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Chapter #3

Monday afternoon for the invisible office guy

    by: papshee
A little later that morning he heard a couple of the ladies complain that the sink in the ladies room was backed up as apparently one or more of the women there had tried to wash their hair down the drain. He mused to himself at least that's one lowly job he would not be involved with due to the sanctity of the "Ladies Room". How silly of him to think that, as just before lunch his female supervisor came to him and asked him to do the job while the office women were all at lunch. Reluctantly he got his tool box and nervously knocked and entered the ladies room, finding no one in there he immediately set to the task at hand. There were 3 sinks in a row to the side of the 3 stalls and laying underneath the sinks to gain access to the plumbing he was barely covered by the sinks above leaving himself dangerously exposed if the office women were to enter and still find him as an invisible obstacle. He would have to work quickly before the women got back as he knew after a big lunch the natural place to visit was the very place he was. Unfortunately not all the ladies went out to lunch as just as he loosened the trap to the sink next to the stall he heard the door open and the clicking of heels approaching him. Unbelievably the long legs were headed right towards the sink he had his head under. He barely had time to duck his head directly under the drain before the shiny red heels were now standing where his head had been only seconds before. Totally ignoring his presence she began to wash her hands. As he already removed the trap the soapy water directly drained over his mouth and he was forced to swallow it or the floor would puddle up and wet her shoes. The water drained slowly at first as he could see the greasy hairball in the pipe above. But then splashed out suddenly when the hairball was dislodged and he almost choked on the horrible mass. He could hear the squeak of the water shutting off so fortunately the puddle of soapy waste water that he hadn't been able to swallow hadn't spread out to far. He noticed the small puddle by his left hand and was busy mopping it up with his tie when she changed positions to the middle sink and the sole of her left shoe had found it and was now grinding it back and forth depositing the shoe grime off her sole on to his brand new silk tie turning it black and tearing it to shreds. Instinctively trying to rescue his tie he reached out to rescue it but it only provided a platform for her right foot. The red heeled lady now transferred most of her weight on the right heel that was pinning his hand sending waves of pain up his arm and he was at least able to free his once good looking tie. She only made minor twists with her right foot keeping him pinned and in excruciating pain as she continued to apply her make up totally oblivious of the damage she was doing below. Concerned about his time limits he started to reassemble the trap under the sink with only his right hand. He did manage to get it together by moving his tool box under the trap to prop up the pipe while he screwed it together. However another two ladies had now returned from lunch and went to the stalls. His situation was hopeless as the red heeled lady was still working on her facial touch ups pinning his now almost numb hand to the floor and now he was going to have to listen and smell the ladies do what was only natural to do after a lunch. Fortunately neither had chose to use the 1st stall that only was a few inches from his head. He heard a toilet flush and another set of heels click towards him. These were an attractive shiny black set with equally attractive legs stemming from them and he was glad they walked right passed his head and headed toward the sink that was open to the left of the red heels. He was shocked or stunned when the black heels didn't stop before his hips but instead climbed up on top of him. Those long stiletto heels were now planted on top of his crotch as she shifted her weight back and forth trying to find the comfortable spot which was her left heel trying to pierce the flesh on his upper hip with the sole firmly trapping his member underneath and her right heel teasing his stomach. The red heels had shifted slightly allowing a fresh supply of blood and feeling to return to his hand but now both the red heels were planted on his hand so he was the total support of the attractive estimated 120 pounds she bore. They cheerfully engaged in conversation with each other all the while unconcerned about punishing their new floor mat. He heard the other toilet flush and feared that there was only one sink open and what that might mean, but at last the red heels turned to leave spinning gruesomely on his left hand, but at least that sink was free and so was his left hand which he caught a quick glance and shuttered at the piece of hamburger at the end of his arm that the red heels had branded so well. He felt lucky as the new set of light green low heels again bypassed the "head sink" and moved into the position the red heels had vacated. Being smart this time he tucked his hand underneath his body thinking he would be safe but unbelievably she just walked up on to his chest like he was a step especially made for that purpose and proceeded to talk 'girl talk' with the black stilettos. He couldn't believe the conversation he was privy to as they began to talk about their feminine cycles. He was not at all surprised when he managed to get a peak at her pretty yellow