Path to this Chapter:
  1. Meet Shylee
  2. Shylee
  3. The girls
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1697352-Fat-babies-on-muray-weight-gain/cid/1050643-Meet-Shylee
by bsh101
Rated: E · Interactive · Other · #1697352
fallow four fat babies gaining weight
This choice: just dont care  •  Go Back...
Chapter #3

Meet Shylee

    by: amber
Shylee slowly wake up. She did't want too wake up. She wanted to get back in her dream. It had been such a fun dream. A land made of food, and she started eating small things like tables and chairs. After that the couch, later cars and finally whole houses and city's were devoured by her huge appetite. Too bad it was all a dream.

Shylee had one special hobby in life... eating. As long if she could eat or was full Shylee was all right. However she had a problem with sharing. Well she could share stuff but she could't share food. That was Shylee's biggest weakness. But she was happy when she was eating so she kept eating a lot of the time.
Maybe you wonder what did her mother thought of her. Did't she cared that her daughter was so fat. The answer was: No. Her mother always thought that happiness was the most important thing for a kid. Shylee was happy when she was eating. As long id Shylee was happy her mother did't cared.
Now of course someone asks: "Where's the father?"
Answer is: He's captain on a boat and is hardly at home. If he's home he does't really pay much attention to her. Shylee knew her babysitters better then she knew her own father. Sounds kind of sad does't it. Her father wanted a boy. Someone who could follow in his footsteps. But now he had a girl. A fat girl.
But her mother loved her and she had a few friends. Some other kids from friends from her mother. She also had a big belly. That was thanks to all her eating. She did't mind it. She liked her big belly. Something that showed how much she loved eating. She was happy she was fat. She wanted to be fat and she wanted to eat so it was a perfect combination.

Shylee crawled back under her blanket and closed her eyes again. she did't wanted to wake up. However she knew her mother would wake her up any second.
A loud rumble came from her belly. She was pretty hungry. She wanted some food. No not some food. A lot of food. But she hated it to leave her warm bed. If Shylee could do a wish then it would be stay in bed and get fed. That seemed her perfect.

"Honey are you awake?" She heard her mother.

Shylee went sitting up straight when she heard the sound of her mother.

"Ah you're up. I guess you're hungry."

"Hungry mommy! Want food! Want Food!"

"Of course Shylee. Take it easy. We will get some breakfast. She picked Shylee out of bed and took her downstairs. Straight too the kitchen. Her mother knew she could better feed Shylee as soon if was possible then she was fine. If she did't Shylee would throw a tantrum. She did't want that too happen. Especially this early. Besides she wanted too make Shylee happy and the only thing that made her happy was food. Even while only three of the five buttons on her shirt remained. The other two popped of to make room for Shylee's fat belly.
Her mother started preparing...

You have the following choices:

1. Pancakes

2. Waffles

3. Something else

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1697352-Fat-babies-on-muray-weight-gain/cid/1050643-Meet-Shylee