sorted out. I can't have my medium running around looking like that, now can I?" She said, her smile turning to a playful grin as she looked down at him. Jun found himself laughing in spite of himself; perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

It had been decided a while back that a practical investment in stepladders should be made so as to allow the dolls to open door easily and simply without having to resort to carrying an umbrella with them everywhere. With practiced steps, Shinku opened the door to Jun’s room and shut it behind her.

They settled on his bed, Jun sat in Shinku’s lap, the folds of her red dress like the waves in an ocean of blood… He quickly banished that mental image – to many disturbing possibilities. Jun had always hated having to look up at anyone, and now he was staring up at the colossal face of a doll.

This was… there was no other word but unbearable, he had to do something about it anything.

“What do you think I, er… we should do Shinku?”

“I think that it would be best if you were to start looking on that intraweb thing for any information that might be useful.”

“It’s internet Shinku, and that’s probably a good idea. If anyone’s ever seen something like this before, then I'm sure it’ll be online somewhere.” The bright smile soon fell from his face however. “Shinku?”

“Yes, Jun.”

“I can’t use a computer at this size, at all.”

“Oh… well…"
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1772942-Rozen-Maiden-Becoming-a-Dolls-Doll/cid/1216646-And-They-Laughed-at-a-Boy-With-Dolls