panties and noticed the wings covering her crotch when the right green shoe slid over to his forehead lightly as she reached for the soap dispenser. Excited by the view she provided he was still amazed that this green shod lady had just stepped on his face. He was nothing, no more important than the floor they walked on. Lunch was over and 3 more ladies came in. Two went to the stalls and the third one was headed for the only sink that was left open. Panic struck him as the green heels told him his face was not going to get any more consideration than the rest of his body. This pair of black heels were not the stilettos that were massacring his genitalia but were still formidable in their own right. He tried to shrink back under the sink but the tool box prevented his head from retreating. His only hope was that this attractive pair of legs that seemed taller than the rest wouldn't want to step as close to the sink as the others. He new the extra height and the well developed chest meant extra weight (probably at least 180 pounds), and the well developed chest although it made her that much more attractive also would prevent her from seeing what was directly below her; as if it made any difference to her if she noticed his presence anyway. Indeed she was beautiful but he wondered if he would live to remember her beauty as her right foot lifted up over his eyes and began to explore for a firm toehold on her pedestal. The black heel briefly explored first one eye socket then the other as he both admired the fantastic view and contemplated his death. The exquisite vision soon yielded to the gritty blackness of the sole of her foot as she decided the depression over his eye sockets best would provide her the footing she desired. The pressure quickly increased exponentially as all 185 pounds of her was applied to the top of his head. Her left foot quickly assumed the position over his lips as she applied an incredible pressure on them causing his mouth to spread wide open to accommodate her weight. His tongue was exposed to the shoe grime and dust on the bottom of her sole. This was made worse as she attempted to find a more 'comfy' spot by sliding her left foot around, effectively cleaning the bottom of her soles on the moist lips and tongue inside his mouth. Unfamiliar with the hole under her foot she began to explore his mouth and tonsils with her heel. Satisfied that this hole would not cause her any undue risk, she simply reapplied her foot to his lower chin and then shifted all her weight to his chin. Her right foot now also wanting to rid itself of the depression below her sole relocated to his forehead and slightly forward so that the heel of the well worn shoe was centered in the middle of his brow. Again shifting her weight back and forth he found it amazing that all 185 pounds of the 6' 3" amazon centered on the one black heel of her right foot didn't cave his skull in. However this reopened the vision of the tall legs towering above him meeting in a juncture of a black lacy panties. He concentrated on the breath taking view as she continued to fine-tune her stance. Her left foot now widened her stance as it found footing on his upper chest. This apparently was a little too wide for her as she quickly snugged it up just under his chin. He again was in panic mode as she equalized her weight crushing his throat cutting off his air supply. He was quite fortunate in that she had fidgety feet as just before repeatedly passing out she would let up and shift all her weight on the heel on his brow. Of course all during this carnage she carried on a very sweet conversation with the other two girls about how she felt men should be punished in general for the way they never appreciated or took a women's talents seriously. Meanwhile more ladies were entering the room and he could see several pretty shoes attached to a sea of legs waiting. As the lady on his groin stepped off another set of red heels replaced them and he just became a part of the floor for this new lady as well as the one that replaced the one on his chest. He was nothing but a convenient platform for them to access the sinks. He casually wondered why as the stall next to him remained unused all this time, until one of the ladies complained and mentioned that they should get that handy guy [meaning him] to unlock the jammed latch to the door of the stall. The conversation quickly turned to him as he heard a variety of comments from various ladies saying things from he always seem to be underfoot and was never around when something needed fixed or cleaned up and that he was completely a class below the sophisticated women that were employed there. Then unexpectedly the black heels above mentioned that they were being just as guilty as the men that they were accusing and mentioned that we ladies should show more kindness toward him as she again shifted her weight back on his throat to the brink of passing out due to a lack of air. He appreciated her kind sentiment but not what happened next as she apparently finished what she was doing and spun around to leave almost boring a hole in his skull with the right heel and strode off. The empty sink then attracted a new customer as he watched helplessly as a set of blue heels replaced hers and he was now staring up at a pretty pink crotch. This set of shoes were extremely dirty as he heard the lady complain about the muddy path from where she had to park after lunch. A lot of the mud was deposited on his face which was now being ground in to him, but then she raised her heels up and removed first one shoe then the other. With no heels now threatening to puncture his skin or pierce his eye he rather enjoyed this comparative comfort of this petite lady who was barely a hundred pounds as she decided as she moved her feet around that her right foot felt best standing on his upper lip nose and eyes and the left foot precariously balanced on his chin. He now had to contend with the fragrance coming from her feet which was incredibly strong for something so gorgeous and petite. He guessed it was because her feet got wet and were trapped encased in their leather prison until just now freed, but he still marveled how a women so beautiful could have such stinky feet as he was forced to inhale their bouquet. She began both cleaning her shoes in the sink and cleaning her toes in his mouth as she explored the hole that was beneath them. At one point she had the toes of her left foot in the back of his throat as she shifted all her weight on that foot while the toes on her right foot gently explored his eyes. He tried to close his eyelids but she kept dragging them open and softly manipulated his eyes with her toes. Her shoes now cleaned to her satisfaction she lifted first her right foot focusing all her meager weight down to his tonsils and halfway reached down low enough to replace her heel and then switched feet as the heel of her right shoe was now boring down in the corner of his eye. Not quite quick enough for him but quickly enough she replaced the other shoe as the heel of that shoe returned to its former area and was inside his mouth. She continued to stand there as she washed her hands. During the next 15 minutes he felt as though almost every girl in the office had come in and stood on either his face, chest, or groin. Finally he thought the room was empty as there was no one at the sinks and thought there was no in in any of the stalls. He decided that the best thing he could do now was to scoot himself under that first locked stall and unlock it as he was already prone in the position and nobody was there. Ooops, he heard the far toilet flush and saw a set of yellow heels click there way to the sink. Still apparently totally invisible she hopped up on his chest and he could hear the water turn on. He assumed that this would be quick and she would soon leave and he would be truly able to freely leave this torture chamber AKA the 'ladies restroom'. He decided that it would be quick to unlock the stall at this point so when she hopped off he would hastily exit. So much for assuming the water turned off and he heard her start brushing her hair as she shifted around on his chest. Meanwhile 2 more ladies entered on took the other two stalls as the lady on his chest continued to pin him motionless. Still trapping him with his head inside the stall directly in front of the commode he again heard the door open and the clicking of heels coming to the only unoccupied stall. He again panicked, but surely no one would sacrifice their privacy in this moment of intimacy by not noticing his head staring up at them in front of the toilet bowl. Incredibly not so as the door to the stall open and it was his very attractive middle aged boss now stepping on his face and turning around stretching his facial features into unimaginable poses. He stared in disbelief as he now saw his bosses panties descending on his face until they rested on his face with the crotch centered on his nose. The order emanating from this little strip of fabric was astonishingly powerful and moist due to undetermined causes. Thoroughly humiliated as to having to smell his bosses crotch he gave up wondering what the office women would due to him next. The boss finished her business and again stood up on his face and walked out and took the sink next to the lady on his chest. So as the next lady came in to his stall and displayed herself in the same way as the previous occupant his boss was not giving his genitalia a firm massage with her heels. When would this end as the new stall occupant above him had the tell tale wings wrapped around her panties as they were lowered in the same way as before and he got to know what a lady in pink heels smelled like during her period. After her business was done but before replacing the panties she stripped off the old pantyliner and put on the new one. Carelessly she dropped the old one on the floor (his face) and was to indignant to retrieve it. Standing as she adjusted her clothes she was stepping on the old liner which had overturned so that the business end was facing him and the sticky side was stuck to the sole of her foot. Knowing that she would be mortified if she walked out in public with this stuck to her foot he grabbed the end of the liner with his teeth and as she lifted her foot up he was now holding the smelly thing in his mouth. Showing no gratitude for this brave maneuver the heel of the offending foot now came down on his lips forcing its way into his mouth taking the liner with it until it was so deep in his throat he had to swallow it. Such heroism went unrewarded as she exited and took a position on the last sink stepping up on his thighs and knees. His boss had manipulated her feet back and forth until finally her foot job brought him to a climax. With the boss now leaving the restroom it kind of signal that lunch was now over and the restroom was now really empty. and he was finally able to leave the room of torment. He very stiffly returned to his desk and began to eat the lunch he had brought with him this morning and was unable to eat yet.

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